The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 10 - 10: Adora Academy

"WAKE UP! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Kira yells as everyone starts groaning.

"Ugh, I thought we wouldn't have to deal with school in this new world." Jack says, as he stretches his arms.

"Luckily it seems Adora made it to where you know how to speak our language, however that doesn't mean you know it! Added with the fact you know nothing of our history, nothing about our culture, and while all of you fought admirably you know nothing about fighting! There's a lot of work to be done kiddos and it all starts with getting your education!" Kira says as she puts on a black and red hood.

"Sheesh, I'm having flashbacks to my mother's lectures… " Mari says, as she combs her hair.

"Oh yeah, before I leave! You all will be meeting in classroom 22-C! Layla, do me a favor and make sure they get there alright?" Kira says.

"But wait isn't that?" Layla asks.

"SHHHH! Just let them see the school first okay?" Kira says as she's walking out the door.

"Uh, sure I guess. Hurry up guys, the walk to school is pretty lengthy not to mention it's very steep. Also, Kira told me to give you these!" Layla says, as she hands all of us a box full of clothing.

"Are these uniforms?" Jack asks.

"That's right, Kira did all of your measurements while you were asleep. So they should fit perfectly! Plus we can't have you walking around in those ritual robes." Layla says.

"Uhh, that's kind of creepy… " Mari says.

"You humans sure do love to complain." Layla says, her voice full of annoyance.

We all change into our uniforms and each seems to perfectly represent our house. My uniform is a red bandana, with a black tank top shirt, red pants, and black boots. Jack's uniform is a long-sleeve yellow shirt, brown pants, and black boots. Sachi's uniform is a green short sleeve shirt, with brown shorts, a pair of flexible shoes, and a brown satchel. Mari's uniform is blue robes, with a witch-like blue hat, white boots, and a huge holder for spellbooks on her side. On the left side of everyone's shirt, there is a patch with a triangle on it, similar to our tattoos.

"Not bad!" Jack says as both of us admire ourselves in the mirror.

"Hurry up, move out of the way! I wanna see how I look!" Mari says as she pushes both of us.

"No fair! We were here first!" Jack says.

"Oh please, you look the same as before, just slightly taller!" Mari says.

"That's cap and you know it! Actually, how tall am I now anyways Jack?" I ask.

"I'd say around 6'1, I guess being an elf means you can't be too short?" Jack asks.

"Haha! I'm actually 6 feet now! I was worried I'd be small forever!" I say as I can't contain my excitement.

"Okay, if the fashion show is over, can we please head to school. I'm already freaking out and you guys aren't helping by being a bunch of idiots. I barely slept last night because of Jack's snoring, Mari turns a lot in her sleep, and Crow do you ever stop talking in your sleep?" Sachi asks calmly.

"Ouch, why'd she say it with such a deadpan expression on her face?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think that actually made it sting more." Jack replies.

We all head into the middle of the capital where we can see a large crowd of young Frodians heading to the academy.

"Woah, I didn't realize this many people went to the Academy!" I say as I look all around me.

"There are academies all over Goliath, but this is considered to be the best one. You guys better be grateful, if there's any place that could turn you into competent Frodians then it's gotta be Adora Academy." Layla says.

"How long have you been here Layla?" Mari asks.

"School started just a month ago, so it shouldn't be too hard for you guys to catch up. But, if I were you I'd prepare yourselves." Layla says vaguely.

"Why?" Jack asks.

"Just take my word on it!" Layla says as it's obvious she's hiding something.

"Ummm, guys?" Sachi says as she points at the giant set of steps going upwards towards the academy.

"Welp, see you guys at the top! Scavian Art: Dark Transportation!" Layla says, as she instantly teleports all the way to the top of the seemingly endless steps.

"Hey! Why didn't you bring us with you?" I yell angrily.

"Sorry, call this a rite of passage! All four of you need to walk up the stairs at least once! It's school tradition!" Layla says, from the top of the stairs.

