The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 1 - 1: Birth Of The Crow

Alone. I've felt all alone since the day I was born.

"Woof, Woof!" Bo barks, as he interrupts my nap.

"What's wrong boy? Are you hungry?" I ask, as I slowly get off my dirty mattress and pet my loyal chocolate lab.

All of a sudden, I hear familiar caws as my pet crows enter my home. Issac, William, and Edgar. All of them land near my mattress and start staring at me.

"Where have you guys been? I was starting to worry you'd never come back! Let me guess, you guys are hungry too?" I ask as they all start cawing at me. "I guess I am too! Hold tight guys! Imma head to the market and get us a feast!"

Technically I haven't been all alone my entire life but on a personal level, it's certainly felt that way.

Being a child coming in and out of the foster care system has its fair share of issues. For the first 9 years of my life, I stayed at The Eleanor Orphanage. A place that on the surface looked fine but was full of neglect, abuse, and not a single ounce of love.

After years of being stuck in the system, I thought I finally found a light at the end of the tunnel. A wealthy older couple wanted to adopt me and I couldn't be any happier! But things changed really quickly.

My parents seemed to misunderstand a very vital thing about adopting me, I wasn't a newborn baby that could be molded into what they wanted. I was my own person, that already started to develop a personality.

Both of my parents ran a fortune 500 company. Most people in my position would be grateful to have parents that wealthy, but after I saw how they treated and viewed working-class people, it made it hard for me to be happy.

My parents decided it would be best if I was homeschooled and taught how to be a "proper man." Every day from day to night I was deep into my studies, but the only subject that ever caught my attention was English Literature. It wasn't too long until I found out I had a love for reading and writing!

After I would finish my classes for the day, I would go straight to the library pretending to study, when really I was reading fantasy novels and developing ideas for my own stories. For the first time in my entire life, I felt passion and joy for something. But happiness is a fleeting feeling that never stays for too long…

It was my twelfth birthday which marked three years since my parents had adopted me. They were very strict and sometimes overbearing on me, but overall I started to feel like I had my first real family. However, on that day, I finally saw their true colors.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart!" My mother said as we all were eating dinner.

"Happy Birthday my boy!" My father said as he patted my shoulder.

"Thank you! It's hard to believe I've been with you guys for three years now!" I said as I was eating my birthday cake.

"That's right! You've been doing such a good job in your studies and you haven't complained one bit!" My dad said.

"At the rate you're going, you'll be able to run the family business one day!" My mom said as she smiled.

"Actually… There is something I want to talk to you guys about." I said reluctantly.

"Well, speak up son! What's on your mind?" My dad asked as I held my manuscript under the table.

"This is the manuscript for the novel I've been writing! I know it's a little rough, but I've put a lot of thought into it. I think I wanna be a novelist!" I said as I handed my manuscript to my parents.

Both of my parents looked at me with such a disappointed look, that I could already tell that the situation wasn't going to end well.

"Son, you don't have to do things like this to make it in this world!" My mom said.

"We've already set a path for you, where you'll be guaranteed success! Don't waste your time on the struggles of poor people!" My dad said as I felt a huge amount of anger in my chest.

"But, what if I don't want to run the family business one day?" I asked.

Both of my parents looked surprised as if what I said wasn't even a possibility.

"Get that nonsense out of your head! We didn't get you out of that run-down orphanage just so you could be another useless bum on the streets!" My dad said as my mom nodded her head in agreement.

"You're in a position that many would pray to be in! Take advantage of it! I know it's a hard reality to face, but all of us have to do things we don't want to do." My mom said.

"I thought you guys would be more supportive… I really put my heart into this manuscript, I think my stories will actually help people!" I replied.

"You know what? I've had enough of this crap! It seems I have to teach you a lesson!" My dad said, as held my manuscript up.

"Wait! Dad, what are you doing?" I asked as he pulled out his lighter from his back pocket.

"This is for your own good son!" My dad said as he lit my manuscript on fire.

"NO! What are you doing?" I said as I tried to grab it.

I reached for the manuscript and all of a sudden, my dad punched me in the gut.

"Ow… Dad, why?" I said as I laid on the ground in pain.

"Disgraceful! It's a shame me and your mother could never conceive, I'd much rather have a son of my own blood. Not some street rat!" My dad said as he looked down on me with disgust.

"I agree, we ran a risk adopting such a troublesome child." My mom said, as their words hurt deeply in my soul.

"Get ready for bed! Starting tomorrow, no more reading any novels unless they are academic! And get that writing dream out of your head. You WILL be running the family business one day whether you like it or not!" My dad said as both of my parents walked out of the room leaving me alone.

After all of that happened I was really more confused than anything. Was I broken? Did I really do something wrong? Why didn't my parents love me? I tried my best to work hard for them…

That night, I sat on the roof of my house and looked up at the stars. I was thinking about my future and what I really wanted to do with my life.

I remember as I looked up at the beautiful night sky, I noticed a group of crows with a nest sitting atop the roof as well. After further inspection, I realized that this group of crows was a family. A mother, a father, and five baby crows.

It was at that moment that I realized that the one thing I've always wanted in my life is a real family. Not one based on conditional love, but one based on trust, companionship, and unconditional love. My parents didn't really love me, they loved the version of myself that they had in their heads. They loved the version of myself that would be obedient and do everything they said.

So on that day, I decided to run away. I didn't say goodbye to my parents, nor did I say goodbye to any of the tutors, teachers, maids, or chefs that lived in our mansion. From that day on I ditched my family's name and decided to change it!

Crow. For the family of crows that I saw atop the roof. It's been three years since I've left and while life hasn't been easy, I really wouldn't have it any other way.

I live in an abandoned warehouse downtown in my city. The cops have bothered me a couple of times, but each time they do I just switch warehouses. Those idiots have a million other things to worry about than me!

Nearby is a huge outdoor market, where I take the leftover food to keep me and my little family fed. Here and there I do delivery jobs for this guy called Big Mike, who basically runs the black market in this area. It's definitely not my favorite thing to do, but it gives me a little spending change for books and laundry.

My life may not be amazing, but I've made it work so far. I better stop daydreaming though, Bo is gonna bite me if I don't get him a juicy steak!

It's time to head into the market! I hope I don't get caught today!

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