The Original Vampire

Chapter 481: fear

   "The name is not important." Mr. Wang said with a smile, with a gentle attitude as if he had seen the elders of his nephew, "Just like this body, it will only confuse mediocre people, but it can't deceive smart people."

Although he had long guessed that Mr. Hood might use the corpse of the Duke of St. Hild to play "Resurrection", but when Colin really saw the Duke of St. Hild who was "resurrected from the dead", he confirmed the previous conjecture. At that time, I still couldn't help but be frightened.

   Even in this extraordinary world, such "unscientific" things are really unbelievable.

   Is arcane magic really so amazing?

   Or is Mr. Wang too supernatural?

   "I didn't expect to see you in Bailubao. It's a great honor." Colin greeted with a smile. Although trying to keep calm, the smile on his face inevitably became a little stiff.

   To be honest, Mr. Wang's appearance was completely unexpected.

   And what he hates most is accidents.

   This legend who once disturbed the situation in the North with his own power twice is not an easy character to deal with.

   Especially now, after taking over the body of a paladin, Colin really didn't know how terrifying strength he could display.

   If such a person stands on the opposite side of himself...

   Colin would not naively think that Mr. Wang appeared in Bailu City, but just happened to pass by.

   Obviously, Mr. Wang also has a layout here!

   I just don’t know if there is any conflict with my plan...

   "Earl Angley, this should be our first official meeting." Mr. Xiang looked at Colin with interest, and his tone was rather embarrassing.

   "Yes. I have admired your name for a long time!" Colin said respectfully, and at the same time kept guessing in his heart the purpose of Mr. Wang coming to Bailu City this time.

   "I actually wanted to see you a long time ago, Earl Anglia, the rising star that has emerged in the Glorious Empire in the past ten years, you must be the best!" Mr. Xiang smiled and looked at Colin, his eyes showing his appreciation.

"You flatter me."

   "No, not at all, even I think I have always underestimated you."

   Colin twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly, always feeling that Mr. Coquet’s praise was a bit awkward and made him very uncomfortable.

   Just when I wanted to say something, I heard Mr. Wang ask again:

   "Earl Anglia, you should be promoted to the sixth rank, right?"

   Colin can only nod honestly, and said: "Yes, I just got promoted by a fluke."

   "Such a young Tier VI knight!" Mr. Wang exclaimed, "The most talented paladin ancestors of the Saint Theon family in my memory, do not have such strength at your age."

   "How can I compare with the ancestors of the Paladin..."

   "No!" Mr. Wang said seriously, "You are even better than them, at least they are your age, but no one can lead an army to break the city of Bailu.

   And only relying on a mere 20,000 blood cavalry, you can upset the huge East Territory!

   Is this you too good? Or is it because the people of the Eastern Territory have been so comfortable after so long, and the army has become so unbearable? "

   Colin’s unpleasant premonition in his heart became stronger, his brain turned rapidly, thinking about Mr. Coquet’s true purpose, and at the same time he said in his mouth:

   "Where, I just won a few battles by fluke..."

Mr.   觋 smiled, and finally stopped praising Colin, and instead said:

   "At the beginning of the castle, Archbishop Adjani told you all the secrets of the church, right?"

   "Yes." Colin nodded quickly, "I very much agree with Archbishop Adjani's point of view. Today's churches are too degenerate. Under the name of the Lord of Glory, they continue to intervene in empire affairs and seize personal gain!

   So as soon as I heard that you and Archbishop Adjani are determined to change the current situation, I did not hesitate to choose to join you!

   This time I led my army into the East, and I also wanted to cut off the church’s biggest support in the secular world.

   I don’t know what are your plans for coming to Bailu City this time? "

Colin actually knew very well that the alliance relationship between him and Mr. Wang and Archbishop Adjani was actually very fragile. Although both parties were intending to resist the church, they had no basis for trust and no clear goals and objectives. plan.

   There are even some old grievances and conflicts of interest between each other.

   Colin didn't think that Mr. Colin would forget that he had repeatedly undermined his plan. It can even be said that the St. Theon family failed to occupy the northern border and the 80% of them were to be blamed on Colin.

  He only hopes that Mr. Zang can see the basis of cooperation between the two sides for the time being, put aside each other's grievances for the time being, and unite first to cut off the church's tentacles in the east.

Mr.   觋 did not answer Colin’s question. Instead, he said to himself: "Earl Anglia, I have always admired you very much, and I very much hope to be an ally with you..."

   Colin's heart sank, because he understood that there must be a "but..." after this kind of sentence pattern.

   And what this "but" said before is all bullshit!

  Sure enough, I listened to Mr. Xiang to continue:

   "But you are so good, you are so good that it scares me."

   Colin twitched the corners of his mouth, and said helplessly: "Mr. Ho, isn't it a good thing to have an excellent ally?"

"For some people, it may be, but for me, it is not the case." Mr. Wang stared into Colin's eyes, with some regrets in his eyes. An ally who has been outstanding and always brings me surprises and surprises."

   The muscles of Colin's body tightened instantly and he was ready for the worst, but he was still trying to persuade:

   "Mr. Ho, are you overestimating me? I'm just the son of a country baron. Even if I become an earl now, I still rely on the shadow of the St. Hild family..."

  " Mr. Xun interrupted, the smile on his face also reduced, "Earl Angley, I have carefully investigated your past. To be honest, I am guilty. If you give you some more time, I can't even imagine how far you will develop.

   So, sorry. "

   Hearing this, there was no luck in Colin's heart, and the holy light from his whole body surged like flowing water, converging on his hands.

   Before he could make a move, he saw Mr. Wang's eyes suddenly shining brightly.

   For a moment, he seemed to see the sun close at hand, his eyes stabbed, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

   Colin was shocked, and immediately flew back and retreated.

   But in his eyes blurred by tears, he saw an arm shining with golden light, thrusting thunderously into his chest!


   Colin screamed, and he was shocked to find that his heart had been held in his hand by Mr. Coquettish!

   "Farewell, Count Angele!"


Mr.   觋 squeezed hard, and Colin's heart burst like a balloon filled with water.

   Blood was splattered.


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