The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 27 - 27: The White Witch

"So where are we going again?" Jack asks as we walk through a dying forest on the outskirts of Tario.

"I told you yesterday, I want to meet with an old friend who knows about this type of stuff. I may be knowledgeable, but magic and mystical arts aren't my strong suit, fighting is." Kira replies.

"Where do you know this friend from?" Mari asks.

"We fought together during the guild wars, she's one of the best spell casters I've ever seen. If there's anyone who would know about this scroll, it would be her." Kira says as she spins her dagger.

"Hey, what's that over there?" Sachi says as she points to a pretty sizable cabin with a garden in front of it and clothes hanging out to dry.

"We're here. Pick up your steps kiddos!" Kira says as we make our way to the front door of the cabin.

This cabin is so out of place in a forest full of dead trees and plants, if she was hoping to keep intruders away she's doing a pretty bad job at it.

"Back up!" Kira says as all of a sudden a huge storm of Taqa surrounds us.

"Who dares to enter the domain of White Witch! State your business or face the wrath of the Witch of Tario!" A very intimidating voice says, with thunderous strength.

"Oh brother, Shelara kill it with the whole demon lord act! It's me Kira Jane of Umbra, your best friend!" Kira yells.

The strong spell immediately stops as a beautiful-looking Mardian woman runs out the door and hugs Kira tightly.

"It can't be! Is it really you?" Shelara says as she's still hugging Kira.

"The one and only! Glad to see you as jumpy as ever!" Kira says as she hugs her back.

"Ah, and these must be the chosen children! I heard through the spirits that they were under your care!" Shelara says.

"Still invading people's privacy I see!" Kira says as she smiles.

"Oh come on, you know I always have to check on my friends! Well, don't be strangers come on in!" Shelara says as we enter into her cabin.

The cabin is very cozy and feels nostalgic in a way even though I've never been here. There's a couch, chairs, a kitchen, and even a second floor which seems to be where she sleeps.

"This is very you. You were never one to be too flashy. I'm sure Eldrin wanted something a little bigger knowing him! Where is that nerd anyways?" Kira says as she admires the comfy home.

"You know him, he's out there selling some of his newest spell books! I have to hold down the fort until he gets back!" Shelara says.

"WAAAH!" A baby-like voice says from the second floor.

"Excuse me for a second!" Shelara says as she darts upstairs.

Shelara comes back with a Mardian baby in her arms.

"You're just full of surprises. When were you going to tell me you became a mother?" Kira asks.

"I did! You just never wrote back or visited!" Shelara says as she calms the baby down.

"What's his name? He's so cute!" Mari says as she kneels down to look at the baby.

"Jassin! Want to hold him for a bit Kira? I'm sure he'd be happy to meet his aunt for the first time!" Shelara asks.

"Oh no! I'm too clumsy to handle such a small boy! Even still, it brings me joy that you're doing so well my friend. My apologies for not visiting sooner!" Kira says as all of us sit down on the couch.

"Save your apologies, I'm just glad to see you in good health as well Kira! Now, what has brought you here? Does it have anything to do with those recent goblin attacks?" Shelara asks as she rocks the baby gently.

"That's right, my students here have been tasked to eliminate them. They managed to defeat some, but I still sense their presence all around the town. I'm starting to worry that Tario might be in grave danger if we don't get on top of this!" Kira says.

"Things have been bad, to say the least. So many of them have been popping up lately that it's interfering with my spirit magic. Even more so, they somehow found a way to ignore the blessing Adora placed on this town. Usually, those types of monsters can't even enter the town, much less build bases around it." Shelara says.

"Also, my students found this from a goblin hideout. I sorta recognized it but I couldn't quite remember what it is." Kira says as she hands Shelara the scroll.

"No… This is not good! I could never forget this symbol if even if I tried to! Kira, this is the mark of Vedora!" Shelara says as she starts freaking out.

