The Original Vampire

Chapter 526: Admonish

The importance of the "Glorious Holy Book" in the glorious church is similar to the status of the "Bible" in the ji and du religions.

The Duke of St. Chapman’s promotion of the "Glorious Scriptures" and pushing it to the supreme authority seems to be helping the church to spread the gospel, but in fact, if you think about it, you will find that this move is actually Weaken the position of the church, and even fight for the church's right to speak.

If the people of the empire can listen to the gospel from the commentator appointed by the lord, why go to the pastor specially?

If the salvation of the Lord of Radiance is written in the "Sacred Book of Radiance," then why go to church to pray for confession?

If the "Glorious Scriptures" is the supreme authority, does it need to be followed when the Pope’s decree goes against it?

Invisible, the influence of the church in the spiritual realm of the people has been continuously weakened.

Although the Duke of St. Chapman did not add private goods in the process of preaching the "Glorious Scriptures," he can do so at any time as the lords have more power to speak and control the people.

"The Glory Sacred Book" is a dead book after all, but its interpretation can be flexible and changeable.

The church originally monopolized the power to interpret the "Glory Sacred Code", but now, this power is in danger of being seized by the nobles.

Moreover, the church can only watch the lords and nobles continue to extend their tentacles to the areas of faith that originally belonged to them, but they can't stop them openly.

Because they can't find an excuse.

There is no blame for preaching the "Glory Sacred Book" and spreading the gospel of the Glory Lord.

The plan of the Duke of St. Chapman is a thorough conspiracy!

Madam Grace looked at Colin's changing face and smiled: "You want to understand what's going on?"

"Well, the Duke of St. Chapman is indeed a good method!" Colin couldn't help but exclaimed, "Pushing "The Glory of the Scriptures" to the supreme position, the status of the church will naturally decline. Moreover, in the process, The nobles also stole part of the right to speak from the church.

What's even better is that the church cannot stop the nobles' behavior, otherwise they will be attacked by the nobles saying that they are blocking the spread of our Lord's gospel. "

"Yes." Mrs. Grace showed admiration, obviously she didn't expect Colin to react to the true intentions of the Duke of St. Chapman so quickly.

You know, the church at that time was also after the Duke of St. Chapman implemented the policy two or three years before finally reacting to something wrong.

Colin immediately wondered again: "If the Duke of St. Chapman only uses this method to slowly weaken the status and authority of the church, then the church can't find an excuse to deal with him, right? Is the Pope really unscrupulous enough to use any righteousness? The reason, can you directly annihilate a Paladin family?"

Mrs. Grace sighed and said, "No, the church would never dare to do this if it didn't want to become a public enemy of the empire. However, a series of events later gave the church an excuse to deal with the Duke of St. Chapman."

Colin moved in his heart and said, "Could it be that the Duke of St. Chapman asked the nobles to carry private goods in the process of spreading the "Glorious Code"?"

"No. How could a man with such a foresight, the Duke of St. Chapman, have done such an eager thing. However, you have not completely guessed it wrong."

Because the church finally tried the Duke of St. Chapman for the crime, which was deliberately distorting the "Glory of the Scriptures"! "

Colin immediately understood, and said: "It seems that some of the noble-appointed commentators were bought by the church, and they made propositions and made distorted explanations in the process of spreading the "Glory Sacred".

"That's right." Grace nodded, and said, "Over time, there have been many instances of the noble-appointed commentator distorting the interpretation of the contents of the "Glorious Scripture". Of course, the Duke of St. Chapman had long expected this. , Argued that this was the personal behavior of the interpreter, and punished the local lords and asked them to strictly manage them.

However, this phenomenon has been repeatedly banned. In order to blame the Duke of St. Chapman, the church has even spared some deliberately misinterpreted content of the "Glory of the Scriptures" to spread widely. "

Colin sneered coldly and said, "Is the church already so shameless and skinless? But this won't let them push the St. Chapman family to the trial court, right?"

"It's really not that. But until one day, a member of the St. Chapman family was found to have also preached some distortions in the "Glory of the Scriptures" in public!

This incident also sounded the death knell of Saint Chapman's family. "

Colin couldn't help but exclaimed: "Can the church instigate the people of the Saint Chapman family to betray their own family? Doesn't that person know that his behavior is suicide?"

Mrs. Grace sneered and said: "Who knows? This incident has long been undocumented, and the identity and deeds of the Saint Chapman family have been deliberately covered up.

However, perhaps there are always some foolish people in this world who cannot be guessed by common sense.

Later, the St. Chapman family was judged, annihilated, and even wiped out all traces of them.

At the same time, the promotion policy of the "Glorious Scripture" formulated by the Duke of St. Chapman during his lifetime was also abolished by the church on this excuse. Now the "Glorious Scripture" can only be preached and explained by the pastor, and no one else may possess, extract, or spread it. .

The nobles were shocked by the church's ruthless will and resolute means. When they reacted, the church had already wiped out the St. Chapman family.

The black emperor whom the Duke of St. Chapman was loyal to, therefore hated the church so deeply that he frustrated and yelled ‘the **** is dead’, trying to uncover the biggest secret the church tried to cover up.

You should know everything afterwards.

The "Judge" Duke St. Theon killed the ‘Black Emperor’ with a single sword, and the Pope also used the oracle to help the Duke of St. Theon’s betrayal.

Of course, the royal family and nobles were not reconciled to being insulted by the church in this way. Later, the St. Theon family also paid a painful price for this. U U Reading"

Colin listened silently, his heart sighed infinitely.

A Zongjiao reform that died halfway, even allowed the two paladins to withdraw from the political arena of the empire.

Could it be that this is a restricted area that the Glorious Empire cannot touch?

Colin stared at Mrs. Grace and asked, "Mrs. Grace, what do you mean by telling me?"

Mrs. Grace said solemnly:

"Earl Angley, I just want to remind you, don't underestimate the church. Don't touch their bottom line easily, because once they get revenge, they are really crazy."

Colin frowned and said, "You mean I instigated the Lord of the East to intercept tithes?"


Colin hadn't doubted Mrs. Grace's motives. Now the Morrison family and him were both prosperous and ruined. The old lady reminded herself that it was also out of good intentions.

And to be honest, Colin also realized that his behavior was a bit reckless.

Although this could force the nobles of the East to get rid of the church's control, at the same time, Colin himself became a thorn in the eyes of the church.

Originally, Colin didn't think the threat of the church was so great. After all, he had just conquered the East at the time when he was full of spirits, but now he calmed down and realized that he had indeed underestimated the church.

"Mrs. Grace, how do you think I should make up for the relationship with the church?"

"You don't need to make up for the relationship with the church." Mrs. Grace smiled slightly and said, "You only need to keep a distance from the royal family, or even deliberately create some gaps."

Colin immediately understood what Mrs. Grace meant, and clapped his hands in praise:

"Mrs. Grace, you are such a master!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, like two foxes who stole grapes.

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