The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 30 - 30: A Job Not Finished

"I sure hope she hasn't fallen asleep." Kira says as she knocks on Shelara's door.

"That would be bad, trying to solve a mystery on no sleep sounds like a nightmare." I say as I twist my fingers hoping she can hear us.

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!" Shelara says as we can hear her walking down.

Shelara opens the door and stares us down.

"I've been expecting all of you. And who is this young man?" Shelara asks.

"My name is Malnio, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Malnio says in a proper tone.

"Come on in Malnio, I can tell you need some rest. The rest of you make yourselves at home too." Shelara says confidently.

"Wait, how did you know we were coming to stay here?" Jack asks.

"I didn't get too many specifics, but my spirit magic gave me the general gist of what happened. Although I'm sure you'll give me the full picture Kira." Shelara says as we all sit in the living room.

"Right. I almost forgot to tell you that we received our job from Almar of Azul. You remember him right?" Kira asks.

"Ugh, I almost wish I didn't! That fool would always try to charm me during the old days with that cheap cologne. I almost fell for his little sad puppy act too, until I found out how he treated the other girls in the army. I forgot he set up his estate here a couple of decades ago." Shelara says, her voice full of disgust.

"Unfortunately he hasn't changed much. Still as bitter, selfish, and womanizing as he was in the past. This boy we brought with us was actually his servant up until a couple of hours ago." Kira says.

"I see, sorry you had to go through that, Malnio. I'm sure it was quite hard working for him." Shelara says.

"It was… " Malnio replies.

"So what forced him to kick all of you out?" Shelara asks as she hands all of us cups full of tea.

"He claimed that Master Elyon was going to request help from the Elite Guilds to put a stop to the goblins. But I found out the letter he showed me was fake! For some reason he doesn't want us to finish this job, he even gave us our payment already." Kira says as she shows Shelara the bag of gold.

"Hmm, that's definitely strange. But whatever the case is you guys want to finish it off right?" Shelara says.

"That's right!" Jack says proudly.

"That's good since I found out where the goblins are coming from! Mardian Art: Map of Clarity!" Shelara says as she casts a magical map across the room that reveals the town of Tario.

"No way! They've been hiding in Tario?" Mari asks.

"You mean to tell me they've been around us this whole time?" Sachi asks, her eyes wide open.

"It definitely makes sense considering the attack earlier… That many goblins would've been spotted by the guards if they'd come from the roads." Kira says.

"So where exactly are they coming from anyway?" I ask.

"Under the mansion." Shelara says, as everyone gasps.

"This can't be true! I've been living there for months!" Malnio says.

"That may explain why they weren't attacking the mansion! Even still it makes you wonder why they're under there in the first place." Jack says.

"Using my tracking spell I discovered a couple of other things that stood out. One, it seems the goblins have built a complex base under that mansion and using its tunnels to attack people even further beyond the town. Two, deep beneath that hideout there are numerous Frodians that are crying out for help. Some of them are already dead… " Shelara says, her voice full of sadness.

"Wait, did you see a small Scavian girl down there? She kind of looks like me actually, she's my little sister!" Malnio asks.

"Now that I think about it, I did see a young Scavian girl down there! Last I checked she was still alive, but you better hurry up! Those goblins take one Frodian each day and bring them into some strange room.

"Aliah… Please don't die on me." Malnio says anxiously.

"We'll get down there in time little man, don't lose hope yet." Jack says reassuringly.

"Now everything makes perfect sense. Whoever is controlling the goblins has the perfect setup to where they basically can't get caught. It's genius really, hiding in the place you're attacking. But I wonder what this person hopes to gain from doing all of this?" Sachi asks.

"It's tough to say kiddo. Whatever the case is even as much as I hate Almar we have to let him know what's going on here, if he knows something we have to get it out of him." Kira says.

"What's the plan?" I ask.

As all of us sit in silence for a couple of minutes thinking about what's the best thing to do.

"It's simple, we raid their hideout. The Goblin Lord has to be somewhere down there, we all need to be prepared as possible. We'll be entering uncharted territory and the goblins will eat all of us alive if we let them!" Kira says, her voice full of seriousness.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

"Now everyone get some rest! Tomorrow is going to be a hard day for all of us!" Kira commands.

Within the next couple of hours, everyone falls asleep on wooden beds that Shelara pulled out for us. Unfortunately on nights like this one I don't even bother to get any sleep. It kind of reminds me of those nights before I'd do deliveries for Big Mike. I'd sit in my bed hoping and praying that I wouldn't be caught and be sent back to the system. I really hope Big Mike and his family are doing good.

I decide to get out of my bed and walk outside the cabin for some fresh air. Despite the forest being dead around this area, there's something about it during the night that's both beautiful and scary at the same time.

"What are you doing out here this late Crow?" Shelara asks as she sips her cup of tea.

"Sorry, did I disturb you? I was a bit of a night owl in my old world." I say the wind starts gently whipping through my hair.

"No worries, I was just trying to be sure you're okay. I'm actually curious, what was your old world like?" Shelara asks.

"Wow, you're actually the first Frodian to ask me about it. Let's see what was it like? Well, our technology was far ahead of the technology here." I say.

"Really? How so?" Shelara asks, her eyes full of anticipation.

"We had things like cars which allowed us to drive ten times faster than the carriages you guys use. We also had something called the internet, I'd probably be here for a whole week if I tried to explain how all of that worked." I say as I smile at her.

"That definitely sounds different for sure! Is there anything you miss about your old life?" Shelara asks.

"To be honest, not really. I didn't come from the best of circumstances when I was a little kid. It's really ironic I ended up in a place like Goliath because I use to read fantasy books that had a setting similar to here. In a way, Goliath is like my realizing me being in the middle of my favorite book! But I've realized after being here for a month that this place isn't a safe haven that's going to help me run away from my problems. I still have to face life head-on whether I like it or not. Sometimes I don't know how to grapple with it." I say as I feel really vulnerable now.

"I'm sure many people in your position would probably be excited to get a second chance at life, but the burden of coming from a different world just to be held responsible for another one is quite a lot to think about. I'm surprised you kids are able to move forward with this much confidence." Shelara replies.

"Kira has been our number one supporter since we've gotten here. Well, her and Layla too I guess. Both of them have treated me better than any family I thought I had in my old life. It bothers me quite a lot that two people I just met have looked out for me better than my own parents, but it's true." I say as I think back on my old life.

"What's wrong with that? It's nothing to be sad over, be thankful that Adora has given you a new family that will have your back. Kira has been my friend for decades and while her communication is crap, she's always had my back even in our war days. She's saved me so many times and never asked for anything in return. She saved my husband in the middle of battle and I can't imagine how my life would be if he wasn't here. Sometimes, I believe that life sends all of us angels here to guide us down the right path. Cherish your relationship with your new family Crow. Don't ever take it for granted." Shelara says, her voice full of sincerity.

"I will. Thanks for talking to me! It actually helped me clear my head." I say as both of us smile.

"Anytime, now get back inside! It's cold out here!" Shelara says, as I follow her inside.

The reign of the goblins ends tomorrow! I can't lose, not anymore.

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