The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 12 - 12: Sachi Vs Alida

Fifth period has just started and we're all outside in an arena-like area towards the back of the school. All of our classmates are either training or sparring and it's a great place to truly see some talented fighters. Mardians are practicing their spells casting, Windians are shooting at targets, Bracadiers are swinging their swords and axes at each other, and Scavians are working on their stealth attacks.

"Still feeling confident?" Layla asks.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Layla! It's really helping!" I reply sarcastically.

"She wasn't lying though, you can tell they've been honing their skills for years. This reminds me of when I faced that team in the grand finals… " Sachi says, as she observes the Windians shooting bullseyes.

"Some of those spells look so advanced." Mari says as she focuses on the Mardians casting spells.

"I wonder if I should start using a shield?" Jack says as he watches the Bracadiers spar.

I slowly look over at the Scavians who are sparring and all of them are moving at absurd speeds.

"Pay attention to them, Crow. Do you see how they move gracefully but still attack aggressively? That's how you should fight! Everyone knows that a Scavians true strength relies on speed and agility. Using quick attacks that aren't very strong but also do damage over time. As time goes on it'll be second nature to you." Layla says.

All of a sudden all of the instructors walk into the arena.

"Alright, shut it! Fifth period is about to truly begin! Today, Grand Master Elyon is here!" Vokgar says as an older-looking Mardian walks behind him.

"No way, he never shows up!" Layla says as everyone in the crowd starts chattering.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"He's the headmaster of the school, but more importantly he's a descendant of Adora." Layla whispers.

"So does that mean?" Jack asks.

"Yep, he's related to you all." Layla replies.

Elyon is 6'3 and he's wearing beautiful blue robes that look very expensive. His presence is already overwhelming, I can already tell that he's strong.

"Well, all of you look very determined! Vedora's attack must've sparked a fire in all of you. I'm glad it did, otherwise, everything my mother fought for would've been for nothing." Master Elyon says, his voice like an easy summer breeze.

"Yes, Grandmaster!" Everyone says besides us.

"Now, where are my little brothers and sisters at?" Master Elyon asks as everyone darts their eyes at us.

"We're right here sir!" Jack says as Master Elyon approaches all of us.

"Well, let me take a look at all of you!" Master Elyon says as he sizes us up.

Master Elyon's eyes have so much history in them, you can tell he's been through a lot. It really is crazy to think that all of our lifespans have been extended so long.

"You must be Jack, this is Sachi, you have to be Mari, and I can already tell that you are Crow!" Master Elyon says confidently.

"How did you know who was who?"I ask.

"We're family, it's just that simple. I hope you all will live up to our mother's expectations, don't take your second chance for granted." Master Elyon says as he rubs my hair gently.

"Yes sir!" We all say in unison.

"Are you ready to proceed sir?" Vokgar asks as he hands Master Elyon a cane.

"Of course!" Master Elyon says as they sit him on a very expensive-looking chair on the side.

Kira walks towards us.

"What's going on Kira?" Layla asks.

"Master Elyon got bored. You kids better be ready." Kira says as she walks away.

Why are Frodians always so vague? I swear it ticks me off, it's like we're always a step behind them.

"Today is a special day! Since Master Vokgar is here, we'll be running a quick sparring tournament! We'll allow all of you to choose the battles!" Master Elmar says as all of the instructors sit down on the side.

Out of nowhere Verrona and her crew walk to us.

"Finally, I didn't think we'd be able to fight in front of the Grand Master like this! This is perfect!" Torak says, his voice full of excitement.

"Sounds good to us! Bring out your best, we aren't afraid of you!" Jack says confidently.

"Fine, I'll go first!" Alida says as she steps up to Sachi.

"Please back away from my face, your breath is horrid… " Sachi says with her usual deadpan expression. All of us laugh at Alida as it's clear that triggered her.

"You little!" Alida says as she attempts to punch Sachi.

Verrona gets in between the punch and grabs Alida's hand.

"Save it for the match." Verrona says calmly.

"Who will be going first?" Master Elmar asks apthetically.

"These two will!" Urmac says.

"Alright then, hurry it up!" Master Elmar commands.

