The Original Vampire

Chapter 482: discover

   Prince Harrison walked out of the bathroom, and the maid quickly stepped forward to help him wipe off the drops of water.

   Prince Harrison, who grew up in the Phoenix Palace, has long been accustomed to the service of a maid, and will not be as hypocritical as Colin. Of course, he will not do anything ambiguous to a maid.

  As a prince, he is not so hungry yet to choose food.

   Put on the dress, Prince Harrison asked the maid to put perfume on himself.

   "What time is the dinner?"

   "I'll help you ask."


   After the maid left, Prince Harrison looked at the mirror and adjusted his dress.

   After a while, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

   But at the moment he was about to turn around, Prince Harrison was surprised to find that there was a figure in the mirror!

   However, after seeing the man’s face clearly, Prince Harrison breathed a sigh of relief and turned back:

   "Uncle Leahy, why are you in Bailu City?"

   Prince Harrison is not afraid of Prince Leahy.

   Although everyone thinks that this person is guilty of crime and outrageously murdered the Archon of the Empire, Prince Harrison overheard the conversation between his parents and knew that Prince Leahy had been wronged.

   Therefore, Prince Harrison has a hint of guilt and sympathy for this uncle.

  Prince Leahy sat down at the table, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of scented tea, and said:

   "I came after someone. Didn't you go to Silvermoon City, why are you here?"

"I came with the teacher. You don't know yet, the teacher is amazing! The blood cavalry with only 20,000 people will beat the entire eastern army to the bottom. If it weren't for the father's war order to reach Bailu City, I am afraid this city will fall again!"

   Prince Harrison praised his teacher's brilliant record with a very proud tone, and then he noticed the first sentence that Prince Leahy had just said, and said in doubt:

   "Uncle Leahy, you said you were following a person? Who are you chasing?"

   Prince Leahy took a sip of tea and said lightly: "Design the person who framed me."

   Prince Harrison suddenly felt nervous.

Because Prince Harrison didn’t know the whole truth, he didn’t know the role of Mr. Coquettish in this matter, so when he heard Prince Leahy saying that he was tracking down the person who framed him, he mistakenly thought he was referring to Reinhardt. The Great and Queen Midella.

   The strangeness of Prince Harrison is naturally beyond the eyes of Prince Leahy.

   "Harrison, do you know something?"

   "Uncle, I...I..."

   Prince Leahy’s sharp gaze made Prince Harrison panicked.

   This, of course, made Prince Leahy confirm that his little nephew clearly knew something inside.

   So, he stood up, walked in front of Prince Harrison, put one hand on Prince Harrison’s shoulder, leaned slightly, and asked in a deep voice:

   "Harrison, tell uncle what you know."

   Prince Harrison only felt that the palm of his shoulder was holding his soul, a kind of trembling from the depths of his heart swept through his body.

   But he still gritted his teeth and resolutely said: "Uncle...I can't...betray my father and mother..."

  Prince Leahy showed sarcasm and said: "Good will, but unfortunately used the wrong place. Is the San Lorenzo family now reduced to the point where they rely on conspiracy and calculation to maintain their rule?"

   Prince Harrison trembled all over, sweating like rain, but still stubbornly shut up.

   Prince Leahy’s face became more and more indifferent, saying:

   "Your father has already insulted the glory of the San Lorenzo family. I didn't expect you to be similar. Sooner or later, the prestige of the royal family will be ruined by your father and son!

Do not! I can't allow this to happen..."

   Prince Leahy showed undisguised killing intent in his eyes, and continued:

   "Harrison, I will give you the last chance, whether to die despicably or live upright, you choose!"

   Prince Harrison only felt that the palm of his shoulder was getting tighter and tighter, as if to crush his body.

   This young prince was faced with the choice between life and death for the first time, and he did not expect that the person who had driven himself to a desperate situation turned out to be his own uncle!

   Some things in his heart seemed to collapse and shatter at this moment.

   Prince Harrison suddenly thought of something his mother Queen Midella had said to him--

   The king is destined to be lonely, and he is also destined to be surrounded by lies and betrayals. Even the close relatives may not be credible. You can only rely on yourself!

   Prince Harrison always felt that his mother's words were too alarmist, but now, facing his murderous uncle, he suddenly woke up.

   "Yes, uncle, you were framed!" Prince Harrison shouted with all his strength.

   Prince Leahy's complexion was slightly calm, but he continued to ask: "Who framed me?"

   "It's father and mother!"

   "How did you frame it?"

   "I really don't know this. I just happened to hear a few words of their conversation and guessed your innocence from them. As for how they framed you, I really don't know anything."

   Prince Leahy stared into Prince Harrison’s eyes. After a while, he seemed to finally confirm that the other party had not lied, and then asked:

   "Then, would you like to make public what you know?"

   Prince Harrison hesitated, but then gritted his teeth and nodded.

Prince Leahy put away his fierce aura and said with a smile: "Very good! This is what an upright San Lorenzo should do! I will contact the Pope to arrange a hearing. ,you……"

   Speaking of this, Prince Leahy stopped suddenly.

   Because he felt a strong wave of holy light erupting nearby!

  In desperation, Prince Leahy immediately dropped Prince Harrison and disappeared into the room in a flash.

   Prince Harrison collapsed on the ground, panting, unable to exert any strength.

   After a long while, he finally struggled to get up, found a pen and paper, and quickly wrote a letter with trembling Come, come! "

   The maid pushed in and said, "His Royal Highness, what's your order?"

   Prince Harrison handed over the letter and said, "Send this letter to the Dragon City immediately!"

   "Yes." The maid nodded in response, but after seeing Prince Harrison's embarrassed appearance, she asked carefully, "His Royal Highness, do I need to help you prepare a new dress?"



   but said that Prince Leahy on the other side rushed into Colin's room following the source of the light burst, only to find that only Colin fell in a pool of blood was left inside.

   After carefully feeling the residual energy fluctuations in the air, Prince Lexi's eyes suddenly became fierce.

"who are you!"

  The guards of the Saint-Pros family finally arrived and asked loudly to the back of Prince Leahy.

   Of course Prince Leahy didn't bother to pay attention to these guards, and jumped out of the open window without turning his head.

  The guard noticed Colin who was lying in a pool of blood. He was so frightened that he screamed:

   "Quickly! Find the priest! Count Angele was assassinated!"


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