The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 11 - 11: School Days

Class 22-C looks like it hasn't been used in years. The room is full of desks for us to sit at, but they're all covered in dust. There's a chalkboard behind Kira and her desk is right in front of it.

"Just great, so now we have to hear her nagging at home and at school?" Jack asks.

"Aww, don't look so upset! The other option was having you guys go grade school, I could line that up for if you'd prefer that! I'm sure the younglings would love to be classmates with the Chosen Children!"Kira says as she smirks at us.

"We're good!" I say quickly.

"Kira, is it okay if I go to class? I'm five minutes late." Layla says as she holds her hand out.

"That's fine my dear, here's a pass so Elmar won't blow a fuse!" Kira says as she hands Layla a piece of paper.

"I'll see you guys later, try to find me at lunch!" Layla says as she leaves the room.

"Okay then! Before we do anything, all of you are going to help clean up this room! Hop to it!" Kira says as she hands all of us brooms and mops.

"But I'll mess up my robes!" Mari says as she looks nervous.

"Oh don't worry about that, you'll be fine!" Kira replies.

"She totally just ignored what I said… " Mari says, as she begrudgingly grabs a broom.

"Stop being such a baby, let's just get it out of the way." Jack says as he grabs a mop.

We spend the next hour or so trying to make the room as clean as possible.

"Alright, that should be enough. Not bad kiddos." Kira says as she checks our work.

"So how is all of this going to work Kira? Aren't we playing major catch-up here?" I ask as all of us sit at our desks.

"That's right, thankfully with the help of some of my friends from the Guild Alliance, you guys should get a basic understanding of our language in a month's time! Here, all of you need these!" Kira says as she hands us an enormous book.

The book is leatherbound and it's titled "Frodian Language for younglings". Damn, I really feel like a little kid right now.

"Woah, this is almost bigger than my leg!" Sachi says as she struggles to hold the book up.

"Don't even think about losing these books, making more would take months! So you better take care of it!" Kira says assertively.

"So many letters and words… " Mari says, as she scans the book.

"Also all of you need these!" Kira says as she hands us a piece of paper.

"Oh, these must be our schedules!" Jack says.

"Yeah, since you can't really read yet, I only put the numbers of your classrooms in the order you need to go to them. Each class lasts about 40 minutes and lunchtime is after third period. Classes end at fifth period so try to always be on time. Usually, every student is required to report to their homeroom instructor at the end of the day, but since we all live together you can just do that when you get home! Any other questions?" Kira asks.

"What do we do in homeroom?" Mari asks.

"Simple, you all come in to study and I'll help you with anything you don't understand! Got it?" Kira says.

"Loud and clear!" Mari replies.

"Alright kiddos, get out of here. Have a good first day!" Kira says as she leans back into her chair.

We all walk out into the hallway and take a long look at our schedules.

"Talk about unorthodox, we have no clue what any of our classes even are." Jack says.

"Oh look! We have the same class, Jack." Sachi says as it's clear she's relieved.

"Let's get going then! See you guys in a bit!" Jack says as he and Sachi walk off.

Mari and I stand awkwardly as we both start checking our schedules.

"What classes did you get?" Mari asks.

"My next class is in classroom 13-B!" I say.

"Same here! As a matter of fact, all of our classes are the same!" Mari says, her voice full of excitement.

"Yeah! I guess so!" I say nervously, as I try to hide my excitement.

"You okay? You look a little jumpy." Mari asks as she gets really close to my face.

"Nothings wrong! I'm good to go!" I say as I could smell the perfume that Layla bought her.

Mari and I make it into classroom 13-B and the class has Frodians from each house.

"Ah, Adora's children have arrived! Is there any reason why it took you so long to get here?" Master Elmar says as everyone in the room has their eyes focused on us.

"Sorry sir, it's our first day and we were a little confused!" Mari says as she smiles warmly at him.

"And? You think that gives a reason to be late?" Master Elmar says, his voice full of arrogance.

"Um, no sir… " Mari says, as I can tell she feels uncomfortable.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Layla in the back of the room and it looks like she's about to go off on Master Elmar. Ugh, I gotta get in between this.

