The Original Vampire

Chapter 321: Sonny's Manor (Part 2)

Sonny's manor is located to the south of Dongquan Town.

The simple wooden fence encloses a large area of ​​land, but the inside is basically farmland and pasture, and there are no luxurious buildings.

Upon entering the manor, Harrison and Judy yelled to ride a horse, Sonny asked his son Hans to take them to the racecourse, and Colin and Vera came to a field under the leadership of Sonny.

"Bachelor Sonny, these farmers grow sweet potatoes?" Colin asked with some surprise.

Even if he is not proficient in farming, Colin knows that the staple foods of this world are barley and wheat, as well as some rice. Although people know that sweet potatoes can also be eaten, they are not mainstream foods.

"Yes, Master Viscount, the main crop grown on my farm is sweet potatoes." Bachelor Sonny explained patiently.

"You may not know that sweet potatoes have many advantages. If you plant 100 pounds of sweet potatoes on one acre, you can harvest 600 pounds next year! Its output is one to six, while barley is one to one. two.

In addition, sweet potatoes grow underground, and their fruits will not be pecked by birds. But in ordinary wheat fields, no matter how tightly guarded the farmer is, one to two percent of the wheat will be ruined by birds every year.

These sweet potatoes do not need care, and farmers only need to water and fertilize them regularly. "

"The output of sweet potatoes is so high!" Vera said in surprise with her eyes widened.

Now that she became the Duke of the North, Vera naturally began to worry about the North, and the biggest crisis in the North was the food problem.

So after hearing that the yield per mu of sweet potatoes was so high, Vera immediately became concerned.

Although she also knows that the taste of sweet potatoes is definitely not as good as bread, but for civilians in famine, as long as they can fill their stomachs, they don't care about the taste at all.

However, Colin was not so excited. Of course, he had heard that the yield of sweet potatoes was higher than that of wheat, but even on the earth, sweet potatoes could not replace rice and wheat as the staple food. Therefore, there must be some problems in this link. .

"Bachelor Sonny, isn't there any flaws in sweet potatoes?" Colin asked calmly.

"Of course." Bachelor Sonny nodded and said frankly, "Sweet potatoes are mildly toxic and not suitable for human consumption for a long time. They are easy to cause diarrhea. Moreover, sweet potatoes can damage the soil power, so we need enough more. fertilizer.

However, these shortcomings of sweet potatoes are nothing compared to its high-yield and labor-saving advantages.

Especially with the current situation in the north, as long as the cultivation of sweet potatoes is promoted, the famine will definitely be controlled in the shortest time! "

There was a flush of excitement on Vera's pretty face, and she seemed to have felt that promoting sweet potatoes in the northern border was an extremely feasible measure.

But when she saw Colin frowning, she gradually calmed down and realized that there might still be problems that she hadn't noticed.

When Bachelor Sonny saw this, he did not continue to explain, but said: "Master Duke, Master Viscount, I will take you to a place."

Vera and Colin immediately followed Bachelor Sonny onward, and before long they came to a large shed.

Before he got even closer, Colin heard the grunt of a wild boar coming from the shed.

"Please forgive me, the two distinguished guests, the taste is a bit big." Bachelor Sonny reminded carefully.

Sure enough, an unspeakable stench rushed over, almost fainting Vera and Colin.

Fortunately, they are not spoiled people, and they endure the stench and come to the shed.

"Are you raising wild boars in captivity?" Colin was even more surprised.

The meat in this world is dominated by cattle and sheep. Pork is stinky because of its bad taste and its sanitary conditions are completely incomparable with cattle and sheep because of the poor habits of pigs. Therefore, pork is generally eaten by civilians, and nobles do not look down upon it. Dirty animals.

However, Ke Lin from China has long been accustomed to pork. After traveling through this world, he still has a pity that he can no longer eat past-life delicacies such as braised pork.

Although he didn't know it specifically, Colin also knew that the world didn't even domesticate wild boars. After all, nobles didn't eat this thing, and ordinary civilians didn't have extra food to feed pigs. At most, they wanted to eat meat. At that time, go to the wild to hunt some wild boars and improve the food.

But now, the former Minister of Agriculture of the Empire had begun to consciously raise wild boars, which made Colin couldn't help but give him a high look.

"Yes, Master Viscount." Bachelor Sonny nodded, "Wild boars are not as valuable as cattle and sheep, but they are very easy to feed and eat almost anything.

For example, the sweet potato leaves in the sweet potato fields you saw before can be used to feed pigs.

