The Original Vampire

Chapter 320: Sonny's Manor (Part 1)

"Harrison, do you know why Bachelor Sonny was deposed in the first place?"

Colin asked in the carriage.

Prince Harrison was lost in thought, but after a moment he frowned and shook his head: "Sorry teacher, I can't remember."

Colin nodded and didn't embarrass the other party. After all, Harrison was only eight years old five years ago, and he certainly didn't understand these political turmoil.

"I know! I know!" Princess Judy exclaimed, eager to try as if she was afraid that others would not see it.

"Okay, you say." Colin smiled.

Judy rolled her eyes and smiled slyly: "Teacher, if I tell you why Bachelor Sonny was dismissed, would you tell me a story?"

Since the last time Colin used "Daughter of the Sea" to make the little girl cry, he thought that the other party would no longer pester him, but unexpectedly, Judy became more and more attached to Colin and insisted that he continue to tell the story.

Colin nodded: "Okay."

Anyway, he still remembers a lot of Andersen's fairy tales, and it must be no problem to deal with a little girl.

Judy was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately flaunted: "Because Bachelor Sonny tried to promote an agricultural reform when he was the Minister of Agriculture, but this reform aroused opposition from many aristocrats and was not able to implement it later. The Bachelor of Sonny was also relieved of his position."

"What kind of agricultural reform?" Colin asked.

Princess Judy was immediately embarrassed, her exquisite little faces were all wrinkled together. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't think of anything, and said, "It's reform anyway."

Of course, Colin didn't expect the little girl to tell the content of the reform. He just took the attitude of giving it a try. As expected, no miracle happened.

However, he felt more and more at this time that when the Prime Minister Baron Heidegger asked him to come to Winterspring, it should be because of the former Minister of Agriculture of the Empire-Bachelor Sonny.

Or to be more precise, it was for the agricultural reform plan that was rejected.

Then, Colin must first figure out what kind of agricultural reform plan Sonny had put forward, and why it was rejected, and even his position as Minister of Agriculture was lost because of this.

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't help but raise the curtain of the car, and saw that Bachelor Sonny was riding a horse alongside Bachelor Dawn not far away, having a very happy conversation.

Colin discovered that the graduates of Baita College seem to know each other and have a strong sense of identity with each other. This identity seems to have surpassed the friendship of classmates and has risen to another level.

Just as Colin was thinking about it, Judy's crisp voice pulled him back:

"Teacher! What you said, tell me a story!"

Colin had to smile and nodded: "Well, well, I will tell you a story about "Snow White"!"

Hearing that Colin was preparing to tell a story, Prince Harrison didn’t make an excuse to run out like the last time. I don’t know if he had heard Judy’s "Daughter of the Sea", and I began to feel that the teacher’s story was not so terrible. .

Even Vera averted her gaze from "The Glory Scripture" and looked up at Colin, waiting for his story.

"A long time ago, the queen of a certain country gave birth to a girl in winter. Her skin was as pure as snow..."

Outside the carriage, Bachelor Dawn looked at the vicissitudes of the senior's face and the sideburns infested by wind and frost, his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and said:

"Bachelor Sonny, how have you been all these years?"

"Not bad." Bachelor Sonny smiled calmly, "Planting and grazing, even if I spend a whole life like this, I have no reluctance."

Dawn stared at Sonny for a while, then suddenly shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

Sonny laughed and didn't justify, but changed the subject: "I am not like you. I am so prosperous, and I am trusted by the lord. I must be able to show my ambitions in the North."

"What about you?" Dawn stared into Sonny's eyes and asked, "Will you be willing to stay in such a small place for the rest of your life and let your knowledge be buried?"

Bachelor Sonny did not speak, his expression struggling.

Bachelor Dawn spoke again: "Did you know? This time, Lord Duke detoured Dongquan Town. It was a suggestion made by the Prime Minister."

"Prime Minister..." Bachelor Sonny's expression changed, and his eyes became more complicated.

After a long while, he said coldly: "The Prime Minister resolutely opposed my reform plan..."

"No, the Prime Minister just thinks that your plan is too radical, and some measures need to be removed, or step by step, use gentle and gradual methods to allow the imperial nobles to accept your reforms."

"You don't understand." Bachelor Sonny looked pained. "My reform plan is a whole system. Either accept it or reject it. A compromise will only create a freak that I can't grasp. Come."

Bachelor Dawn was silent, and after a while, he suggested, "Do you want to go to the North?"

Bachelor Sonny hesitated. Of course he knew that the Duke of St. Hild and his wife came to Winterspring to visit his brother, Baron Grantou.

A little baron has not yet had such great charm.

Their goal can only be themselves.

"The Lord Duke knows about my reform plan?" A hope rose in Bachelor Sonny's heart.

Bachelor Dawn shook his head and said, "No, Lord Duke doesn't know yet. However, you can talk to the guardian of the North, Viscount Angley, about your thoughts."

Bachelor Sonny keenly discovered that Dawn suggested that he go to Colin instead of Vera. Obviously, the dominant position in the couple turned out to be the lesser man.

"But... but are you sure that my reform plan won't suffer the same in the North?" Bachelor Sonny was still hesitating.

Bachelor Dawn said in a deep voice: "You should know the current situation in the North, the war has just settled, the famine is raging, and the Duke of St. Hild and the Viscount Anglia have absolute authority!

Believe me, there is no better place than the North. If your reform plan cannot be implemented in the Northern Territory, I advise you to give up as soon as possible. "

These words made Bachelor Sonny's eyes gradually firm. After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! I have a manor in the south of Winter Spring Town. I wonder if you can invite Lord Duke to come and rest?"

Bachelor Dawn smiled and nodded, "I'll help you ask!"


"...The prince ordered the queen to wear red iron and let her dance until she died, so that the wedding could go on smoothly.

After Snow White and the prince got married, their lives were full of joy and happiness, and they have been together happily ever since. "

After Colin finished telling the story, he took the scented tea from Vera and drank it all in one fell swoop.

Princess Judy dragged her chin, her eyes gleamed with crystal light, and she looked forward to: "Wow! So happy! When will my prince appear?"

Hearing this, Colin was about to tease his female student, but he heard the voice of Bachelor Dawn from outside the carriage: "Master Duke, Master Viscount, Bachelor Sonny invites you to his manor for a rest."

Colin's expression moved, and he immediately replied:

"Okay! Excuse me then!"


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