The Original Vampire

Chapter 584: strategy

The setting sun is like blood, reflecting this battlefield that is like **** on earth.

The first battle of the orc army invading the Western Territory was so tragic.

The fighting has been going on for a whole day. The combined forces of the two sides are about 100,000, which seems to be a lot, but considering that this is a national war in which the two empires have almost done their best, such a small scene is actually just a test. Sexual battles, whether human or orc, were not fully engaged.

However, the battlefield with more than 100,000 people was already spectacular, stretching for dozens of miles at the foot of the east side of the Tianduan Mountains.

Marquis Garcia stood on a high ground in the back, riding a white horse, staring at the entire battlefield.

From the moment the battle started in the morning, he has been standing here until now.

The sky was getting darker and darker, but the entire sky was dyed crimson as the war continued.

Under the light of the fire, countless corpses were laid out, densely packed, countless.

In the fierce battle all day, the formations of the two sides were entangled with each other, intertwined, and looked disorganized.

But in the eyes of an excellent commander, the situation on the battlefield is clear at a glance.

Marquis Garcia had a panoramic view of the evolution of this tentative battle, and finally had a clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of the orc army.

However, the solemn expression on his face showed that the situation was not optimistic.


The bugle sounded again.

Only this time, it was a signal to retreat.

The two warring parties began to retreat in tacit understanding, leaving blood and countless corpses all over the place.

Marquis Garcia finally retracted his gaze, drove the warhorse, and galloped towards the rear.

All the way into the camp, there are wailing wounded and busy soldiers everywhere.

Marquis Garcia hurried past with a blank expression and came to a huge tent in the center of the camp.

Of course, the guards knew the Marquis of the North, and immediately let him go.

Before entering the tent, Marquis Garcia heard the angry roar of Emperor Reinhardt coming from inside.

"...A bunch of rubbish! How can you have the face to come back to see me after being beaten like this..."

Marquis Garcia walked in on his own, and saw Reinhard the Great yelling at several officers there, and the parchment scattered on the ground seemed to be the battle report of the battle during the day.

He walked over to pick it up, flipped through it roughly, and found that the situation in the battle report was similar to what he had estimated.

Humans did perform badly in this battle, and the battle damage ratio was about 3:1, which means that for every orc soldier killed, it cost three human soldiers.

Although the individual combat power of orc soldiers is indeed stronger than that of human soldiers, you must know that humans have better equipment and better formation coordination. Moreover, the soldiers sent by humans in this battle are about twice as many as orcs. But it was so hard to accept.

The number of troops sent by the orcs this time has also been figured out by the western scouts, and the regular army is about 500,000.

The number of regular troops assembled on the human side is one million.

If you continue to fight at this battle damage ratio, the situation is not good...

Moreover, Marquis Garcia is also very clear that the real battlefield situation will not evolve according to numerical calculations. It does not mean that as long as the Radiance Empire gathers another 500,000 troops to come to support, the orcs can be repelled.

Because at such a battle loss ratio, it won't take long for the surging casualties on the human army's side to quickly break through the bottom line of the soldiers' psychological tolerance, thus triggering a large-scale flight.

By that time, the army was defeated like a mountain.

Emperor Reinhard scolded for a while, seemingly tired, and finally stopped.

His gloomy eyes glanced around the faces of everyone in the tent, and asked in a deep voice:

"You all know the battle situation during the day, let's talk about it, do you have any good suggestions?"

A moment of silence.

After a while, a thick voice sounded:

"Your Majesty, the offensive of the orc army is indeed very fierce. I think it may not be a wise move to fight them in the field. It is better to retreat to the fortress behind and use the strong defense facilities to resist the attack of the orcs. "

The one who spoke was the Lord of the South, the Duke of St. Landers.

The Duke of St. Landers is a graceful middle-aged man with a gentle smile on his face, which can make people feel safe without knowing it.

