The Original Vampire

Chapter 583: Fighting (thanks to the leader who "doesn't feel cute"!)

The first light of the morning light penetrated the gaps in the clouds, and the sharp swords were generally inserted obliquely on the rolling hills.

Howling winds swept out from the Tianduan Mountains, bringing a **** taste to the vast area east of the mountains.


The loud bugle sound echoed in the mountains, and then the earth began to tremble.

Boom! Boom!

The sun rising from the east firmly spread the light all over the earth little by little, and the dividing line between light and shadow continued to spread westward until it completely illuminated the entire Tianduan Mountains.

At the same time, it also illuminated the Kuroshio that was surging out of the mountains.

It was thousands of densely packed orc soldiers. They were holding giant axes and wearing leather armor. Bloodthirsty light flashed in their eyes.

At the foot of the mountain, the human army has long been waiting.

With an order, arrows rained like locusts, pouring down on the head of the orc army.

Unfortunately, the power of this long-distance projectile is really limited, and the orcs have thick skin, even if they are hit by arrows, they will only cause skin trauma.

Soon, the surging orc vanguard collided with the human phalanx.


Blood splattered and stumps flew around.

The scene was extremely tragic.

Relying on the advantages of size and strength, the orcs quickly rushed into the human phalanx, but then they were also stubbornly resisted by humans.

Although humans cannot compare with orcs in terms of individual strength, it is fortunate that humans have an advantage in numbers and are better equipped. Then they form an army, look at each other and cooperate in an orderly manner. Finally, they are able to withstand the orcs from coming out of the mountains. After the first wave of shock.

However, the truly brutal fight has just begun.

A steady stream of orc soldiers poured out from the mountain one after another, as if there was no end. They were like a tide that continuously impacted the human army at the foot of the mountain, splashing countless blood.

An extraordinarily large orc rushed into the human phalanx, swung a **** semicircle with a giant axe in his hand, and cut off seven or eight nearby human soldiers in one fell swoop.

The gushing plasma stained the orc's whole body, and it also stimulated his bloodthirsty and killing instinct. I saw him roaring and continuing to charge forward. Wherever he went, the human soldiers did not dare to stop them, and quickly avoided the two wings.

The orc became even more proud, and the strange tattoos on the exposed skin actually shone with a strange light under the pouring of blood.

Obviously, this is a Skullbreaker.

Similar to the human knight, the skullbreaker is a unique profession of the orc family, serving the **** of destruction.

They like to smash the heads of their enemies, believing that they will please their gods.

Cruelty and bloodthirsty are synonymous with them, but it is undeniable that the strength of the Skull Crushers is also extremely terrifying.

A skull crusher can even rival two or three human knights of the same rank.

Moreover, when the Skull Crusher is greatly stimulated, there is still a certain chance of going crazy.

After the madness, the Skull Crusher may have to be dealt with by five or six knights of the same rank.

But madness also has a fatal weakness, that is, it will make the Skull Crusher completely lose his mind, and he will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

Therefore, it is hard to say whether the maddened Skull Crusher is a gain or a weakening for the Orc army.


This Skull Crusher rammed through the human phalanx for a long time, and finally hit a hard stubble.

A knight shrouded in armor, holding a long spear, the tip of the spear pierced deeply into the flesh of the skull crusher.

The furious Skull Crusher swung the giant axe and chopped off the spear, regardless of the spear half inserted into his chest, roaring and running towards the knight.

The knight moved the horse and swam around the Skullbreaker quickly, not wanting to fight him.

Don't look at the huge size of the Skull Crusher, but he showed amazing agility. Seeing the knight riding his horse flashing past, he stepped on the ground with a heavy foot. With the help of inertia, his nearly half-ton body used his left leg as a fulcrum. He rose into the air, made a big circle, and skillfully turned to the direction the knight was avoiding.


The knight's warhorse rammed directly into the beastman skull crusher, and suddenly let out a mournful howl.

The Skull Crusher laughed wildly, his hands sticking out like lightning, one hand clasped the neck of the warhorse tightly, and the other hand grabbed the knight on the horse, but the knight deftly flashed past.

Grabbing empty with one hand, the Skull Crusher directly grabbed the rear leg of the warhorse in annoyance.

Then, a roar rose to the ground.

The knight who tumbled to the ground only felt wet for a while, and when he looked back, he saw that his warhorse had been torn in half by the skull crusher, and a rain of flesh and blood was pouring down.

Resisting the shock in his heart, the knight drew his sword and was about to fight.

At this moment, the surrounding human archers who re-stabilized their formation immediately launched a series of shots at the skull crusher.

The Skull Crusher's huge size could not be avoided at all. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen arrows on his body, but he waved his hand without caring, and shot them all off, then grabbed the previous knight and inserted it into his chest. The half of the long spear, pulled it hard.


Dark green blood spurted out, and the Skull Crusher finally couldn't keep his calm, and let out a roar in pain.

Seeing this, the knight immediately seized this fleeting opportunity, flew forward, and the long sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, piercing the right ankle of the skull crusher.

A strange blood flower blooms.

The Skull Crusher roared, and the giant axe in his hand slammed down!


The earth trembled and the rubble flew.

However, the knight has deftly rolled to avoid it.

The trend of offense and defense was reversed in an instant, and the right ankle of the Skull Smasher was abolished, making it inconvenient to move, and immediately became a living target for human archers. In addition, a knight was waiting for an opportunity, and from time to time, he stepped forward on the huge body of Skull Smasher. Add a wound.

The Skullbreaker roared frantically, the red light flashing from the weird tattoo on his skin became more and more dazzling.

The knight should have fought with the orc skull crusher, and when he saw it, he immediately flew forward, trying to stop the crazy skull crusher.


The giant axe crossed a mournful curve in the air, UU reading www. slashed towards the knight.

But this time, the knight did not evade, only to see his body shone with white-gold light, roaring wildly, and his body suddenly accelerated.



The giant axe still swept the knight, and the steel armor instantly shattered, and the flesh and blood it carried flew in the air like no money.

But at the same time, the knight has also pierced his long sword into the skull crusher's eye socket and deeply into his head.


The huge body of the Skullbreaker finally fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

A group of human soldiers rushed forward, only to find that the knight was silent.

They bowed respectfully to the knight's corpse, then lifted the corpse and quickly backed away.

Behind them, there were more orcs rushing out of the mountain, as if there was no end.

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