The Original Vampire

Chapter 262: afterwards

"So, it was the dwarves who assassinated Earl Uman last night?"

  The young voice of Joyce echoed in the lion roar castle chamber.

   The St. Hild family guard captain Chester Knight replied respectfully: "Master, there was indeed a dwarf warrior who fought with me last night, shouldn't be the corpse in front of me."


   Facing Joyce’s somewhat stupid question, the Chester Cavaliers had to explain patiently:

   "Master, can fight me undefeated, the opponent is at least a Tier 5 fighter, and how could a Tier 5 fighter be crushed to death by the collapsed warehouse?"

   "Oh..." Joyce nodded, and then asked, "What about Tier 4?"

   "It shouldn't be either."

   Hearing this answer, Joyce's eyes glowed, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, and he quickly showed off:

   "So, as a Tier 4 knight, Thomas shouldn't be killed by the collapsed church ceiling? He died in the confession room before then, right?"

   "Ahem... It's possible..." The Chester Knight was suddenly embarrassed.

   For a while, he didn't know whether to praise Master Joyce for being smart or stupid.

   In desperation, he had no choice but to use his gaze to motion to the butler of Drinden on the side, presumably to say, the conspiracy you have made yourself, don’t let me wipe your butt...

   "Then we should take a good look at Thomas Knight's body to see what the cause of his death was!" the clever Joyce exclaimed.

  Delinden Butler sighed and could no longer remain silent, but when he was about to explain, he saw a tall figure walking in from the door.

   Then, Archbishop Adjani’s lazy and charming voice rang:

   "Master Joyce, Thomas Knight was indeed smashed to death. An angular boulder just hit his head, which caused such misfortune."

   "Sister Adjani!" Joyce immediately jumped out of the seat and stepped forward and took Adjani's hand affectionately.

   Seeing this scene, Chester Knight frowned suddenly.

In fact, the chief guard of the Saint-Hilde family has a clear view of the current power struggle at Roar, but he has no bias. Whether it is Joyce or Vera who inherits the title of Duke, he No comments.

   But now, looking at Joyce, who was pleasingly wrapped around Adjani, the Chester Knight felt a sense of disgust from the bottom of his heart—

   How could the Duke of the North be a man who shook his head in front of the church?

At this time, Joyce was indeed like a puppy that pleased the owner in front of Adjani. He originally suspected that the death of Thomas Knight was strange. After Adjani gave a few casual explanations, he completely believed in the other party. It is the words of being smashed to death by the ceiling of the collapsed church.

   As for how the church ceiling suddenly collapsed, well, of course it was caused by lightning.

   Passed so easily, the Chester Cavaliers who had always looked neutral were a bit speechless.

   However, when he saw the head of Earl Uman, he sneered in his heart-the person on Vera's side is not a simple character, and then, there is a good show.

   "Master Joyce, the most urgent thing is to reappoint a city defense commander. In addition, the Uman family also needs a new commander in order to avoid chaos."

   Of course, Joyce would not refuse Adjani’s suggestion. He nodded and said, "Okay! Then, do you have any suggestions for the candidate of the commander of the Winter City Defense Force, Archbishop?"

   Ajani smiled lightly, shook her head and said: "The secularity belongs to the lord, and the faith belongs to the gods. Master Joyce, the appointment of the commander of the Winter City Defense Army, cannot be decided by me."

   Okay, I need to point my face.

   Chester Knight secretly slandered himself.

   However, he also knew that Adjani was just pretending to refuse. The real candidate must have been discussed a long time ago. Does it really count on Joyce, a ten-year-old child to decide?

  Sure enough, Joyce himself couldn't make up his mind, so he turned to the butler of Drinden and asked, "Drinden, who do you think is more suitable?"

The old butler smiled reservedly and suggested: "Master, I think Louis Knight is good. He is the deputy commander of the Golden Lion Army. He has experience in commanding troops, and he is brave in combat. He is also loyal to the St. Hild family. He will definitely become one. A qualified city defense commander."

   Joyce didn't think about it, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, let the Louis Cavaliers take over the city defense army."

   The Louis Knight on the side immediately got out of the queue, knelt down on one knee in front of Joyce, and said loudly:

   "Thank you Master Joyce for your trust!"

   Soon, the butler Delinden drafted an appointment letter and handed it to Joyce.

