The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 29 - 29: Embers

"How disgraceful. You dishonor Adora's name!" Master Almar says, his voice full of anger.

"You really think you have the right to criticize us? We tried our best to protect the people of this town! Meanwhile, you weren't even here!" Jack says as he picks up his axe.

"Hmph, ignorant children who aren't even from this world wouldn't know the first thing about true responsibility. You tried to protect the people, did you? Funny you say that, as I made my way through the town I was greeted by dead bodies of some of the good people of this town! Did you do anything to save them? Or were they not special enough for the Children of Adora?" Master Almar says, as my heart drops.

"That can't be right… We stopped them, I didn't see anyone dead." Jack says reluctantly.

"Master Almar, I think we can all agree that we should've been here earlier, but putting the blame on us isn't solving anything!" I say as I stand up for Jack.

"Shut your mouth you impudent brat! It's amazing that Adora actually chose all of you, I've never seen a group of Frodians so incompetent and weak. I doubt any of you could've survived during the Guild Wars! She should've just let all of you die and chose better candidates!" Master Almar says, as all of a sudden Kira appears behind him with an angry look on her face.

"You mind repeating everything you just said, Almar?" Kira says as she has her dagger close to his neck.

"Ah! You're here!" Master Almar says nervously.

"Just on time, it seems like too. It's fine if you throw constructive criticism, but taking it a personal level? You should know better Almar, we aren't children anymore! They are!" Kira says as a huge amount of Taqa starts emanating from her body.

"Kira why don't you put dagger down? I'm not your enemy!" Master Almar says as it's clear he's scared out of his boots.

"Let me make something clear to you first! If you ever talk to my students like that again, I'll end you Almar… And if you think I'm afraid to go to prison, then you're dead wrong!" Kira says, her voice full of cold anger.

"Right! I understand." Master Almar says, as Kira finally pulls her dagger away.

"Are you okay boys? Sorry it took us so long, Goblin Kings can be a bit of a hassle." Kira says as Sachi and Mari are walking with her.

"What happened to your necks? Let me take a look!" Mari says as she starts healing Jack and me.

"We had them… But they caught us off guard." Jack says.

"We should've done better!" I say as I feel really disappointed.

"Enough, what's done is done. We've taken out all of the goblins so at least we dealt with that." Kira says.

"Huh? Why the hell are all of these people in my home?" Master Almar says as he walks in.

"They didn't have anywhere else to go! So Malnio told them to find shelter in there! Or is that an issue too?" Jack asks as everyone darts their eyes at Almar.

"No. Not it isn't. Is everyone okay? All the goblins should be gone now, I've taken the last of them out!" Master Almar says hesitantly as you can tell he doesn't really care about the people in this town.

For the rest of the day, we help all the people in the town with cleaning up and putting out all of the fires. Mari is working the hardest out of all of us since she's also on healing duty. All in all, there were over two hundred casualties out of the thousands of people living in this town. A tough pill to swallow, but one that we must accept.

After finishing everything up, we all meet in Master Almar's study.

"Malnio! Get in here!" Master Almar yells, his voice full of anger.

"Yes sir?" Malnio asks, as he nervously walks in.

"What made you think it was okay to let all of those people in without my permission?" Master Almar asks.

"My apologies sir! I just didn't want any more people to get hurt!" Malnio says adamantly.

"The circumstances are irrelevant the fact of the matter is that you did something without consulting me first! I'm sorry, but I'm firing you Malnio! I can't afford to have employees that I can't trust! I need you out of here by tomorrow!" Master Almar says with a cold expression on his face.

"That's unfair! Malnio did what any sensible or decent person would do! You can't do this to him!" Jack yells.

"Hmph, it seems your unruliness has rubbed off on him." Master Almar says apathetically.

"Almar, don't you think you're being too harsh? The kid works his butt off and never complains, most people would be thankful to have a servant this loyal." Kira says.