"Right! I remember now when we were facing the Imperial Army! They would send those giant monsters and they had this symbol on them! Every time we saw one on the field we knew we were in for a long battle." Kira says as it's clear her memory is slowly coming back to her.

"So does that mean Vedora is controlling the goblins?" I ask.

"Not necessarily Crow, the mark of Vedora usually comes from another Frodian that Vedora has shown interest in." Kira replies.

"It's not a coincidence that this would happen shortly after the attack on the capital. Vedora is trying to return and build her influence around Goliath. It seems she really is fearful of the Chosen Children." Shelara says, her voice full of worry.

"So what I'm gathering is that Vedora is trying to build an army of goblins around Goliath?" Sachi asks.

"That seems to be the case. She must know that a pack of goblins isn't really that effective, but an army of them is a totally different situation. Goblins give birth faster than we do and beyond that their population is already 4 times bigger than ours. If she keeps this up, this won't be a small-scale issue anymore." Kira says, her voice full of stress.

"There has to be something we can do about it! We can't just stand here and let her have her way! Malnio's sister is in danger and other Frodians are too!" Jack says as he slams his hand on a table in frustration.

"WAAAH!" Jassin cries.

"There, there. It's okay Jassin, my sweet boy! Momma's here!" Shelara says as she rocks him gently back and forth.

"I'm sorry, I got a little bit too loud in your home. Forgive me for the disrespect." Jack says as it's clear he's embarrassed.

"It's okay, I understand how you feel. Vedora's got all of us cornered right now and nobody really knows the best way to deal with it." Shelara replies.

"We need a plan, the goblins aren't going to stop just because we're frustrated. The situation is only going to get worse if we don't take action! Does anyone have any ideas?" Kira asks.

For the next couple of minutes, we all sit in silence trying to think of what's the next best step.

"Ugh, all of this is just such a mystery. We don't know enough. Seems like Vedora is at the source of this, but how do we stop someone who's not even alive?" Jack says.

"The source… The source! I think we all can safely assume that if we take down the person controlling the goblins, then their reign will be over! I've studied goblins for years, how could I have forgotten about this? The second we take out the master the goblins should resume their more typical behavior!" Shelara says.

"As true as that might be, how in Adora's name are we going to find the master? I've been searching all week and haven't found anything!" Kira says.

"If you all give me a full day with this scroll, I should be able to find where the master is hiding no matter how far they are!" Shelara says confidently.

"Wait, seriously? There's magic that can allow you to do that?" Mari asks.

"That's right young lady! Kira, your memory must be failing you too! Have you forgotten that I was one of the top scouts in the rebel army?" Shelara says as she smiles.

"That's right! You were able to take items from the enemy and pinpoint their location with ease! I knew it was smart to come see you." Kira says as she cracks a small smile as well.

"I just need a little bit of time. A spell of this magnitude won't be easy, but I should be able to manage." Shelara says, as the baby finally falls asleep.

"Take as much time as you need. Once you figure it out, just leave the rest to us." Kira says, trying her best not to wake the baby.

We finally leave Shelara's home and start heading back to town.

"I'm glad we're moving in the right direction at the very least! I don't want to come back to Master Elyon empty-handed, that would be disgraceful." Kira says.

"Are we really going to have to take out whoever is controlling them?" I ask as everyone grows really quiet.

"Unfortunately, yes Crow. I know that taking the life of one of our kind feels wrong, but this person is hurting innocent people like Malnio's sister." Kira says as she says it with a lot of care.

"I see." I say as I can't help but feel uneasy about it.

"This is what it takes to protect our land, when people are trying to burn the world we must extinguish their flames." Kira says.

"Umm, speaking of! Why is the town on fire right now?" Jack asks as he points the town on the horizon.

In the distance, we can see the whole town engulfed in flames and smoke. Even worse, we can see at least 7 goblin kings walking around the church!

Back into the fray, we go…

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