"Don't get mad at her sir! It was my fault for taking so long on those steps! You know, you guys should put a lift up there or something sheesh! I wouldn't wish that walk on my worst enemy! Felt like that those steps were designed by Vedora herself!" I say as everyone starts laughing at me.

"Ugh, just take your seats already! You're holding up the class!" Master Elmar yells.

Yeah, sure buddy. We were definitely holding up the class.

Turns out this class is cultural history and it would almost be exciting if Master Elmar wasn't such a stick in the mud, but beggars can't be choosers I guess. I sit in the back of the class with Mari and Layla.

"I can't even blame Feno for ditching this class, I'd fall asleep if you two weren't here." I whispered, as Mari and Layla chuckle.

"He's been like this since the semester started, I usually just draw in this class or just practice my Taqa control." Layla says as she draws a comical version of Master Elmar.

"How long do we have to be here anyway?" Mari asks.

"Some people who have money take two years to really hone on their skills and knowledge. But the rest of us who are here to make a living right away only stay for one year. Every Frodian is required a year of higher education in order to get jobs, start a guild, form a party, and even own land."

"I see." Mari says as she starts drawing everyone in the room almost perfectly.

"Wow, you weren't kidding, your drawing skills are incredible." I say as all of a sudden a piece of chalk hits my forehead.

"Mr. Crow! You seem to be talkative! Do you know anything about the 4 major cities of each house!" Master Elmar says as I grab my forehead in pain.

"Uhh… Well, I know about the city of Umbra!" I say as I remember Kira talking about it.

"Okay, what about the other three?" Master Elmar asks.

"Uhh. They exist right?" I ask as everyone starts laughing at me.

"Oh brother, it's a miracle Adora chose you. The four major cities are as follows: Umbra city of House Scavian, Midori city of House Windian, Azul city of House Mardian, and Horia city of House Bracadier! You best remember this, this will be on the test later this month!" Master Elmar says.

"Yes sir!" I say as I felt a little embarrassed.

Our first class of the day finally ends.

"Wow, how lucky. Kira must've pulled some strings so you two wouldn't feel alone. Where's your next class?" Layla asks.

"It's in 15-A." Mari says.

"Oh, that's Master Vokgar's weapon-making class. Don't worry, he's way cooler than Elmar!" Layla says.

"Good to know, 'cause that guy was annoying." I say.

"Try to stay outta trouble, if you guys mess up that's a reflection on Kira." Layla says as she walks away.

"Hmm, I wonder what her story is? She's very secretive." I say.

"You shouldn't pry Crow, she'll open up to us when she's ready." Mari says confidently.

"True." I say as we walk to our next class.

Master Vokgar's class is filled with workbenches and tools to make weapons. All over the walls, there are weapons that have seemingly been made by the students. There are swords, bows, daggers, staffs, and shields.

Mari and I sit in the front since both of us are pretty interested in this class.

"Ah, you two are with Kira right?" Master Vokgar says as he approaches our bench.

"Yes sir!" We both say in unison.

"Woah, why are you so stiff? I'm not going to hurt ya!" Master Vokgar says, his voice full of sincerity.

"Sorry, we just left Master Elmar's class." I say.

"Haha! Yeah that makes sense, I've been butting heads with that idiot for decades and he hasn't changed a bit." Master Vokgar says as he chuckles.

Layla was right this guy is way cooler!

"Now what do you guys have? A crappy dagger and a poorly made staff." Master Vokgar says as he holds up our weapons.

"We were just given these last week when Vedora attacked." Mari says.

"Don't worry! I'll help make you guys some way better weapons than these!" Master Vokgar says.

Second period ends and we head straight to our next class in class 16-B. We walk into the room and find out that this is a potion-making class. The room is covered in smoke and a bunch of our classmates are making potions and tonics.

"Oh, I've actually been looking for you young lady." Master Celine says as she walks up to Mari.

"Is everything okay Master?" Mari asks, her voice full of nervousness.

"You have a lot of potential, but your spells still need some work. I saw you fighting alongside my daughter the other day during Vedora's attack." Master Celine says as Mari's eyes grow large.

