The Original Vampire

Chapter 623: crisis

Latest website: Storm Fortress.

The sunless morning was gloomy, the sky was grey and gloomy as if it was about to rain.

The sultry and humid low air pressure made it hard to breathe, not to mention that the fortress was overloaded with more than 400,000 imperial troops and countless refugees who escaped from the west one after another.

Today, this magnificent fortress standing on the western border of the Scarlet Flame Territory has almost become a can of sardines that is about to burst.

Irritability, anger, fear, and even despair are brewing and circulating in the fortress, and the result is an endless stream of security problems.

Don't look at the hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in the city, but this army that has just suffered a fiasco and is in a downturn, not to mention controlling the refugees to maintain law and order, it would be good not to have mutiny within themselves.

The Nimitz Knight, the commander of the fortress, stood on the tower, looking down at the refugees who were still pouring into the fortress below, and his unease became stronger.

He knew very well that if these refugees continued to pour in, Storm Fortress would sooner or later go haywire.

Although Storm Fortress is an important western gateway for the Scarlet Flames, the strategic reserves of food and grass have always been sufficient, but even so, it cannot withstand such a huge population consumption.

However, what worries the Nimitz Knight even more is that he has requested to see His Majesty several times, but he has never received a response.

As the commander of this fortress, Knight Nimitz can be called a half-master, but now, the great nobles of the Radiance Empire are gathered in the fortress, and Nimitz has become an insignificant person, even if he has a I want to mention the advice of my stomach, but no one wants to listen to it...

A footstep interrupted Knight Nimitz's contemplation. He turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a majestic face walking towards him.

"Lord Duke!" The Nimitz knight hurriedly leaned over and saluted.

At the same time, a fervent hope rose in my heart.

The person who came is the Lord of the South, the Duke of Saint Landes, the real big man of the Radiance Empire.

The Knights of Nimitz knew that only through the Duke of St. Landers could his opinions reach His Majesty's ears.

"Knight of Nimitz." The Duke of St. Landers smiled gently and said, "The law and order in the fortress has become more and more chaotic recently. Should you take tougher measures, so as to deter those rioters."

The Nimitz knight smiled bitterly and said:

"Lord Duke, it's not that I don't want to, but that I don't dare at all.

Those refugees are already emotionally unstable, and if they take tough measures, they may only cause more riots. "

Seeing Duke St. Landers frowning, Knight Nimitz quickly persuaded again:

"Lord Duke, in my opinion, the best way is to expel these refugees from the Storm Fortress and evacuate them to the Scarlet Flame Territory. In this way, the security pressure in the fortress will be greatly relieved.

The military can also concentrate on preparing for the coming war. "

The Duke of St. Landers nodded slightly, as if moving.

But the Yaruger next to him suddenly said:

"Knight Nimitz, have you ever thought about the consequences of forcibly expelling the refugees if they are unwilling to leave Storm Fortress?"

The Nimitz knight did not know Maester Yaluger, and he knew that he should be a commoner when he saw that the other party was not wearing any clothes with the family crest.

But the civilians around the Duke of St. Landers, even the Knights of Nimitz, dare not look down on them, so they could only ask patiently after hearing this:

"My lord, why would the refugees be reluctant to leave?"

The Yaruger explained:

"Refugees are sometimes stupid and sometimes smart. Gu

They can't understand the general trend, let alone military common sense. But they know a simple truth-that is, in a critical moment, they must closely follow the footsteps of big men.

Now there are His Majesty, a group of noble lords in the empire, and an army of 400,000 people in Storm Fortress. This configuration can give these refugees who have just escaped from **** a sense of security.

So you see, the gate of Storm Fortress leading to the Scarlet Flame Territory has always been open, but how many refugees have left voluntarily for so long?

Even though the fortress was overcrowded and the security was worrying, they were still reluctant to leave.

The refugees at this time were very fragile, and most of them did not dare to go to Feiyan Ling to face the unknown future. They only hoped that the imperial army would defeat the orcs and let them return to their hometowns.

If we do forcibly evict, I'm afraid the consequences..."

The Nimitz Knight retorted with some dissatisfaction:

"I think we can spread the news to the refugees that the orc army is coming, and let them know that the storm fortress is not safe. Moreover, we can also tell them that the food hoarding in the fortress is not enough to support the consumption of so many people..."

"Okay, Knight Nimitz." Hearing this, the Duke of St. Landers interrupted decisively, "I also understand your opinion, and I will tell His Majesty the truth and let him make the decision."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Obviously, the Duke of St. Landers understands that this fortress commander is not a smart person. He overestimates the reason of the refugees and underestimates the ugliness of human nature.

He even said he wanted to spread the word about food shortages...

The Duke of St. Landers instantly lost the desire to continue talking with him.

Walking down the tower, the Duke of St. Landers asked the Yaruger beside him:

"If you can't forcibly evict them, is there any way you can get the refugees to leave the Storm Fortress voluntarily?"

The Master Yarug seemed to be prepared, and nodded immediately after hearing the words:

"Yes, and very simple. As long as we spread the word that the army is about to withdraw from Stormhold.

Then, without forcibly evicting, those refugees will run east on their own. "

The Duke of St. Landers took a deep look at Maester Yarug and said with a smile:

"What? You still don't think it's a good idea to stick to Stormhold?"

Bachelor of Yarug nodded and said bluntly:

"That's right. The army of orcs is not an army in the general sense. If the traditional strategy is still used, the empire will suffer a more painful defeat."

The Duke of St. Landers sighed and said:

"Do you also agree with Marquis Garcia's strategy?"

Bachelor of Yarug shook his head and said: "I don't know what Marquis Garcia's specific strategy is, but looking at the Loire Valley where the northern army is stationed, it should be the battlefield chosen by Marquis Garcia... Not to mention whether it is suitable, but at least That is the only way for the orc army to pass, unlike the storm fortress, which is likely to be bypassed by the orcs..."

The Duke of St. Landers pondered for a moment, but still said helplessly:

"Unfortunately, it is impossible for Your Majesty to agree with Garcia's strategy..."

However, the Yaruger seems to have made up his mind, and said with a light smile:

"It depends on how we persuade and how the situation in Storm Fortress changes..."


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