The Original Vampire

Chapter 527: Visiting

Outside the winter city.

A wild boar breeding farm was established on the east bank of the River Rushing.

The thatched pig houses are closely connected, each of which is about a dozen square meters in size. There are seven or eight fat-body boars squeezed into the trough, humming and eating the fodder thrown by the farmer.

Anyone who has been to the pigpen will never forget the unspeakable stench. Therefore, compared with cattle and sheep, pigs have always been regarded as unclean animals by the nobles and seldom willing to eat them.

But now, this wild boar farm was established by the family of Saint Hild, the lord of the north.

"How many wild boars are there in this farm?" Turnance asked with interest, looking at the smelly wild boars in front of him.

"There are more than five thousand wild boars." Archbishop Ajani respectfully followed behind and replied after hearing the words.

She would never have imagined that when she came to welcome this cardinal, who was second only to the pope in the Glory Church, she discovered that the other party had gotten into the stinking pig house.

Turnance didn't seem to care about the red tape or the embarrassment of the location at all, so he asked calmly:

"How many wild boar farms like this exist in the northern border?"

"As far as I know, there are about fifteen farms of this size in the whole north. In addition, many farmer families have also raised some wild boars, but the scale is definitely not comparable to the farms built by the nobles. ."

Turnance probably estimated the number of wild boars, and suddenly said with emotion: "That's a lot."

He looked at the wild boar in front of him carefully, and then asked: "Why are these wild boars different from the ones I have seen before? They are whiter, bigger, and more lazy and docile."

"This is a breed specially bred by Bachelor Sonny. It is called a domestic pig by Earl Anglia. They have fewer bristles, their fangs have also degraded, their temperament has become docile, they are delicious and lazy, and they are particularly prone to fat. A breed that is more suitable for breeding than ordinary wild boar."

"Bachelor Sonny? Isn't that the former Minister of Agriculture of the Grantou family?"


Turnans nodded and said in admiration: "Sonny Granto is indeed a capable person. Unfortunately, his character is stubborn and he doesn't know how to work around. I didn't expect the Duke of the North to tolerate him, and he had the courage to show him. long."

Archbishop Adjani moved his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Master Tournance, in fact, the person who promoted the Sonny Bachelor's new farming and pastoral system in the North is not the Duke of the North, but the Guardian of the North, Count Angele. "

"Oh?" Turnans moved slightly in his heart, but did not entangle on this issue. Instead, he asked some questions about the promotion of the new agricultural and pastoral system in the north.

Adjani also gave answers one by one.

As Turnance walked outside the farm, he listened silently and asked a few questions from time to time.

When the group of people left the area of ​​the farm, the air suddenly became much fresher.

Turnance couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, and sighed:

"Originally, I was a little curious along the way. The status quo in the North Territory is much better than I thought. I recovered from the famine so quickly, as if the two previous turmoil had never happened.

Now I finally understand that I am afraid that this new agricultural and animal husbandry system has contributed a lot! "

Ajani smiled slightly and gathered her hair tossed by the spring breeze, and said: "My Cardinal, this new agricultural and pastoral system has only been promoted for more than half a year after all. Although it does help a lot in the famine, To say that the people in the North are really filling their stomachs, thanks to a series of measures taken by Lord Anglia."

"Oh?" Turnans asked immediately, "what measures?"

Adjani then recounted all the policies that Colin has implemented in the northern border over the past year, including the new agricultural and animal husbandry system, the issuance of grain bonds, and the establishment of the North Border Foreign Trade Company.

After hearing this, Turnance couldn't help but sighed: "I originally thought this guardian of the North was amazing enough in military terms, but I didn't expect that he still has such a talent in power! After ten years of experience, it is more than enough to be the prime minister of the empire."

Adjani turned her head to observe Turnance's face carefully, and said with a smile, "My Cardinal, are you a pity?"

Tournance took a deep look at the Archbishop of the North beside him, but his muddy eyes seemed to penetrate all her thoughts:

"Ajani, did you guess that the Pope sent me to the north?"

Ajani smiled faintly, and said, "Can you have any other reasons for coming to the North at this time?"

Turnance was silent for a while and asked: "Then what do you think?"

"I think that if Earl Anglia died young, it must be a loss to the empire, and even a loss to the human race!" Adjani said solemnly, "Furthermore, the interception of tithes by the lords of the East is not tolerable. , But it is not irreversible.

At least they themselves claimed that this was just a stopgap measure in response to the orc invasion.

So, why don't you talk to Count Angele first? "

Turnance watched Ajani quietly for a while, before faintly said: "Ajani, you should know your position, and you should know the bottom line of the church. UU Reading"

Ajani pursed her red lips lightly, looked at Turnance calmly, and said:

"My Lord Cardinal, I have always thought that you are a pure and noble believer. You will definitely be able to see the chaotic and complicated hearts of people and find those knights who can be inspired by the glory of our Lord!"

"Pure? Noble?" Turnans laughed at himself, "Do you really think that my red robe was obtained through purity and nobility?"

Adjani's face became stiff, and she suddenly didn't know how to respond.

Before Ajani could answer, Turnance suddenly smiled: "However, I also think I should meet this guardian of the North."

Adjani quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: "I believe you will not be disappointed."

Turnance glanced at Ajani deeply, then stopped speaking, and boarded the carriage that came to greet her.

The carriage went all the way north and finally arrived in Wintery City before sunset.

After entering the city, Turnans opened his eyes from sleepy sleep, raised the curtain of the car, and observed the situation in the city.

Suddenly, Turnans pointed curiously at the long lines of people on the side of the street and asked, "What are they doing?"

Ajani smiled and replied: "They are lining up to buy the welfare lottery ticket."

"Welfare lottery?"

"Yes." Adjani then explained to Turnans the game and usefulness of the welfare lottery.

After listening to Turnance's silence for a while, he suddenly asked again:

"Is this charity foundation really using the proceeds from the lottery to build orphanages and help the poor, widows, and the poor?"

"Yes. At present, more than a dozen orphanages have been built in the northern border, and there is one in Winter City. Would you like to see it?"

Turnance's muddy eyes flashed with inexplicable light, and he nodded and said:


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