The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 28 - 28: Extinguish The Flames

"This is bad! Where did they even come from?" Mari asks as she pulls out her staff.

"Three Goblin Kings on the west side of town and the other four are on the east! What should we do Kira?" Sachi asks as she pulls her bow out.

Kira stares at all of us trying to devise a plan.

"Okay, we need to split up! Mari, Sachi, I need you to give me back up for the west side of town! Crow and Jack! You'll be handling the east side of town since that's where the mansion is anyways! Check up on the kid and be sure he's okay! Once we've eliminated them all, everyone meets back here at the town square! Got it?" Kira asks.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

"Protect the people of Tario with everything you have! They're counting on us!" Kira says, as all of us separate.

Jack and I sprint over towards the east part of town as the flames are growing more and more intense. Out of nowhere, we catch a pack of goblins chasing a group of kids.

"Midna keep running!" A Windian boy says, as he's holding a Windian girl's hand.

"Breno, watch out!" Midna yells as three goblins with swords are about to attack them.

"Bracadier Art: Lumber Jack Throw!" Jack says, as he throws his axe and cuts all of the goblin's heads clean off.

Jack and I approach the children.

"You okay?" Jack asks as he checks for injuries.

"Yes, just a couple of scratches…. " Breno says, as he holds Midna's hand tightly.

"Do you guys know any place you can hide for shelter? It's not safe out here." I ask as they both look really nervous.

"We heard that everyone is finding shelter in the mansion! My brother was trying to take us there!" Midna replies.

Really? I guess Almar isn't as heartless as I originally thought.

"Crow, we should escort them to the mansion! We were heading that way anyway!" Jack says as it seems he's maturing a bit.

"Gotcha, come on you guys are coming with us!" I say as the kids follow us.

Out of nowhere, a pack of goblins blocks our path as they smile deviously at all of us.

"Outta the way creeps! Bracadier Art: Iron Fists!" Jack says as both of his hands become covered in iron.

"Don't have time for you guys! Scavian Art: Shadow Step!" I say, as my speed increases instantly.

Jack and I both dart towards the pack of goblins at staggering speeds. Jack throws a flurry of punches taking out at least 10 goblins. I run across them ducking and dodging their feeble attempts to injure me.

"Scavian Art: Dark Dagger Slash!" I say as I unleash a dark circular magic attack that cuts down the remaining goblins.

"Whew, seems we're getting better and better!" Jack says as we continue to escort the kids towards the mansion.

"Glad you're trusting us more!" I say, as we finally make it to mansion.

People are crowing into the mansion as Jack and I look for Almar inside.

"You mean to tell me Almar isn't here?" I ask as we look all around the mansion.

"If he's not here, then who's been letting people in here?" Jack asks.

"Jack, Crow! I was hoping you guys would come back in time!" Malnio says, as sprints over to us his voice full of exhaustion.

"Malnio? It was you?" Jack asks.

"That's right! Master Almar actually left this morning shortly after you all departed. The attacks started shortly after, so I helped everyone evacuate here!" Malnio says as he smirks confidently.

"You did well little man! This town is lucky to have someone like you!" Jack says, his voice filled with pride.

"Hey kid, have any of the goblins or Goblin Kings been attacking the mansion?" I ask as I notice the mansion doesn't have any burn marks or structural damage.

"No, they haven't! I started to notice during the attack that they keep ignoring the mansion, but destroy everything else! Once I figure that out, it was just common sense to lead everyone here." Malnio says.

What? None of this makes sense! Why wouldn't goblins attack the mansion in particular? Everything else in the town has been thrashed or damaged at the very least! Something really isn't right about the timing of this attack. It's almost like someone knew that all of us wouldn't be here to protect the town.

"Crow! Snap out of it? We gotta situation!" Jack says as he points out the window.

Three Goblin Kings are heading towards the mansion and they have a horde behind them ready to attack anyone in the streets!

"Damnit! They must've noticed we took down some of their numbers! We gotta get out there and stop them!" I say as I clutch my dagger.

"Right! Malnio, make sure everyone stays inside! Don't let a single person leave until we tell you it's safe! Got it?" Jack asks, as kneels down.

"Don't worry, I'll keep everyone safe! I promise!" Malnio says.

"Atta boy! Stay strong, we'll get everyone out of here in no time!" Jack says as he rubs Malnio's head.

Jack and I run out into the street as the horde keeps moving closer towards the mansion.

"Wonder how things are going for Kira the others?" I ask as Jack and I prepare for battle.

"I'm more worried for the goblins than I am for them! Kira is the scariest monster here!" Jack says, as we both laugh.

"Haha! You got that right, she has so many tricks up her sleeve that you can definitely tell she fought in a war." I say as both of us unleash our Taqa.

"Let's just be glad she's on our side! Anyways, what do you say our odds are?" Jack asks as it's clear he's psyching himself up now.

"It's not looking too good… We barely managed to defeat one goblin king with some help from Sachi and Layla. We're going to have to give it our all if we even want to stand a chance." I reply honestly.

"That's one thing I like about you man, you manage to be optimistic and grounded at the same time. I, on the other hand, know that I'm delusional! Even still, no matter what anyone says I believe that if you speak something into existence it will happen. So let's win this and save everyone Crow! Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Mode!" Jack says, as his muscles grow larger.

"Let's go! Scavian Art: Flight of The Crow!" I say as both of my wings sprout from my back.

I fly above the horde and decide to focus on the three hulking Goblin Kings. Jack stays on the ground and starts charging towards the horde. I fly towards one of the Goblin Kings and he attempts to swipe at me with his large hands. I hardly manage to dodge his attacks as he tries to swipe me away like I'm a fly.

"Is it me, or are they actually way stronger than before?" Jack asks as he charges through the horde taken out dozens of goblins.

"Yeah, it's like they're quicker thinking than before! I can't even get a hit in on any of them!" I say as all three of them attempt to attack me.

"Don't lose heart man! Remember your way faster than all of them! Use that to your advantage! Off me! Bracadier Art: Earthquake Smash!" Jack says as he hits the ground with his axe taking out a bunch of goblins.

"You're right! Scavian Art: Spin Blade Dash!" I say as I fly towards one of the Goblin Kings like a spinning wheel.

I cut through his shoulder and fly right above him.

"You aren't avoiding this! YAAH!" I say as I fly down towards his head at crazy speeds cutting his head clean off.

"That's right Crow! Keep it up!" Jack says as he keeps fighting off the horde.

Suddenly, I notice that one of the Goblin King's is about to grab Jack.

"Jack! Watch out!" I yell.

"Huh?" Jack says as the Goblin King grabs him by the neck.

"No! Try to wiggle man! I'm coming!" I say as I fly right after him.

"Crow… Don't!" Jack says as he points behind me.

The other remaining Goblin King grabs me by my neck and clutches my throat really hard.

Damn, they got both of us good! I'm trying to use my dagger but he's clutching my throat too hard!

"Ugh… I can't breathe!" Jack says as he starts swinging his axe into the goblin's hand.

"Jack, keep fighting! We… We can't give up!" I yell out, as my throat feels like it's getting crushed.

We put a really good fight, but is this it? Is this as far as we go in the land of Goliath!

"You Chosen Children have to do a lot better than that! Mardian Art: Ice Wind Spears!" Master Almar says as he launches humongous Icy spears at both of the Goblin King's impaling them in their hearts.

Both of the Goblin Kings loosen their grips and fall to the ground defeated.

"Wow, a lot can happen while you leave for business.." Master Almar says as he approaches us.

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