The tensions are rising and you can tell that everyone is excited to see this battle.

"How do you feel Sachi? Are you good?" Layla asks.

"I'm a little nervous, but I'll shake it off before the battle begins." Sachi says, her eyes full of determination.

"Remember, you aren't just a regular human anymore. Use your new blood to your advantage and you'll have a chance!" Layla says as Sachi walks away from us.

"Do you think she can win?" Jack asks.

"It's possible, Alida isn't naturally gifted or anything, but she does have an undeniable work ethic. Sachi's best chance is to use her excellent vision to her advantage, otherwise, Alida might overwhelm her… " Layla says.

"Keep that negative energy over there! We need to encourage her! WOOOO! Go Sachi! You got this girl!" Mari yells cheerily.

Sachi and Alida stand in the middle of the arena and everyone is cheering really loudly.

"Hmph, your crazy if you think you stand a chance against me!" Alida says as she pulls her bow from over shoulder.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop talking. You're wasting everyone's time." Sachi says as she smirks at Alida.

"Ugh, I'll make sure that's the last time you make fun of me! I'll knock that smirk right off your face!" Alida says as a thunderous amount of Taqa starts emanating from her body.

Uh oh, Sachi better not underestimate her.

"Let the battle… BEGIN!" Master Celine says.

"Windian Art: Sharp Wind Arrow Dance!" Alida says as she shoots a countless amount of green arrows at Sachi.

"Sachi watch out!" Jack yells.

"Relax Jack, she's got this!" Layla says confidently, as Sachi seems unfazed by the attack.

"Windian Art: FPS FOCUS!" Sachi says, as her tattoo starts lighting up like a fire and a huge amount of Taqa emanates from her body.

Sachi starts running really quickly as she dodges all of the arrows with ease. It seems like she can predict Alida's attacks.

"Huh? What is that spell?" Alida asks as she keeps firing off arrows at Sachi.

"When did she learn that?" Mari asks.

"While the rest of you were slacking off last week, Sachi was trying to get used to her new body and abilities. So, I helped her train and it wasn't too long until I found out that Children of Adora can all make their own special abilities! It's not mentioned in the prophecy or the books, but there were rumors that half-bloods of the past were able to have unique skills that come from their human blood. She used this ability on me as if it were instinctual and it definitely surprised me." Layla says.

"That's insane… " Jack says.

"Come on Sachi, you got this!" I yell.

Alida stops firing for a bit as it's clear she's gotten tired.

"Damn, all you've been doing is dodging me you little rabbit!" Alida says as she's breathing really hard.

"What's wrong? I thought you were gonna wipe my smirk away?" Sachi says. This is clearly the competitive side of her from her E-Sport days.

"I have no choice, it's time to turn this battle in my favor!" Alida says as she pulls out throwing knives.

"Bring it!" Sachi replies as she pulls her bow out.

Alida throws a bunch of throwing knives that narrowly miss Sachi. Sachi starts shooting green magic arrows at Alida, but she misses. They both start running fast across the arena each of them pushing their Taqa to the limit and continuing their aggressive ranged attacks.

"YAH! Windian Art: 360 MODE!" Alida yells as all of a sudden her speed increases exponentially.

"Crap, this isn't good!" Layla says.

"What is that?" I ask.

"I heard about this last week, it's the transformation that she used to beat over 10 Colossi in only a minute. 360 mode. Apparently, it heightens her senses and increases her speed tenfold. Basically, Sachi is screwed!" Layla says.

"Windian Art: Homing Arrows!" Sachi says as she shoots 5 green magic arrows at Alida.

"Hmph, not bad! But, not fast enough to hit me!" Alida says, as she runs across the arena at blinding speeds that the arrows can't keep up with.

"No way! They can't catch her?" Sachi says, her voice full of frustration.

"You've done good half-blood, but this is the end! Windian Art: Arrow of Adora!" Alida says, as she fires off an enormous green arrow the size of a pickup truck at Sachi.

"No!" Sachi yells as the giant arrows hit her dealing massive damage.

Sachi falls to the ground in pain and clearly can't get back up right now.

"That's game! The winner is, Alida!" Master Elmar says as all of us run to the middle of the arena to check on Sachi.

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