   Joyce enthusiastically signed the name, as if he had become the Duke of the North at this moment.

   This feeling that one word and deed can dominate the fate of others caused a strange emotion to rise in Joyce's heart. He may not understand what it is, but he has become irresistibly addicted to it.

  Joyce suddenly understood why his father was so busy all day, but he never complained, and even enjoyed it. He was fortunate that he was not the eldest son of his father before, so he didn’t have to worry about working hard for these tedious government affairs in the future.

   But now, he can finally understand his father's happiness.

   handed the signed appointment book to the hands of Louis Knight, Joyce looked around for a week with his head upright, enjoying the feeling of being the focus of everyone's attention.

  Especially Archbishop Adjani’s gaze was as cold as water, but there was a surging charm hidden in it. Joyce’s possessiveness could no longer be suppressed. He wanted to ask the housekeeper if he had to wait for the coming-of-age ceremony before he could get married...

   "Master? Master?"

"Hmm, what's up?"

   Joyce was awakened by the butler's call, and quickly withdrew his greedy gaze from Adjani with a guilty conscience.

   But the youth's love has long been seen by everyone present, some are happy to see it, and some frown.

   "Earl Uman was unfortunately killed by others. We must catch the murderer as soon as possible. Of course, more importantly, we must appease the soldiers of the Uman family in the city." The butler Delinden proposed again.

   "Uman family..." Joyce pondered for a moment, then swept around in the chamber, wondering: "Why didn't you see Viscount Varla?"

   Butler Delinden immediately explained: "I have sent someone to inform Viscount Varla of the death of Lord Earl, and I also asked Lord Viscount to come to the chamber to discuss, but I don’t know why it hasn’t appeared yet.”

   "Is it injured and can't come?" Joyce asked.

   Chester Knight replied: "Master, Viscount Walla was indeed injured in the attack last night, but in my opinion, his injuries are not serious."

   "Then send someone to hurry up!" Joyce's face began to show impatience, as if he felt that his prestige had been challenged.

   "Yes!" Butler Delinden immediately responded, and immediately sent a person to inform Viscount Valla.

  Joyce spoke again: "Where is the murderer who killed Earl Uman? Chester Knight, did you just say that the dwarf corpse found with the head of Earl Uman was not a murderer?"

"It should not be." The Chester Knight explained patiently, "As I said earlier, I was fighting a Tier 5 dwarf warrior. It is impossible for him to be killed by a collapsed warehouse anyway. Find it. That dwarf's corpse should be just a scapegoat.

   Moreover, we only found the head of Earl Uman, but the rest of the body was gone. I guess it was taken away by the real murderer. "

   "Why did the murderer take Count Uman's body, leaving only one head?" Joyce asked curiously.

   "I guess, maybe I want to hide something."

   "What's hidden?" Joyce had a stance that he wouldn't stop without asking.

   Chester Knight felt a headache.

   In his opinion, Joyce is a typical child with a heart attack. He keeps asking about some insignificant things, but turns a blind eye to the really important things. UU reading www. uukā

Fortunately, Archbishop Adjani spoke and brought the topic back to the right track: "Master Joyce, the reason why the murderer took Count Uman’s body is actually not the key. We should pay more attention to who planned to target Count Uman. Assassination?"

   Joyce nodded again and again: "What do you think of the Archbishop?"

Adjani looked at Knight of Chester and asked: "Knight of Chester, you said that there were three assassins last night, a man with a huge blue armor, a man with a small red armor, and a man with a huge Winged weirdo?"


   Ajani's eyes flashed, and she suddenly smiled: "The identities of the two armored men are hard to guess, but it's not the first time that the one with wings has appeared."

   "Really?" Joyce asked curiously, "Can people really grow wings?"

   Seeing that Joyce’s focus was skewed again, Ajani smiled faintly, and brought the topic back again:

"I don't know this. However, I know that in the coup that took place in Silvermoon City last year, a'winged knight' appeared. It is said to be a knight with huge wings. Roar should be the same person."

   "Winged knight?" Joyce's eyes gleamed with yearning light, and he asked anxiously, "Do you know his true identity, the archbishop?"

   Archbishop Adjani did not speak, but turned to look at the door of the chamber.

   There happened to be a heroic figure.

  :. :

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