The Original Vampire

Chapter 624: persuade

LATEST WEBSITE: Through the crowded streets, the Duke of St. Landers and the Maesters of Yarug arrive at the central castle of Stormhold.

As the western gateway to the Scarlet Flame Territory, Storm Fortress is the direct domain of the royal family, and of course this castle is also the private property of the San Lorenzo family.

Low towers, cramped windows, thick walls... The castle sacrificed beauty and comfort for military use.

On the mottled walls, there are still traces of the battle that I did not know when, and the dense thorns climbed past, hiding most of the traces quietly.

"Is Your Majesty there?"

The Duke of St. Landers stopped in front of a wide wooden door and asked softly.

The guard nodded, but refused:

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not convenient for Your Majesty to see you now..."

The Duke of St. Landers smiled helplessly and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the wooden door suddenly opened from the inside, and a disheveled goddess stuck her head out in dismay and muttered a few words in the ear of the guard at the door.

Then, the guard walked in.

The Duke of St. Landers exchanged glances with Maester Yarug, and had no choice but to wait in place.

After a while, they saw the guards come out again, but they were still holding a corpse in their arms.

The Duke of St. Landers naturally knew what was going on.

Since the fiasco of the Tianduan Mountains, Emperor Reinhard's temper has become more and more irritable, and there are no more maids who died in his hands.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty will let you in."


The Duke of St. Landers straightened his shirt, and then led the Yeruger in.

There was still a lewd smell in the room. Emperor Reinhardt simply put on a nightgown, stood barefoot on the floor, and poured red wine into his mouth.

When he heard the greetings from the Duke of St. Landers and Maester Yarug, he put down his glass, squinted drunkenly, and asked angrily:

"What are you two doing here? The orc army is about to arrive?"

The Duke of St. Landers shook his head and said:

"Not yet, Your Majesty. The orcs are busy looting and looting in the West, and have not yet regrouped and marched east.

However, according to the scout's report, I estimate that in about half a month, the forward of the orc army should arrive at Storm Fortress. "

"Then why are you looking for me?" Emperor Reinhardt started pouring wine into his mouth again.

The Duke of St. Landers tried his best not to show any contempt on his face. Although he really looked down on the emperor, although the relationship between the Southern Territory and the royal family has always been not harmonious, but as a human being, the Duke of St. Landers also I can only hold down the disdain in my heart and try to save the current situation.

What's more, now that the commander of the North has been declared a traitor, the Lord of the East is still vacant, and the Duke of the West is still alive and dead... Under such circumstances, the Duke of Saint Landes knows that if he does not stand up again, I am afraid that the Glory Empire will be destroyed. The foolish emperor in front of him was led into the abyss of destruction.

"Your Majesty, there are too many refugees who escaped from the west in the storm fortress. It has exceeded the fortress's endurance limit. If this continues, I am afraid that there will be riots inside the fortress without waiting for the orcs to attack!"

"They dare!" Emperor Reinhard glared, "Whoever dares to mess around in the fortress, just kill him!"

The Duke of St. Landers said helplessly:

"Your Majesty, killing alone can't solve the problem. What's more, they are all citizens of the empire! The best way is to let them leave the Storm Fortress and go to the Feiyan Territory to escape temporarily."

"Then let them get out now!" Emperor Reinhard waved impatiently.

"Your Majesty, because you are in Storm Fortress and the imperial army is gathered here, most of the refugees feel that this is a safe place and are reluctant to leave..."

"Then what do you say?" Gu

"Your Majesty, I would like to invite you to come forward and declare that the imperial army is about to withdraw from Storm Fortress, so the refugees will naturally leave..."


A delicate goblet fell in front of the Duke of St. Landers, and the red wine in the glass splashed all over him.

Then came the angry roar of Reinhard the Great:

"Don't withdraw!

As long as I have one breath left, I will never take a step back!

Those **** orcs will never want to wreak havoc in my domain! "

The Duke of St. Landers had long expected the reaction of Emperor Reinhardt, but at this time he just quietly waited for the other party to vent, and then said again:

"Your Majesty, of course I'm not trying to persuade you to withdraw your troops. This is just a scam to get refugees to voluntarily withdraw."

"Really?" Reinhard the Great calmed down a little, but still frowned, "But doesn't that make me lie to the people of the Empire?"

"Of course not." Duke St. Landers immediately explained, "You just announced that you want to withdraw your troops, and the exact time has not been announced. When the orc army arrives at Storm Fortress, you can use the legitimate excuse of guarding the fortress to announce the cancellation of the withdrawal plan. "

Emperor Reinhard lowered his head and pondered, probably considering the feasibility of this approach.

Maester Yaluger watched with a cold eye, seeing that Emperor Reinhardt did not immediately refuse, and he was a little more confident about his own strategy.

According to his judgment, the orcs are very likely to bypass the Storm Fortress and directly march into the Scarlet Flame Territory.

If this is the case, then Reinhard the Great's excuse for canceling the withdrawal plan would not be valid at all.

At that time, in order to maintain his promise, the emperor with excellent face had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

In this way, this troop withdrawal plan is a fake.

However, as for where to evacuate, Maester Yaluger has a different plan than Marquis Garcia...

"Okay, just follow your method." Emperor Reinhardt obviously failed to see through the trap designed by Maester Yaluger, and immediately agreed, "You set a time, and I will come forward publicly and announce that the imperial army is about to withdraw from Storm Fortress... …”

"Can't withdraw!"

Just when the Duke of St. Landers and the Bachelor of Yarug thought their plan was successful, the door was suddenly opened, and a figure broke in.

Emperor Reinhard's face sank, and he was about to scold the **** who dared to enter without authorization, but when he saw the face of the person who came, he immediately swallowed the curse again.

Because, the person who came is the Lord of the West, the Duke of St. Grian!

The guards followed in a looked at Emperor Reinhardt at a loss, indicating that he really couldn't stop the Duke of the West.

Emperor Reinhardt did not embarrass the guard either, and waved his hand to let him back off.

"Duke St. Grian, it's great that you can safely withdraw from the West..."

Emperor Reinhard's words stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, because a figure walked in again outside the door.


After Prince Lehi walked in, he neither saluted nor greeted him, but quietly stared at Emperor Reinhardt with cold eyes.

Emperor Reinhardt swallowed quietly, and just wanted to speak, but he didn't think that today's guests are not here.

I saw another figure coming in outside the door.

"Mr. Ho?"


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