"No can do, here's your final payment boy. It was a pleasure having you at the Almar Estate, best of luck." Master Almar says as he throws Malnio a bag of gold.

"I understand… Thanks for everything sir." Malnio says, as he bows and leaves the room.

This guy really is a piece of crap! How on earth did someone like him get this much power?

"We also have to address another matter! Your job is over, I've received word from Master Elyon and he said that they'll be contacting the Guild Alliance to call in the elite guilds to eradicate the goblin threat. He claims it may have been asking too much for mere children to handle such an issue. You're all to report back to Vortiyas within the next week. Here is your payment Kira!" Master Almar says as he throws her a pretty sizeable bag of gold and also hands me a letter with Master Elyon's seal on it.

"What? We almost got to the bottom of this! You didn't even hear about the intel we found!" Jack yells.

"It doesn't matter anymore. As of today, the goblin threat is no longer your responsibility. Stop being so eager and get your head back into the books, it's clear you all still have a lot to learn about Goliath. I know I was harsh earlier, but it's only because I see potential in all of you." Master Almar says as he's trying to attempt to be sincere.

"Spare us the pretty words Almar. Come on kiddos, pack your things we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow." Kira says.

"Wait really?" I ask as Kira gives direct eye contact to me and winks.

"Don't be like that Kira! You all are more than welcome to stay another night! I'd love to have dinner with you outside maybe a little bit of ale on the side?" Master Almar says trying his hardest to be charming.

"I'll pass, we'll just stay at the inn across town!" Kira says as she gives a fake smile.

"Very well then, until next time Chosen Children!" Almar says as we all left the room.

After packing all of our stuff we meet in Kira's room.

"Disregard everything I said earlier. We aren't leaving." Kira says as everyone looks surprised.

"Kira, what's going on? It seems like you know something." Mari asks.

"Almar is hiding something. " Kira says confidently.

"How did you gather that?" Sachi asks.

"For one, that seal on that letter is fake. I'm positive Almar forged it somehow, I've worked for Elyon for years and his handwriting looks nothing like this!" Kira says as she shows us the letter.

"Any other reason?" Jack asks.

"Let's just say I had a gut feeling. There are way too many coincidences stacking up and knowing Almar for all these years has revealed one important thing to me, he's a snake that'll do anything to get his way." Kira says.

"I agree, there's something about his vibe that was always off to me from the second we met him. He can't be trusted." I say as everyone nods their head in agreement.

"So what should we do Kira?" Sachi asks.

"The job isn't over, by now Shelara should almost be done with her spell. I say for the time being that we crash at her place and move from there. We'll get this job done whether Almar approves or not!" Kira says.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

Suddenly, Malnio opens our door with casual attire on for the first time.

"Hey! I just wanted to say goodbye to you all before both of us leave. I also wanted to tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you for caring about me! Hopefully, with this last chunk of money I have, I'll be able to find my sister!" Malnio says as I can tell he's really hurt inside.

"Malnio…. " Jack says, his voice full of worry.

"Hey listen kid, would you like to come with us?" Kira asks.

"What? You mean like stay with you guys?" Malnio asks.

"That's right, we'll be staying at my friend's house while we're finishing the job off. It would weigh on my conscience if we just left you like this." Kira says, her voice full of warmth.

"I thought the job was over? Don't you guys have to get back home?" Malnio asks.

"No little man, we don't care about what that rich boy says! We will save this land from the goblin threat and we'll find your sister!" Jack says as he pats his shoulder lightly.

"I won't lie to you and tell you that it'll be sunshine and roses but I'll do my best to keep you safe. You have my word!" Kira says passionately.

Malnio grows silent for a bit and starts tearing up.

"Thank you… Thank you for still helping me!" Malnio says as he starts crying.

"Wipe those tears away, you gotta be strong from here okay?" Kira asks, as she hugs him gently.

"Okay." Malnio says as he manages to smile.

We still have work to do and people to save.

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