The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 31 - 31: Tensions Rise

"Everyone get down here right now! Time to get ready!" Kira yells, from the basement of Shelara's cabin.

"Here she goes, yapping her gums as loud as she can in the morning… " Mari says her eyes filled with dread.

"Let's be luck we're not back home, otherwise we'd be doing chores right now." Sachi replies, as she yawns and stretches.

We all go into the basement and see a very long table filled with weapons, gear, and armor.

"What's all of this?" Jack asks.

"We'll be facing packs of goblins today, your uniforms won't be enough to deal with them. Thankfully, Shelara already had some stuff from our war days so all of you are set!" Kira declares as it's obvious she's just happy that we're saving money.

"My fighting days are over, so I'm glad that all of you will get some use out of these!" Shelara says, as all of us admire everything on the table.

"You guys can pick what you want, but based on your fighting styles I actually have a couple of suggestions." Kira insists.

"You're the combat guru, it would be dumb not to hear you out. What do you think?" I ask as Kira stares intensely at all of us.

"Jack, you've been doing weight training lately. You have more a tanky fighting style that relies on your strength. I suggest you use a heavy armor plate to protect your chest, a helmet would probably be too heavy at this point. Also, bring an extra axe with you. Goblins might not have the most strength but they make up for it with quick and speedy attacks that through their opponents off." Kira suggests as Jack nods his head in agreement.

"Seems my training is finally paying off, this doesn't feel heavy at all!" Jack replies as he puts his armor on.

"Next should be Sachi! I think you should wear light armor under your shirt to protect you from projectiles and other attacks. Also, you should consider using these." Kira says as she hands Sachi a quiver of red arrows with skulls on them.

"These certainly look ominous. What do they do?" Sachi asks as she straps the quiver onto her back.

"Explosive arrows, very effective for almost any combat situation. Think of it as a last resort! One shot from these is enough to take down at least 50 goblins. Still, be sure to use them wisely!" Kira commands.

"Yes Master!" Sachi says as she starts checking her bow for any damage.

"Mari, my quick thinking spell caster! Let's see here… Ah, this amulet is perfect for you! You also should use this staff instead!" Kira insists as she hands both of the items to Mari.

"Well I can tell that this staff is suited for both close-ranged and long-ranged combat, but what does the amulet do?" Mari asks as she practices a couple of swings with the shorter staff.

"The amulet will repel any magic attacks but be careful if too much pressure is put on it, it'll definitely break. This will give you more time to cast your spells or better yet you can wack the ugly scum bags with your staff!" Kira says.

"Got it, this will definitely help!" Mari says as she puts the amulet on.

"You're last Crow. Based on what you told me about your last battle it seems that you're a fan of the bombs that Layla likes to use. So I'll lend you my flash, smoke, and firebombs. Be really careful with them, they explode easily! After that, I would suggest you wear these light armor sleeves! Your arms are your biggest assets since you have such a run-and-gun fighting style like me. Hopefully one day I can teach you how to duel wield your daggers, but for now, just stay on the offensive as much as you can. Your speed and reflexes are your biggest blessings, use them to your advantage." Kira says as she hands me the items.

I put all of the bombs around my belt and strap them securely and I also put the sleeves on which honestly feel really lightweight.

"That'll work!" I reply as everyone is finally geared up.

"Wow, looking at all of you like this really brings me back to the old days. Kira uses to spend hours gearing up and it would always hold up the rest of our troop!" Shelara laughs.

"Better to be prepared than to get my head knocked off in battle! Anyways, you guys all know the drill! When we get into the underground hideout we all need to stick together, goblins thrive on their numbers. It's the only thing that makes them such dangerous foes in battle. However, if all of us stick together they won't stand a chance! If we do this right we'll put a stop to the goblin lord and hopefully find all of the missing Frodians!" Kira exclaimed.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

Suddenly, we hear Malnio walking down the steps holding Shelara's baby.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry Malnio, I forgot to feed the baby! He was crying wasn't he?" Shelara asks.

"No worries, I was able to help him fall asleep! I actually used to babysit all the time back at the tavern." Malnio says, as he hands the baby over to Shelara.

"We're about to head out little man. I promise you we'll get your sister back no matter what it takes… Family is important and I don't want you to lose the last family you have left!" Jack declares, his voice filled with determination.

"I really can't come with you this time?" Malnio asks.

"No, you stay down here and hold down the fort with Shelara! Leave the rest to us." Jack says, his voice full of encouragement.

"I understand, please protect her if you find her! She's a headstrong girl, but if you tell her that you know me I'm positive she'll go with you!" Malnio suggests as I can tell he's really nervous.

"Will do. Just wait here, we'll be back in no time!" Jack says as we all walk outside of the cabin.