"Can't retreat!" The Duke of St. Grian immediately jumped out to object when he heard this. "If we can't block the orcs in the Tianduan Mountains, then the vast area of ​​the Western Region and countless people will suffer unimaginable doom!"

Emperor Reinhardt did not immediately make a statement on the dispute between the two dukes, but turned his attention to Count Nicole and Marquis Garcia.

Although Earl Nicole temporarily held the power of the Eastern Territory, with his identity and status, he naturally did not dare to offend the two real dukes.

Marquis Garcia said, "Your Majesty, I also think that we should retreat temporarily."

Emperor Reinhard raised his brows and said, "Why?"

Everyone in the field also turned their attention to Marquis Garcia. After all, the Marquis of the North was the one who knew the military the most among the great nobles present.

Marquis Garcia raised the sheepskin roll in his hand and said lightly:

"Everyone knows the situation of this battle. If we fight head-on, we are not the opponent of the orc army."

Although this is true, it is very heartbreaking, and the faces of everyone present are a little ugly.

Marquis Garcia didn't seem to care about other people's feelings at all, and continued:

"So, the Duke of St. Landers is right. We must rely on strong walls and fortresses to hope to win this war."

The Duke of St. Grian immediately asked angrily: "Marquis Garcia, what about those villages and towns in the Western Region that do not have strong city walls when we withdraw? Are we just shrinking behind the city walls and watching these orcs wreak havoc in the Western Region? "

The Duke of St. Landers stepped forward and said, "Duke of St. Grian, I can understand your mood. If you want to reduce the losses to the West as much as possible, you can organize the people of the West to start migrating as soon as possible."

Duke St. Grian said angrily: "How many people can be evacuated in such a short period of time? And even if people can be evacuated, what about the houses, property and crops?"

"Those things that can't be moved are left to the orcs." Marquis Garcia said lightly, "The people in the West who have no time to evacuate can only hope that they can return to the arms of my lord smoothly."

Hearing this, Duke St. Grian's eyes widened, and he immediately scolded: "Garcia, you are not worthy of being called my lord's knight! Where is your faith? Where is your guardian? Where is your glory?"

Marquis Garcia's expression didn't change, and he said without hesitation, "This is a necessary sacrifice. Which one are you more willing to face, the beast that is starving, or the beast that is full?"

The Duke of St. Grian gritted his teeth and roared: "Garcia, why don't you people from the north fill the belly of these beasts?"

Marquis Garcia sighed and said, "If you are reluctant to sacrifice some of the Westerners now, the North will suffer sooner or later. Not only the North, but also the Feiyan Territory, the East, and even the South will be ravaged by orcs.

And have you ever thought that, in the previous two orc invasions, humans have successfully blocked the army of orcs from the country?

Not once!

Both times, the human race succeeded in counterattacking when a large area of ​​the Radiant Empire fell.

Because even if the orcs are unified, the chiefs of each tribe still have their own thoughts.

When the war is going well, they are still willing to obey the orders of the orc emperor, but after they have occupied a large area and grabbed enough property, are they still willing to work hard for those tough human cities?

This is why I said that part of the territory should be given up, and the UU Kanshu should retreat temporarily, save the elite force, and plan a counterattack. "

Emperor Reinhardt was moved by Marquis Garcia and asked, "Marquis Garcia, where do you think we should retreat?"

Marquis Garcia reached out and pointed at the military map hanging on the wall, saying:

"We'd better retreat to the Loire Valley and re-establish our defenses in this area."


The Duke of St. Grian and Reinhard the Great objected in unison.

Because the place that Marquis Garcia was referring to was already located in Feiyan Territory, and it was only less than 100 kilometers away from Royal Dragon City.

This means that the entire Western Territory is completely occupied, and even most of the Scarlet Flames will be poisoned by the orcs.

At such a price, Duke St. Grian and Emperor Reinhardt would never agree to it.

Marquis Garcia seemed to have expected this, so he could only sigh helplessly, shut his mouth, and said no more.

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