The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 32 - 32: Lost And Found

"Mardian Art: Light of Adora!" Mari says as she casts a blue flame that lights up our path.

"I swear we've been walking for hours now! How far do these steps go?" Jack says, his voice full of annoyance.

"We've only been walking for 15 minutes actually." Sachi says nonchalantly.

"What? How the hell do you know?" Jack asks.

"I've been counting ever since we've gotten here. Being in the dark like this can play tricks on your mind." Sachi replies as she has her bow ready.

"I wonder if Master Almar knew anything about this?" I ask as I keep my eyes focused.

"The doors were actually covered with grass and leaves, but even still all of this seems really weird. An underground area like this had to have taken centuries to build." Sachi responds.

"Woah!" Mari yells as she falls down the stairs.

"Mari! Are you okay?" I ask, as we all finally reach the end of the stairs.

"I'll shake it off." Mari says as I help her up.

"Wow, guys look around us!" Sachi says as she points to a large statue of Vedora.

As we investigate more of the area I start to realize that this place used to be a civilization of sorts. There are countless shacks, old shops, taverns, and even a dried-up hot spring.

"AHHH!" Mari shrieks, as she steps on the bone remains of a Frodian.

"This place is nuts, to think all of this was just below us the whole time!" I say.

"And just like Shelara said, there are tunnels all around here. This is how they catch everyone off guard." Sachi determines.

"The question is, which one leads to missing Frodians and the Goblin Lord? There's no way we can search through all of this." Mari says.

Suddenly, I hear something really large moving towards us from the shadows.

"Am I the only one who hears that?" I ask.

"No! Everyone run! It's a trap!" Sachi says as she darts off.

I look behind and see a giant flaming boulder that's rolling at us.

"Get a move on! It's gaining on us!" Jack yells as she sprints with everything he has.

"Hurry up! We can take cover in that tunnel right ahead!" Mari says as she points at a lit-up tunnel about 20 feet ahead of us.

We all pile into the tunnel as we barely make it inside in time.

"Everyone good?" I ask as I try to catch my breath.

"Still alive… " Mari replies.

"Bad news for us. That boulder is blocking the way we came from." Jack says as he attempts to push it back.

"We didn't have any clue where we were going before, now we're basically stuck down here until we can find another way up… " Sachi says anxiously.

"Wait! Is someone there? Please help us! We're stuck down here!" A young feminine voice yells further down the tunnel.

"Could that be the missing Frodians?" Mari asks.

"Come on we gotta help them!" Jack commands as he bullets down the tunnel.

"Jack wait! It could be another trap!" Sachi yells as we all run after Jack.

"Oh my god… " Jack says, his eyes full of astonishment.

Jack freezes and stares as we enter a horrendous room. Frodians young and old are all locked up in cages with chains on their feet. There are torches all around us lighting up the room as well as a humongous chair in the back of the room that almost looks like the throne of a king. In the middle of the room, there is a strange-looking table with Vedora's symbol on it.

"This is awful. Shelara wasn't kidding at all!" Mari says as she runs over to cages.

"Please help us out of here!" A young Scavian girl begs, her voice full of desperation.

"Don't worry kid! We'll get you outta here! Wait a sec, she kind of looks like." I say, as her face seems really familiar to me.

"Aliah! Is that you?" Jack asks as he comes to the girl's cage.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" Aliah asks, her voice full of skepticism.

"I know, I know. You've been through a lot these last four months I'm sure. Your brother sent us down here to save you! Malnio's been worried sick ever since he's lost you!" Jack says.

"My brother? He's doing okay? He's still alive?" Aliah asks as she starts tearing up.

"That's right, he's safe and sound at a friend's place!" Jack says, trying his best to reassure her.

"Thank Adora! I thought these monsters took him too and killed him… He's still alive!" Aliah cries as she starts bawling.

"Let's get all of you out of here! RAAH!" Jack says as he cuts off the door locks of all of the caged Frodians.

"All of them have chains on their legs! We need to cut'em off so they can move!" I command as the rest of the party nods their heads in agreement.

For the next couple of minutes, we free all of the Frodians from their chains. Shortly after Mari heals all of their injuries making them look as good as new.

"That should be all of them!" Mari says as she heals Aliah.

"We're really going to make it out of here?" Aliah asks as you can tell that she's had no hope in her heart for a long time.

"You'll be with your brother very soon!" Jack reassures.

"FINALLY! I got all of you exactly where I wanted you to be!" A strange-looking masked man says as he sits on the throne-like chair confidently.

"AGH! It's him again!" Aliah screams, her voice full of pure fear.

"So, you're the bastard that's been controlling the goblins and hurting these innocent people?" Jack shouted, his voice full of fiery anger.

"And what of it? It's not something any of you stupid kids would ever understand! You've been getting in the way of my plans!" The Goblin Lord snapped.

"Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused? The whole country is in peril because of you!" I bellowed as I clutched my dagger tightly.

"Why are you doing this to your own people? Don't you have a heart?" Mari asks as she's still trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Wow, I forgot how naive I use to be when I was your age! The fact of the matter is, this world is one of cruelty and unfairness. The world has had relative peace ever since the guild wars, it makes people weak and pitiful when there's nothing to fight for! All of these people worship Adora, but was she ever done for them? Why doesn't she do anything to stop the pain and suffering of this world if she really is a god?" The Goblin Lord asks as it seems all of us are at loss for words.

"So hurting people is the answer? Children and the Elderly?" Jack asks, as his Taqa starts unleashing.

"That's right, pain and suffering seem to be the only way to make a point! We need a new society to be made. A society where the people can truly live their own truths! You see, society decides that child soldiers are necessary and should be fodder for whatever petty squabble the upper-class has! Society decides that the church of Adora be in power, while simultaneously doing nothing for its people! Society decides that your value as a Frodian is only determined by your achievements or the amount of money you have! I say to hell with all of that! If Vedora wants to burn this land down and start it anew, then I'll help her with her quest!" The Goblin Lord says as I notice he has a square-shaped tattoo on his right arm.

"So, you're a follower of Vedora? I'm assuming you already know who we are then?" I ask as black Taqa starts emanating from his body.

"That's right! You're all the Chosen Children of Adora, sent here from another world to save our god-forsaken land from the threat of the Colossi! Man, when news spread around that you had arrived everyone was so ecstatic! They wouldn't shut up about you! They went on and on about how things would be different this time! Well, guess what? I've lived for quite a while now and every time she brings those damn half-bloods here, nothing has changed! Our people remain as evil, ignorant, selfish, and egotistical as they've ever been!" The Goblin Lord shouts as you can hear a sincere pain in his voice.

"You killed all of those people and that's your reasoning? You really think that justifies what you've done?" Jack shouts.

"I do, unlike you all that don't have a single ounce of conviction! I'll force this world to be a better place even if it kills me! But enough talking, my first step towards my dream is getting rid of all of you! Vedora Art: Goblin Army!" The Goblin Lord says as a bunch of Goblin Kings and a horde of Goblins enter the room.

"Guys get ready! He's throwing everything he has at us!" I command as everyone readies their weapons.

"I'll never forgive you for what you've done to our people! URGAHHH! Bracadier Art: Lumberjack Mode!" Jack bellows, as his muscles, grow bigger.

"Windian Art: FPS Mode!" Sach yells as she unleashes her Taqa.

"Mardian Art: Artist Mode!" Mari shouts as her staff is glowing with a huge amount of blue Taqa.

"Scavian Art: Flight of the Crow!" I yell, as my wings sprout from my back.

We've finally found him, now we have to follow through!

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