The Original Vampire

Chapter 263: Turn your hand into the cloud

"Viscount Angley, are you lying in bed?"

   Joyce looked at Colin who walked in and joked with a smile.

   Colin gave a salute first, and then said with a smile: "Sorry, Master Joyce, I didn't sleep well by the thunder last night. I did get up late today."

   Joyce laughed for a while, then waved his hand, showing his generosity.

   Adjani looked at Colin with scorching eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Viscount Angley, so many big things happened last night, don't you know anything?"

   Colin's face was suddenly full of sadness and regret, and he sighed: "I've heard about it just now. I didn't expect that both Earl Uman and Thomas Knight would have encountered accidents. It is... hey!"

   Several old foxes present looked at the pretending Colin, and slandered to themselves.

  Of course they knew about Uman's death. Colin had the biggest suspicion, but there was no evidence to prove that he was the murderer of Uman.

   "Viscount Anglia." Adjani walked lightly and slowly approached Colin, watching him with dark blue eyes. At the same time, she asked softly, "Have you heard of the'Winged Knight'?"

   "I've heard of it." Colin couldn't see anything unusual on his face, "In Silvermoon City, this guy killed the last half-elf king. Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

   "Because, among those who participated in the assassination of Earl Uman last night, there was this ‘winged knight’!"

   "Really?" Colin looked surprised, and then pointed to the dwarf corpse in the middle of the hall, "So this winged knight belongs to the dwarf power?"

   Adjani looked at Colin for a while, but she didn't see anything. She was a little disappointed for a while, and said lightly, "Perhaps."

   Although she guessed that the Winged Knights were most likely the secret weapon of the Anglia family, there was no substantive evidence, so guesses could only be guesses.

   Originally, Ajani wanted to continue to test Colin about the Winged Knights, but suddenly, the archbishop's expression changed, and her eyes were full of incredible shock.

   "Archbishop Ajani, what's the matter with you?" Joyce asked aloud when he saw Ajani's gaffe for the first time.

  At the same time, a strong jealousy burst from the bottom of the little boy's heart.

   The goddess in my heart turned out to be a gaffe for another man!

   Colin frowned. The mysterious archbishop's gaze made him uncomfortable.

   After a while, Adjani asked in surprise: "Are you promoted to Tier 5?"

   Colin gave a slight sigh, obviously he didn't expect the other party's induction to be so strong.

   Under normal circumstances, if a professional does not enter a combat state, it is difficult to see his power attributes and rank.

   However, Ke Lin had just been promoted to Tier 5, and some of the Holy Light power in his body was not well controlled, and only then some escaped, but he didn't expect to be noticed by Ajani.

   It seems that this is not an archbishop who only relies on a beautiful face.

   "Yes, I was inspired by the mighty power of the Lord of Radiance last night, so I was promoted." Colin didn't deliberately hide his strength. Seeing that Adjani had seen it, he generously admitted.

   For a while, everyone in the chamber changed their eyes when they looked at Colin.

   Tier 5 knight!

   and such a young Tier 5 knight!

   Many people have even begun to recall in their minds the Paladins from the history of the Glory Empire. When they were at Colin's age, they probably didn't necessarily have the fifth rank.

   Ajani looked at Colin steadily, waves in her heart.

  At this moment, she suddenly felt that her previous plan should be revised?

   "What happened to the fifth-order knight? In ten years, I can become a fifth-order knight!"

   Joyce's tender voice broke the silence of the chamber.

   The little boy obviously couldn't accept Colin as the focus of everyone, and the acid water in his stomach was about to overflow.

   Colin smiled and nodded: "Yes, Master Joyce, you will definitely become a great northern knight!"

   Joyce nodded contentedly, and then began to try to lead the topic: "Then, let's continue to explore, who killed the Earl Uman?"

   Everyone at the scene exchanged glances, but none of them spoke.

   Even Archbishop Adjani remained silent, as if suddenly lost interest in the topic of ‘winged knight’.

   Upon seeing this, Colin coughed slightly, pointed at the dwarf corpse, and said naturally, "Isn't it a dwarf?"

   Everyone was silent.

