The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 2 - 2: The Market Crusade

It's getting pretty late. All of the shop owners oughta be throwing out the leftover food by now!

As I walk into the market, I feel a very huge presence behind me. I pull my knife out and look back!

"Woah, easy there kid! It's just me!" Big Mike says, with his hands up.

"Sorry! I'm just a little on edge, I know they've been upping security lately." I say as I put my knife away.

"I can't blame you, it seems the local government is finally paying attention to our little neck of the woods. Ugh, I wish those idiots would just go back to focusing on those uppity rich folks, but ultimately it's my fault for making too much noise in the underground." Big Mike says as we both start looking around the market.

"Have you seen any pigs around here?" I ask.

"Yep, I saw them earlier! They were installing brand new security cameras all over the place. Are you about to make a run?" Big Mike says.

"Yeah, Bo's hungry and I've been only eating junk food. I'm hoping I could make us a nice meal tonight!" I say as I imagine myself eating a juicy steak with mashed potatoes.

"I'd be careful tonight kid. If you get caught this time, I won't be able to help you. Or even worse, they'll try to put you back into the system!" Big Mike says, his voice full of concern.

"Come on, you know I'm smoother than that! I won't get caught, I'll make my run and get the hell outta here before they even know I was here." I say as I smile widely.

"Alright kid, you be careful out there. If you're looking for any jobs to do, you know where to find me!" Big Mike says as he walks out of the market.

"See ya around!" I say as I wave at him.

One of the things I've learned since running away is that having too much money can really disconnect you from society. I'm positive if my parents met Big Mike, that they'd tell me he's scum and to stay away from him. But life isn't so black and white like they thought it was.

The truth is, Big Mike was also an orphan who is now a father of three trying to make ends meet for his family. While I'll be the first to admit that what he does for a living isn't considered the most honest way, it's still a living. I think that's why I respect him so much. He does what he has to do to be sure that his people will be okay.

In my opinion, people's moral compass largely depends on whether they have money or not. When you have that stress of not knowing what you're going to make ends meet, you become desperate. Even still, I do my best to do the least amount of harm when I'm doing my dirt.

Some days when I go on a good run, I'll even bring food to some of the homeless people. It's a shame how much food goes to waste when it could go to the people who need it the most. But unfortunately, life is never sunshine and rainbows. Ultimately, all humans are selfish, it's just in our nature.

Finally, all of the lights turn off in the market. It's time for operation Market Crusade!

The strong smells of the market always give me a sense of nostalgia. After I ran away, I came here looking for food. It's crazy to think just how much this little market would mean to me.

I found Bo here! He was digging in the trash and was as thin as a stick. Everyone else just ignored him, so I couldn't just leave him like that. He was so grateful that ever since then he's never left my side.

I also met Big Mike here! He saw I was starving when I came into the market and helped me learn how to survive on my own. At one point, he even asked if I wanted to stay with his family until I got older. I didn't want to be a burden, so I declined. But here and there I'll babysit his kids.

As I walk quietly through the market, I hear two people talking near the meat shop. Upon further inspection, I can tell that they are cops! One of them is really tall and the other is short. Damnit, they're in my way!

"Seriously, why are they sending us to the slums? They aren't paying me enough to deal with this!" The short cop says.

"Quit your complaining! Marco said we'd get a raise if we deal with this area for the next two months. I don't know about you, but I could use some extra cash! My girl's been nagging me all month about getting married, so hopefully I can start saving up for a ring." The tall cop says.

"Sheesh, haven't you guys been together for eight years? It's a miracle she hasn't left you yet!" The short cop says as he starts laughing.

"Oh yeah? Well, what about you? You can't keep a girlfriend for more than a month!" The tall cop says as he smirks.

"You little… " The short cop says, as I sneak into the produce shop.

Those idiots are distracted! If I'm quiet enough I'll be able to get us enough to last us for a week!

As I search through the produce shop I take lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, and strawberries.

"That should be good. Now if I could just get the meat." I say quietly, as put all of the food in my bag carefully.

I look outside of the produce shop and notice that the cops are still next to the meat shop bickering.

"Alright then, let's make a bet!" The short cop says.

