The Original Vampire

Chapter 300: Funeral (Part 1)

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The Holy Light Cathedral, located on the holy mountain, is magnificent and sacred, but it is extremely deserted.

This is the closest place to the Lord of Glory in the secular world, but at the same time, it is also the farthest place from mortals.

Only the true high-levels of the Glory Empire are qualified to come here and pray piously to the Lord of Glory.

"In front of the Lord of Radiance, all beings are equal."

This sentence seems to be just an empty propaganda slogan. Of course, some people may be more "equal" than others.

Today’s Holy Light Cathedral is more lively than it used to be. The many nobles who came to mourn the Archon of Letome made the waiters in front of the church overwhelmed.

Even the three cardinals stood in front of the steps and greeted the distinguished guests.

Cardinal Turnans looked at the nobles who were walking up the steps. Suddenly he moved his eyes, took a few steps forward, and greeted: "Miss Vera, Viscount Anglia, welcome to the Holy Light Cathedral. May the glory of our Lord Shine on you forever."

Vera and Colin hurriedly responded, but they were a little surprised as to why this cardinal cardinal was so enthusiastic.

With their current identities, it would not be possible for the cardinal to personally greet them, after all, Vera had not formally inherited the title of Duke of the North.

Colin and Vera had never dealt with this person before.

In doubt, I heard Turnance say: "Miss Vera, I heard that you are going to be baptized?"

"Yes, Lord Cardinal." Vera nodded, seeming to understand the cardinal's plan.

Sure enough, Turnance then offered to recommend himself: "I wonder if I can have this honor to baptize you?"

Vera looked at Colin and saw him nodding lightly, then smiled and said: "Of course! It is my honor to be able to preside over the baptism ceremony by you!"

The cardinal is second only to the pope in the glorious church. Of course, it is more appropriate for Turnans to baptize Vera.

But at this moment, a magnificent voice suddenly sounded behind the three of them: "Turnance, I will preside over the baptism ceremony of Miss Vera."

The three of them looked back and saw that Pope Gregory appeared there for some time.

Turnance's face changed, and he quickly said, "Of course, it is more appropriate for you to baptize!"

Colin squinted his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him, with all kinds of doubts rising in his heart.

He doesn't understand, is there any mystery in baptizing Vera?

Or is it that a former mage who converted to the church really has such a great propaganda value that even the pope can't help but fight for this credit?

Of course, Vera would not refuse the Pope's kindness, and immediately agreed.

After several people discussed the time of the baptism ceremony, Colin took Vera into the church.

After entering the prayer hall, Colin felt a sudden silence in his ears and eyes, as if the noisy world had been completely isolated, and here was another kingdom that belonged exclusively to the gods.

There are no candles or magic lights in the hall. The holy light falling from the sky dispels all the darkness, and makes the people bathing in it feel a vast and sacred breath, and I can’t help but hide all the dirty and dark thoughts in my heart, for fear of blasphemy. The gods.

At this time, many nobles who came to express their condolences had gathered in the hall. Colin glanced around, only to find that he didn't know a few at all.

It would be great if the Bachelor of Dawn was also there.

Colin couldn't help thinking.

Unfortunately, Bachelor Dawn has neither a knighthood nor a court minister, nor is he qualified to enter the Holy Light Cathedral.

Fortunately, Vera knew a lot of people, and she was whispering to Colin the great figures in the imperial capital.

The warm and fragrant breath hits Colin's ears, a little itchy, but also a little warm.

"The old man standing on the coffin is under the crown of Pope Gregory. Behind him and on the right are the four consuls of the Senate. We have already seen two of them. The one with a long beard is the ruler from the south. Officer-Dulles Saint Landes, the last tall, thin, tall, is the Archon from the East-Imerson Saint Pros."

With a smile at the corner of Colin's mouth, he looked at the four consuls in the Senate, and found that their faces were extremely deep. Perhaps it was the death of the Archon Letom that gave them a feeling of sorrow.

The Senate has always been at the top of the political map of the Glorious Empire with a transcendent attitude, even if the senators are corrupt and uncontrollable.

But now, it seems that someone has reached out to the Senate, and when it comes up, it is the most brutal and **** method.

The pampered veterans in the past were horrified and shocked overnight, and it was inevitable that everyone would start to endanger themselves.

"...The one who is dozing off is Baron Heidegger, Prime Minister of the Empire. On his left is the Marquis of Grandi, Minister of Finance of the Empire. Going further to the left is..."

Seeing Vera stopped suddenly, Colin turned her head curiously, and was about to ask what had happened, when she looked at the door of the prayer hall.

Colin also looked back, and saw a graceful and graceful middle-aged knight at the door.

Wearing a gorgeous prince's gown, with a simple dark knight sword at his waist, he was strutting in and walking in without squinting.

Wherever he went, it seemed to be the center of the world. Obviously he was walking towards the hall, but it was more like the entire towering Holy Light Cathedral approaching him actively, welcoming him to the center of the prayer hall.

Until he stood still in front of the coffin, everyone broke free from this chaotic vision of time and space, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"...He is Prince Leahy." Vera's voice sounded again.

In fact, without her introduction, Colin knew that such a character could only be the Paladin standing on the pinnacle of the empire's power.

Although it was not the first time to face a strong man in the sanctuary, the last time I saw the Duke of St. Hild in Ice Rock City, the opponent was already seriously injured, and it did not give Colin such a strong sense of oppression.

And now, facing a paladin in his heyday, Colin realized that he was so small.

Even if he is now a Tier 5 knight, after transforming, even Tier 6 knights dare to challenge.

But in front of Prince Leahy, Colin felt that if the other party wanted to kill himself, he might not be able to take a move.

This is already the essential difference in life, as if it is the difference between gods and mortals!

"Your Majesty."

Vera's voice sounded again, and Colin looked back and saw a middle-aged man pushed in by a wheelchair.

He was wearing a gorgeous gown, but his face was very pale, and his lips were completely bloodless. He really looked like he had recovered from a serious illness.

Clin was suddenly puzzled. Could it be that the Great Reinhardt didn't pretend to be sick, but was really sick?

Or is he really so dedicated, even if he pretends to be sick, he still has to pretend to be the same as it really is?

It was Queen Midella who was pushing the Great Reinhardt. Behind her, there were two little guys on the left and right—Prince Harrison and Princess Judy.

At this point, all the important figures of the Glorious Empire have arrived.

Colin couldn't help thinking about it. If the Mages Council was ruthless at this time and sent a super forbidden curse to the Holy Light Cathedral, if all these people on the scene could be dealt with in one go, maybe the Glory Empire would fall apart as a result...

Boom boom boom!

The melodious bell rang, and everyone in the prayer hall cleared up their hearts and showed the most solemn and sad expressions.

Pope Gregory’s old but magnificent voice began to echo in the hall:

"The benevolent Lord of Glory, we are gathered here today to pray for the Archon of Letome San He has finished his journey in the world and finally returned to the embrace of the Lord.

Come from the dust, return to the dust.

May you give him rest in peace with your supreme power..."


Outside of reason, but unexpectedly, the Pope's prayer was roughly interrupted by a rude voice.

As Colin walked around, he saw a middle-aged man with a solemn face slowly walking out of the crowd and coming to the center of the prayer hall, facing Pope Gregorian.

"He is Fred San Lorenzo, the son of the Archon of Letome." Vera's voice sounded in Colin's ears again.

Colin looked at the scene in front of him with interest, looking forward to the next performance.

He knew that the show was about to begin.


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