Raising a wild boar can produce about 500 pounds of meat a year, while a sheep can provide up to about 100 pounds of mutton. As for cattle, it takes three years to slaughter, but it can only provide about 1,000 pounds. meat.

You said that raising pigs is not cost-effective? "

Before Colin spoke, Vera shook her head and said, "However, nobles don't eat such lowly animals. Could it be that you want to sell pork to civilians?

Bachelor Sonny, with all due respect, ordinary people will not buy your pork. After all, wild boars are everywhere. They would rather go hunting by themselves or buy them at low prices from hunters.

Moreover, although cattle and sheep do not produce much meat, cowhide, beef tendon, sheepskin, and wool are all very valuable and useful. Moreover, cattle and sheep also produce milk. As for wild boar, its only advantage seems to be that it produces more meat. However, pork is dry and smelly, not to mention the nobles, even the common people do not want to eat it for a long time. "

"Who said that nobles cannot accept pork?" Bachelor Sonny argued, "If you wish, please allow me to prepare a lunch for you with pork as the main ingredient. I believe you will be very surprised to find yourself Maybe I missed a delicacy!"

Vera wanted to say that she had tasted wild boar, and that taste was not good, but Colin nodded and agreed with Sonny's suggestion: "Okay, then I will trouble you!"

Bachelor Sonny immediately invited excitedly: "Please two distinguished guests come with me!"

It was still early for lunch, but Bachelor Sonny personally went to the kitchen to recommend his farming system to Vera and Colin and urged the chefs to prepare a pork meal.

Before long, the waiters brought lunch to the table.

Vera twitched her nose a few times, and found that instead of the fishy smell she expected, it exuded a seductive fragrance.

"Master Duke, Master Viscount, please take a look! This is lemon fried pork chop, charcoal grilled pork knuckle, smoked back pork, mashed potatoes and red wine. Please taste."

Vera still hesitated, but Colin had directly cut a piece of pig into the inlet.

It was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, mellow and delicious, without the dryness and stench expected. Colin's eyes lit up and he seemed to understand something. He asked, "Bachelor Sonny, the wild boar in your captivity was castrated, right?"

Bachelor Sonny was slightly startled, and then smiled: "I admire you, Master Viscount for your profound knowledge! That's right, these wild boars are indeed castrated."

At this time, Vera also tasted the pork meal in front of her, and immediately realized that this wild boar she had eaten a long time ago was completely different, and asked curiously:

"Does the wild boar taste better after castration?"

"Yes, Lord Duke!" Bachelor Sonny explained, "After castration, not only does the pork taste better, but the temperament of the wild boar becomes milder, which is more conducive to captivity."

Colin nodded repeatedly. He also knew that the castrated wild boar would evolve more toward the domestic pig he had in mind. It is estimated that in a few more generations, he will be able to see the white and fat domestic pig after the preaching in this world. NS.

Bachelor Sonny once again explained: "Master Duke, the planting of sweet potatoes and captive wild boars that I admire are actually a new agricultural and pastoral system that depends on each other and promotes each other!

Sweet potato leaves can be used to feed wild boars, and wild boar dung is a very good fertilizer, which can solve the problem of sweet potato damage to the soil. The two are dependent on each other.

The output of this new agricultural and pastoral system will definitely surprise you, and it can even completely change the dietary structure of the entire empire's civilian class, and even change their health!

You may not look down on these wild boars, but please don’t forget, for civilians, meat is such a luxury thing. If they can make them a part of their daily diet, then I can guarantee that the people you rule will definitely The strongest leader in the entire empire!

Your army will also get the best source of troops! "

The more Bachelor Sonny speaks, the more excited it is, it is a kind of glory and fanaticism that can only be produced by transforming the world in his own way.

After Vera tasted the Bachelor’s Pork meal, UU reading also began to realize that over time, even the nobles will gradually accept this new type of pork, even if it cannot replace cattle and sheep in the nobles. The status at the banquet will also become an excellent supplement to meat.

For civilians, this kind of pork is simply a gift from God!

Because cattle and sheep produce not much meat and the price is extremely high, few civilians can eat beef and mutton in their daily diet, but pork is different. If you really follow the method of Bachelor Sonny to promote his new farming and pastoral system , It is really possible to enrich the table of common people.

Thinking of this, Vera couldn't help but feel excited, she went to see Colin subconsciously, but she frowned when she saw her husband.

Colin put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at Bachelor Sonny solemnly, and asked in a deep voice:

"Bachelor Sonny, it's time for you to tell us the truth. If your new farming and pastoral system is so perfect, why did you encounter strong resistance in the Dragon City?"


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