"Hell no, you never actually pay up!" The tall cop says.

"Listen, I bet 500 bucks that I can find a girl to marry me before you get hitched!" The short cop says as he held his hand out.

"Haha! Don't make me laugh! That's easy money. You got yourself a deal!" The tall cop says as they shook hands.

Ugh, I'll be stuck here for hours if this continues. I gotta do something to get them away from the shop.

I look around on the ground and find an empty glass soda bottle. I chuck the bottle across the market and it breaks near a bench towards the clothing shop.

"Huh? What was that?" The short cop says as he pulls out a flashlight.

"Yeah, I heard it too! We should probably check it out. Apparently, there have been people robbing the market at night. We better make sure to catch them or Marco will throw a fit!" The tall cop says as both of the cops start walking far away from the meat shop.

Yes! It worked. I better hurry up, that won't keep their attention forever!

I walk into the meat shop and grab steaks, chicken breasts, fish fillets, and even some turkey meat.

"Hehe! We're going to be eating good tonight guys! Whew, that went better than I thought it would. Okay, I got what I needed time to head back home! " I say, as I quickly put the meat in my bag.

Out of nowhere, I hear an alarm going off in the shop! Crap, I wonder how I set it off?

"He's here!" The tall cop yells as both of the cops run towards the shop.

"We have a 10-33! Currently chasing a suspect!" The short cop says to his radio.

"Uh oh! I gotta dip!" I say, as I break through the window of the shop and run away.

I bullet across the market as I'm already hearing sirens in the distance.

"We need back up! The suspect is currently on foot!" The tall cop says.

"Keep up the pace we gotta cut him off!" The short cop says.

"Sorry guys, but you aren't ruining my dinner!" I say, as I vault over a cart and kick it towards them.

"Agh, he's going to get away!" The tall cop says as he barely dodges the cart.

I run out of the market and there are at least 5 cop cars waiting for me.

"Give it up kid! We know you stole all of that food! Hand it over and we might just let you go!" A cop says through a loudspeaker.

"Whatever do you mean officer? I'm just a normal high school student going on my night run! Fitness is important you know! Although it looks like you guys could ease it on the doughnuts!" I say as I start laughing.

"You little brat!" The short cop says as he lunges at me.

"Too slow!" I say as I dodge him with ease.

"That's enough! Put your hands where I can see them, kid!" The tall cop says as he points his gun at me.

"Damnit!" I say as I put my hands in the air.

"Everyone surround him!" The short cop says as he points his gun at me too.

"We've got him! Tell the chief we're bringing him in!" The tall cop says as he slowly walks towards me.

"Sorry officer, but today you're going back empty-handed!" I say as I throw my smoke bomb from my back pocket.

"What the?" The tall cop says as all of them start searching for me.

"Don't fire your weapons! We need a clear visual first!" The short cop says.

I run through the smoke and escape the eyes of the cops. I keep running until I reach a 12 story construction site, that's only a couple of minutes away from my home. I usually come here after doing jobs for Big Mike. I go to the top of the unstable wooden structures as I check my haul in my backpack.

"Nice! If I can get some power on, I should be able to preserve most of this food! I guess today is my lucky day!" I say as I couldn't help but feel excited.

All of a sudden the wooden structure below me collapses. I fall immediately towards the ground over 120 feet in the air.

"Huh?" I say as it's hard for me to process what just happened.

So this is it? My life is really going to end here? Yeah, it looks like it. There's no way I'm surviving this fall.

It's such a shame I didn't really get to do anything. I never fell in love, I never went to a regular school, I never really made any friends, and most importantly I never found a real family. What's Bo going to do without me? Edgar, William, and Issac will probably be okay.

I just wish I could have a second chance! Please, if anyone is out there! Please give me a second chance! I just want to be happy for once!

"Hmmm, I haven't heard such an honest plea for life in years! Very well boy, you'll get your second chance!" A very feminine voice says.

As I almost hit the ground I close my eyes hoping this will be painless. I feel my body hit the ground, but immediately feel a warm light that's hugging my whole body.

"Here's your second chance.. You better not waste it!" The feminine voice says.

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