The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 34 - 34: Revelations

"You really took out all of my forces? I guess I should've expected that from you." The Goblin Lord says as I can see that his mask is cracked.

"Kira!" We all say in unison, our voices full of relief.

"Sorry I'm late kiddos! I had a town to save! So this is where the goblins have been hiding this whole time? That's quite a revelation, to say the least! Huh? Why are all of you on the ground like this?" Kira asks as she walks over to check on us.

"He used some spell that paralyzed all of us!" Jack explains.

"Ah, forbidden magic that hasn't been used since the Guild Wars. Time to get all of you back up! Scavian Art: Darkness Shock!" Kira yells as she shocks everyone in the room with dark lightning.

The numbness of my body instantly goes away and we're all able to stand up again.

"Whew, I was worried we'd never be able to move again!" Mari says as she stretches her arms out.

"Kira Jane of Umbra! I should've prepared more for you! Still, none of you are leaving out of here! I will be victorious in Vedora's name!" The Goblin Lord declares confidently.

"Oh yeah! Why don't cut the crap and take the mask off, Almar?" Kira asks as all of us gasp.

"HUH?" We all say in unison.

"Well, well! You figured it out! When did you realize it was me?" Almar says as he takes the mask off.

"After I destroyed the rest of your forces, I got a little curious and looked through your study. Nothing seemed too off at first but then I found something really strange! In one of your desks, you had a journal logging your day-to-day activities and thoughts. As I read through a hunch of mine was finally confirmed, Master Elyon didn't write that letter you did! You did all of this to throw us off of your trail!" Kira explains as everything is starting to make sense.

"How careless of me, I should've just burned my whole mansion down myself! You certainly haven't changed at all since we fought together Kira! You are always a step ahead of everyone else! You trust no one but yourself so that way you can protect the ones you love! That's why no one has ever defeated you except for our master! I both admire that and hate that about you, ever since we were kids! Even after every single thing you've been through, you're able to move on with your head held high! Me, on the other? I always hold grudges and can't help but be bitter at his awful world!" Almar rants, his voice full of quiet anger.

"That was your problem growing up Almar! You wanted the world to bend your way but the reality is it never will! Not just for you but for everyone in Goliath! Change isn't something that happens overnight, true change takes a really long time to take hold." Kira says.

"Don't you dare lecture me about my views! Vedora is the only one who understands where I'm coming from! None of you get it because you're a slave to this version of our world! Well, I've had enough of it! Prepare yourself my old friend, today both of our ideals will be tested!" Almar says as he unleashes a huge amount of Taqa.

"Very well, have it your way!" Kira says as she unleashes her Taqa.

"Kira, we'll back you up!" I say, as prepare my dagger.

"Stay back kiddos! It's about to get really messy in here! All of you just protect them!" Kira yells as she points at the freed Frodians.

"Don't you dare look away from me! Vedora Art: Clones of Fury!" Almar says as he summons dark clones of himself.

The clones all start trying to attack Kira but she's way too fast for all of them. Kira does a 360 spin kick making all of the clones disappear.

"You're going to have to do better than that Almar! Scavian Art: Super Shadow Step!" Kira yells as she darts towards him at staggering speeds.

"No! Vedora Art: Absolute Shield!" Almar says as he's already running out of steam from our fight earlier.

A giant magic black shield protects Almar but Kira is still running towards him!

"Scavian Art: Absolute Swing!" Kira says, as she swings her dagger at the shield and shatters it like a piece of glass.

"Ugh, No! Vedora Art: Goblin King–" Almar yells.

"Too slow! Checkmate!" Kira says as she puts her dagger at his neck.

"No… I won't lose to you!" Almar says as he tries to still attack her.

"You clearly never took our Master's words to heart Almar!" Kira shouts as she punches him straight in the gut.

"Ack, this can't be happening! I'm out of Taqa! I worked too hard for this plan!" Almar yells as he coughs up blood.

"You never learned even after all of these years! Yes, you became wealthy because of your heroism during the war! But at the end of the day, life will always be empty if you don't have anything to show for it! You could've used your influence to do good, but instead of that you abandoned your people and stayed couped up in your mansion!" Kira says, as Almar still keeps trying to attack her.

"That's grand coming from you! Let's not forget about your past!" Almar says as Kira is still easily dodging his punches.