We all do our final stretches and yawns as we prepare to head back to Tario.

"Well, we're off my friend! If we don't come back–" Kira says.

"Oh cut the crap, I know you'll come back! The speed demon of Umbra won't be bested by some goblins! Be sure to keep the kids safe and save all of those innocents down there. They've been suffering for a long time and it really did pain me to hear their cries for help." Shelara says.

"A job is a job." Kira says as she nods at Shelara.

"And a job well-done means… " Shelara says.

"More money, more fun!" Kira says as they both fist bump each other.

We leave the dead forest and make our way back to Tario.

"You know one thing has been bothering me since our first day here." Sachi says as everyone darts their eyes to her.

"What's that?" Kira asks.

"Doesn't it feel like all the attacks have revolved around us?" Sachi points out.

"Have they really? Or is it more like we've just been running into them?" I ask.

"The goblins have been attacking everyone. To me it feels like their attacks are indiscriminate, the only thing that remains true for all of them is that they either take out or kidnap Frodians for some reason." Mari suggests.

"Yeah, I agree it doesn't seem like they're singling us out." Jack says.

"Sachi might be on to something. What if the person who has been controlling the goblins has been watching us all along? It would make the timing of the attack on the Town make a lot more sense." Kira says confidently.

"But then who could a be then? And what do they hope to gain?" I ask as everyone seems stumped.

"Don't worry about it for now, let's just stay focused on the job. Something tells me we'll finally get some answers today!" Kira commands, as enter the town and head straight to mansion.

As we walk through the town you can tell that everyone is in rebuild mode. Some of the buildings got smashed during the goblin raid and it certainly didn't do wonders for their economy. They were already struggling before, now they have to deal with this. It goes to show that life doesn't slow down for anyone.

We finally arrive at the Mansion and Kira stops at the front gate.

"Huh? I don't sense Almar in the Mansion? I wonder where he went?" Kira says as she unleashes her Taqa.

"Maybe to the market or possibly something business-related?" Sach suggests.

"No, during our time here I figured out his schedule. Right now he'd usually be eating breakfast. But, something feels off… " Kira says, her as she clutches her dagger.

"Kira, what's wrong?" Mari asks as she readies her staff.

"EVERYONE BACK UP!" Kira yells.

Out of nowhere, four Goblin Kings break out of the walls of the mansion with a horde of goblins right behind them!

"I knew it! The Goblin Lord set us up! They knew we'd be back!" Kira yells, her voice full of frustration.

The goblin horde is so big this time that they jump over the gates and start attacking the city.

"Damn, we can't go underground yet! The people of the town come first!" I say as I prepare my dagger.

"Oh well, we have to do the best we can to stop them!" Mari says as she unleashes her Taqa.

"I'll try to spot all of them across the town, the rest of you just listen out for my signal!" Sachi says as she pulls out her bow.

"Guess that means I'll focus on stopping the horde while the rest of you can deal with the Goblin Kings!" Jack says as he clinches his axe.

"Wow, just look at all of you! It would be an understatement to say I'm proud of all of you! Nothing brings me more joy as your master than to see all of you mature. That means I have to step it up too, doesn't it? Listen up kiddos, I'll take care of the city!" Kira commands.

"Wait what? There's no way you can take all of them on your own!" Jack says, his voice full of concern.

"I can and I will! You four have a job to complete, I'm just here for support! Find a way into that hideout and save our land from the terror of the Goblins!" Kira insists adamantly.

"But Kira!" Mari yells.

"No buts! Finish up your job and that's an order! Don't make me repeat myself!" Kira says, as her Taqa grows even larger.

"You guys heard her! Let's get a move on!" Sachi commands.

"You better not lose!" I say as we all run into the mansion.

"I'm the last person you need to worry about kiddo! Now, Scavian Art: Zero Point Mode!" Kira says, as her Taqa turns white.

We all run into the partially destroyed mansion looking for a way to the underground hideout.

"Any luck for you guys?" I ask as I run through the mansion looking for a hatch or something.

"Nope! Nothing on the second floor!" Jack yells.

"I don't see anything, on the third floor either!" Mari yells.

"Damn, where is it? They have to be coming from somewhere!" I say as I can't help but feel frustrated.

"Guys, check this out in the back!" Sachi says as we all run to the backyard.

Sachi is standing above a giant iron door on the ground that definitely has enough room for the Goblin Kings to come out of.

"This has to be it right? Let's open it up!" Jack says, as he grabs both of the handles and pries them open.

The door reveals a large set of stairs that seem to be endless.

"Get ready everyone, only Mother Adora knows what's in store for us down here… " I say, as we all carefully walk down the dark stairs.

This is it.

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