"You traitor!" Mari yells, her voice full of despair.

"Am I going to die today?" Sachi asks, her eyes full of despair.

All around us we see our peers using Taqa to make travel up the steps easy. The Mardians are using their broomsticks to fly up, the Bracadiers are running up the steps briskly with yellow auras emanating from their bodies, Windians are using zip lines to easily get up, and Scavians are using teleportation magic.

"This is insane! Do you guys know any spells that could get us up there?" Mari asks.

"Nah, I barely was able to muster a regular attack last week much less a complex spell." Jack says.

"I've been practicing my aim, but that's it… " Sachi says.

"Ah, maybe I can copy that spell that Layla and Kira use?" I ask as I attempt to summon my Taqa.

"Well?" Mari asks as none of it is coming out.

"No way, can you guys use your Taqa?" I ask as everyone closes their eyes trying to use it.

"No… Nothing is coming out!" Sachi says.

"That goes the same for me!" Mari says.

"HAHAHA! You guys really thought I was kidding? I'm serious, the stairs literally won't let you use your Taqa until you go up it at least once!" Layla yells as she seems quite amused by our suffering.

"Ugh, enough of this! Let's run up there together guys!" Jack says as he sprints up the stairs.

"Damnit! Here I go!" I say as I sprint up the stairs.

"I just took a bath too… " Mari says, as reluctantly sprints up the stairs.

"Wait up guys!" Sachi says as she runs after us.

For what seems like an endless amount of time we sprint up the stairs trying our best not to fall down and give up.

"Ugh, just a couple of more steps… " I say weakly, as I slowly stumble my way up to the top.

I look up and Layla is smiling at me.

"What the hell are you smiling at?" I ask angrily.

"Sorry, I can't help but laugh at you guys' misery. This is what we all had to do last month." Layla says.

"Whew, I finally… Made it!" Jack says as he falls on the stone floor.

"My legs… Do they still even work?" Mari asks as she leans on my shoulder.

"Wait, what happened to Sachi?" I ask, as we look down and notice she's only halfway through.

"Crap, we gotta get here up here! There isn't a rule saying I can't piggyback her up, right?" Jack says as he's trying to catch his breath.

"Just go get her!" Layla commands.

Jack runs down the steps as they definitely seem easier to go down. He picks up Mari and sprints with everything he has.

"Wow, I couldn't even laugh at that anymore! That was brutal!" Layla says remorsefully.

"Okay, are we done with these god-forsaken steps?" I ask.

"Yep, let's head into the academy!" Layla says.

The Academy is pretty much a massive Castle and I can tell it has a bunch of floors. As we walk through the doors we can see all of our peers rushing to their classes. In the front lobby, there are four flags that represent each house! In the back of the lobby, you can see a bunch of students all crowded around a door.

"Come on, that's our way up!" Layla says as we all squeeze our way into the door.

We enter what looks like the equivalent of an elevator for this world. As I look to the left I notice Feno is on the elevator with us.

"Hey, it's Layla and the Half-Bloods! Fancy seeing all of you here! Which floor are you going to?" He asks as he's about to press on a stone tile that I assume is supposed to be a button.

"22! Yeah, I need to get them to settle in! They're basically toddlers right now." Layla says as the elevator is really tight.

"I hear that! Well, as I promised! I'll try not to skip class as much anymore!" Feno says.

"Good, I kind of got tired of bailing you out!" Layla says as Feno gets off on the 10th floor.

"I'll try to be less of a burden! See ya later Layla!" Feno says, as he waves.

The elevator shoots up and we finally arrive at the 22nd floor.

"Kira said to go to room 22-C right?" I ask as we all are at the door.

"I sure did!" Kira says as she lets all of us in.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Jack asks.

"Starting today, I'll be your homeroom teacher!" Kira says as she smiles at all of us.

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