The Original Vampire

Chapter 299: Condition

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Across the promenade, Queen Midella returned to the bedroom.

The faint sound of prayer came from the palace, rippling with soothing power.

"His Royal Highness!"

The maids in front of the palace leaned over to salute.

"Is Gregory Crowning Healing for Your Majesty?"


Queen Midella nodded, stood quietly outside the palace, and walked in again after the prayers in the palace stopped.

The platinum holy light has not yet completely dissipated, giving the palace a sacred and bright color.

"Your Majesty, are you better?" Queen Midella quickly walked a few steps and came to the bed.

At this time, Emperor Reinhardt was leaning against the bed, his face pale, and his expression wilted, completely not what a powerful sixth-order knight should be.

"Thanks to Gregorian, I can feel my body slowly recovering." His tone also seemed weak, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

"Your Majesty, you are polite, this is mainly based on the brilliance of our lord." Pope Gregory said with a smile.

The Pope of the Glorious Church was standing in front of the emperor's bed, with a white scepter in his hand, a crown of thorns on his head, and small eyes, and because of his always smiling expression, no one could see the change in his eyes.

"Praise my lord! May his glory live forever!" Queen Midella praised, and then asked, "Gregory, has the cause of your majesty been found?"

The pope's brows suddenly wrinkled, and he sighed: "Your Majesty should be poisoned, but... but I have never seen this kind of poison, so the process of treatment is so slow."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Queen Midella's face, and then she thanked her again and sent the Pope out of the palace.

When only the husband and wife were left in the palace, Emperor Reinhardt suddenly smiled and said, "You said, when this old guy was helping me with treatment, would he think of deliberately missing his hand and letting me die by poison?"

Queen Midella curled her lips and said, "Gregory won't let you die in his hands, and what he cares more about is whether you are really poisoned."

"Of course I was really poisoned...cough cough." Emperor Reinhardt coughed a few times, then looked at the queen with a scrutinizing gaze, and asked, "I'm really curious, where did you find this? This kind of poison, even Gregorian can't recognize it?"

Queen Midella smiled indifferently, but did not answer the emperor's question. Instead, she said: "Tomorrow's funeral, will you attend?"

"Of course attend!" The Great Emperor Reinhardt said without hesitation, his eyes gleaming fiercely, "I want to see my good uncle's reputation sweeping, and all the betrayal!"

"Then you should rest early and keep your spirits up." Queen Midella confessed casually, and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait." Reinhardt the Great stopped her.

Queen Midella turned her head and looked at her husband a little impatiently. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes were clear-what else do you have?

Facing his wife's somewhat rude gaze, Emperor Reinhardt was not angry, but smiled and asked:

"I heard that the two little guys from the northern border really made some famous people. If it weren't for us...hehe, maybe they would have been able to prevent the proposal from passing through the Senate."

Queen Midella sneered and said: "Two whimsical little guys are smart. They don't know how deep the water in the Senate is, that's why they have that naive idea.

Don't worry, I have already taught them, and similar things won't happen again in the future. "

Emperor Reinhardt nodded, and then asked: "So you still insist that Vera inherit the title of Duke of the North?"


"But you have also seen that Vera is not an easy character to control. Why not choose Joyce?"

Queen Midella snorted and said: "Joyce is indeed easy to be controlled, but it may not be us who will control him! Don't forget the lessons of the East, you want the North to fall under the control of the church. Are you in?"

"Joyce is only ten years old. There are still eight years left until he reaches adulthood. Let’s not say whether he will continue to have a good impression of Archbishop Adjani after such a long time. Even if he does marry her, I am sure. Deal with this woman.

But Vera...hehe, your brother has chosen a good husband for her! "

"Are you worried about Colin Anglia?" Queen Midella narrowed her eyes with a thoughtful expression.

"Yes." Reinhardt the Great nodded, his face solemnly said, "This northern knight...I can't see through. Many times he faced extremely bad situations, but he was unexpectedly resolved. And some of the methods used, even I did not understand."

Queen Midella was silent for a moment, and then said: "I understand your concerns, but Colin can be won."

"Are you sure?"


"Just based on the story he told our son in Silvermoon City?"

Queen Midella nodded firmly.

However, Emperor Reinhardt was not infected by his wife's self-confidence. He only curled the corner of his mouth and shook his head and said, "Do you want to listen to my opinion?"

Queen Midella didn't speak, as if she didn't want to listen, but she didn't move her steps either.

Emperor Reinhardt smiled and continued: "I think Joyce can be promoted to the position of Duke of the North, and then let him be engaged to Judy..."

"No!" Queen Midella immediately interrupted when she heard her daughter's name.

"Why not?" Emperor Reinhardt's face instantly became gloomy.

Queen Midella said word by word: "I will not let my daughter become a victim of politics!"

"Marrying Joyce is sacrifice?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Joyce." Queen Midella's eyes flashed, "All marriages that cannot be their own masters are tragedies, and of course they are sacrifices."

Emperor Reinhardt seemed to be angry and asked: "So, our marriage is also a tragedy?"

Queen Midella looked at her husband's eyes coldly, and then faintly said after a long while:

"Isn't it?"

The breath of Emperor Reinhardt suddenly rushed, and an unnatural red color appeared on his face. UU reading www. uukanshu. He stared at his wife, his eyes full of anger, unwillingness, and naked possessiveness.

Empress Midella stood there expressionlessly, as if turning a blind eye to her husband's gaffe, until the other party calmed down a bit, she said again:

"Your Majesty, don't forget our common ambition. That is the truly precious thing, and it is the goal worth pursuing and achieving with our lives.

Instead of being immersed in boring **** between men and women, entangled in whether I love you or not. "

"You are right, my queen." Emperor Reinhardt seemed to finally calm down, and said in a light tone, "Since you think you can control Colin, you'd better prove it to me. I don't want to get it. It's just a fluttering sentence."

"Okay." Queen Midella nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Emperor Reinhardt stared at the graceful back of the opponent who was fading away, his eyes were complicated.


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