"Wait, Verrona is your daughter?!" Mari asks, her voice full of astonishment.

"That's right, you guys are friends?" Master Celine asks.

"Uhh, something like that." Mari says as she tries to avoid eye contact with Master Celine.

"Well in any case get ready for class! You and your Scavian friend have a lot of catching up to do!" Master Celine says.

Third period ends and my mind is already overwhelmed with information.

"How are you holding up?" Mari says, her voice full of energy.

"I feel like I just put my brain in a microwave, but otherwise I'm pretty solid!" I say sarcastically, as Mari laughs.

"It'll get better, we just have to get used to it." Mari says as we enter the lunchroom.

"Guys! Over here!" Jack says as he's sitting at a table with Sachi and Layla.

"I grabbed you both some soup, that's all they were serving today." Layla says as she hands us the bowls.

"Thanks, how did class go for you two so far?" I ask.

"Nothing I can't handle! I've already gotten to know some of Bracadiers here! Plus the only class that bored me was–" Jack says.

"Elmar's, right?" I ask as everyone laughed.

"Sachi almost knocked out it at least 4 times! I had to save her!" Jack says, as he chuckles lightly.

"I've never seen such a boring man in my life… " Sachi says, as she calmly eats her soup.

All of a sudden Veronna and a group of Frodians approach our table. Her group consists of a Scavian boy, a Windian Girl, and a Bracadier boy.

"Wow, so this is really them?" The Windian girl asks.

"Yep, they smell like us, but there's something off about it." The Bracadier boy says.

"I don't smell an ounce of talent in them! That's for sure!" The Scavian boy says as he starts laughing.

"They aren't bad in battle, but they're average at best." Verrona says.

"Ugh, get lost! I'm tryna eat!" Layla says as she tries to ignore them.

"I don't remember you being the friendly type Layla, are you trying to stick with them to hopefully receive Adora's grace?" The Scavian boy says with a smirk on his face.

"Only someone as empty as you Umrac would think that. They're my friends, it's as simple as that." Layla says nonchalantly.

"I'm empty, am I? Let's not forget about your past! I'm sure your new friends are curious!" Umrac says.

Jack springs up and gets right into Umrac's face.

"You guys seem pretty bored, I'd be more than happy to escort you to another table." Jack says, his voice full of quiet anger.

"Ha! This half-blood has some spirit! Torak don't you think so too?" Urmac says as the Bracadier boy gets in front of Urmac.

"Yeah, I think you're right!" Torak says.

"Jack, don't let them get to you! I'm fine!" Layla says.

"Let them be! Isn't fifth period coming up Alida?" Verrona asks the Windian girl.

"Yep, and today we're running one on one battles!" Alida says, her voice full of excitement.

"Perfect, come on everyone let's eat!" Verrona says, as her and her posse finally leave.

"They seem like great people!" I say.

"Why were they talking about fifth period so much?" Sachi asks.

"Fifth period is training and sparring class. All of the Instructors of the school will be there. I guess they're hoping to face us in battle." Layla says as she finishes her soup.

"Ugh, they were horrible. Most of the people I've met so far have been so nice, but they… " Mari says.

"Yeah, I've known Verrona for a while now and she's been bothering me since the day I've gotten here. She's so hell-bent on surpassing her mother that she treats others like they are beneath her." Layla says.

"Well, maybe we should face them?" I ask as everyone looks surprised.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You guys still need more training!" Layla says, her voice full of concern.

"We shouldn't just back down from them! Who cares if we lose, at the very least we'll gain some respect!" I say.

"That's stupid Crow! They've been training for their whole lives, you guys just became Frodians last week! I promise I'll help get all of you stronger, but please reconsider! I don't want you guys to become the laughing stock of the school!" Layla says passionately.

"No, he's right. We can't back down from them. If we can't even face their little troop, then how can we expect to stop the Colossi? I'm with you, Crow!" Jack says.

"I don't like our odds, but I do kind of wanna knock them down a peg." Sachi says quietly.

"Yeah, let's do it! They'll know not to mess with us!" Mari says, her voice full of cheer.

"Fine, fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.." Layla says, as she lets out a huge sigh.

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