   This kind of planting, to be honest, the technique is a bit rough...

   Joyce frowned, and just about to speak, he heard a voice outside the hall:

   "Who else can anyone besides those sordid dwarves?"

   When everyone heard the prestige to the hall door, they saw Viscount Walla strode in.

  He first saluted Joyce and explained: "Sorry, Master Joyce, I am late because I am discussing revenge for my father with the family knight!"

   Joyce was slightly startled, and quickly calmed down: "Vs Valla, I can understand your feelings, but it is still unclear who killed Earl Uman, I hope you don't be impulsive!"

   "Master Joyce, I think you may have thought things too complicated." Colin said loudly.

"The body of a dwarf was found next to the head of Earl Uman, and a dwarf warrior did fight the Knight of Chester last night. What's more, the army of dwarves is approaching Winter City. They probably want to assassinate me before the battle begins. An important person in the party has disrupted our military's mind.

   Therefore, there is evidence of the corpse and the motive for the assassination. Under such circumstances, can it not be confirmed that the murderer of the Earl Uman can be confirmed? "

Butler Delinden raised his eyelids and coldly retorted: "Viscount Anglia, there were three assassins last night, and only one of them was a dwarf. How do you think it is the dwarf power that was behind the assassination? Woolen cloth?

   What's more, the suspicion of planting the dwarf corpse found under the warehouse ruins is too obvious.

   Instead, I feel that the messenger of this conspiracy to kill Earl Uman is not a dwarf at all! "

   Colin chuckled, took a few steps forward, approached the butler of Drinden, and asked in a deep voice: "Then, who do you think is the main messenger?"

  The pressure of the fifth-order knight gradually spread, and the air suddenly became stagnant.

  Delinden Butler only felt as if he was being stared at by an extremely dangerous beast, his whole body was instantly tightened, and his heartbeat immediately accelerated to the extreme, as if he was about to pop out of his chest in the next second.

   But he still gritted his teeth and didn't take a step back.

  Delinden Butler knew that Colin was deliberately exerting pressure on himself, but he certainly didn't dare to actually do it.

   However, in the face of the real threat of death, butler Drinden still persuaded.

   He didn't dare to tell the guess in his heart, so he lowered his head under Colin's fierce gaze, and muttered:

   "This... needs further investigation..."

   Colin didn't plan to let Delinden so easily, and asked sternly:

   "Mr. Butler! With such ironclad evidence, you are defending the dwarf everywhere, what do you want to do?"

   "I..." Butler Delinden just wanted to explain.

   But Colin refused to give him this opportunity, and immediately interrupted: "I now increasingly suspect that you are the dwarf's inner answer!"

  The butler of Delinden suddenly changed his expression and said angrily: "Viscount Angele, how can you be unreasonable..."

   At this time, Viscount Valla suddenly asked: "Yes, Mr. Butler! Why are you always defending the dwarves?

   They are clearly rebel forces!

   is the enemy! "

  Delinden Butler really panicked this not because he was wrongfully planted by Colin, but because Walra Uman was actually helping Colin to speak!

   Colin's attitude was in his expectation, but Varla...

As the son and first heir just admitted by Count Uman, Walla actually helped Colin accuse him of "his own person." Such a rebellious behavior not only confuses the butler of Drinden, but also makes Joyce and Ajia. Ni, Luiz and others looked sideways.

   They are also aware of the seriousness of the matter. If the Uman family falls to Vera's side, then...

   When all kinds of thoughts flashed through the hearts of everyone, Colin acted directly.

   I saw him rush forward suddenly, the knight sword in his hand was unsheathed, and a silver light was drawn in the air.


   Blood was splattered.

   When everyone came back to their senses, the head of Butler Delinden was already in Corinth's hands!

   "Ke... Colin! You, you... what are you doing!" Joyce was so scared that he backed away and screamed.

   Colin smiled faintly, inserted the knight sword under his feet, and bowed slightly:

   "Master Joyce, I'm just helping you purge a traitor from the St. Hild family."

   "Traitor? You, what are you talking about! How can the old butler be a traitor!"

   Colin said calmly:

   "Since I dared to kill him, naturally there is evidence."

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