"That's the difference between me and you! I realized from day one I wasn't an angel, that's why I'm trying to make up for it now! You thought you were a good person but betrayed your morals the second things got hard!" Kira says, as she starts punching and kicking the snot out of him.

"Shut up! Stop acting as if you know me!" Master Almar screams, his face badly beaten up.

"That's the thing! I do know you Almar! You're the weak boy who became the hero who helped us win the war! When things didn't get better, you left the guild and decided to live a life of nothing but pleasure and sloth! While the rest of us still moved forward trying to make our land a better place, you gave up!" Kira says, as Almar lays on the ground and seems to give up.

"That's… I just wanted this world to be a better place! One where people like my sister wouldn't ever have to suffer again!" Master Almar yells, his voice full of vulnerability.

"Wait, Kira was is he talking about?" Jack asks.

"It was about 5 years after the Guild Wars ended… Almar had a little sister who was the light of his life! Almara was truly a gentle and kind soul, which was very rare." Kira says.

"She was too good for a world like this one. I tried my best to protect her whole life, but ultimately it was all meaningless! When the war ended the Vedora witch trials began since anyone associated with her was considered to be a heretic or a traitor. Almara was an avid reader who didn't care that much for religion so… Her search for more knowledge about our world led her to find the forbidden ancient texts of Vedora." Almar says, as his eyes start tearing up.

"The witch trials would be considered unethical now but back then it was widely accepted as a way to maintain the peace in our land… " Kira explains.

"One day after she and I had dinner, a mob approached our property and demanded that I give her up! The local librarian caught her taking the ancient texts out of there and had suspicions that she was a witch. I tried everything to stop them but by the next day, I found my sister dead in the town square burned at the stake." Master Almar cries as tears flow rapidly out of his eyes.

Wow, it just goes to show that one bad day can really change anyone. After what he did earlier I really lost it but the fact of the matter is that everyone is kind of messed up in their own little way. It obviously doesn't mean I'm going to forgive him for a single thing he's done. After all, he ruined so many innocent people's lives but it really does put things into perspective. If I were in his situation, I might have felt the same way about my life.

"That's… That was quite a lot to process." Sachi says as I can tell she's still angry but also sympathetic.

"Losing someone like that for no reason… It's horrible." Mari says, her voice full of sadness.

"I'd probably hate the world too if someone had hurt Jacob like that… I can't forgive you for what you've done to all of the people, but I get where you're coming from." Jack says.

"Are you done fighting old friend?" Kira asks.

"I guess I have no choice. I'll have to face my sins, that's what Almara would've wanted… " Almar says with a surprising amount of maturity.

"Well, we need some answers before I turn you in!" Kira commands.

"Fine, consider it my last favor to you." Almar replies nonchalantly.

"How did you get the power to do all of this? I know you're strong, but the magic you were using was definitely forbidden." Kira asks.

"Six months ago Vedora approached me while I was outside drinking tea. She knew of my situation and tried her best to relate to me. She promised me I'd get my revenge if I build her an army across Goliath! I knew there were goblins hiding right under my estate but I was pretty surprised to find out there were ruins of an ancient civilization that worshiped Vedora. So I listened to her and got to work." Almar says.

"How are Goblin Kings made?" Kira asks.

"Quite simply, they're made through a sacrificial ritual that requires the soul of a strong-willed Frodian. One of the things we never learned in school is that goblins share a common ancestor with all of us Frodians. Some even believe that before we all evolved that all of us were goblins." Almar replies.

"I see… That's all I really needed to know! Come with me, you'll probably live the rest of your life in Goliath prison, but I'm sure they'll take good care of you because of your acts during the war. Count your blessings, if I didn't know you I'd put you down right where you stand." Kira says, as she keeps her dagger at Almar's neck.

"Haha! You sound more and more like our Master the older you get!" Almar says, as he willingly walks with Kira.

"You fool! You really thought I'd let you get away?" A sinister voice says as the entire tunnel starts rumbling.

"Uh oh! She's here!" Almar yells, his voice full of panic.

Out of nowhere, Vedora appears on the throne with a very angry expression on her face!

"This will be your burials, I can't let my secrets get out!" Vedora says as I can tell that the entire tunnel is about to collapse.

"Hmph, my life is forfeit at this point. But all of you actually could do good in this world. Chosen Children, please do your best to fix the corruption in this land! That's the only way I'll be able to rest easy!" Almar says as he pushes Kira away.

"Wait! Almar what are you doing?" Kira asks, her voice full of sadness.

"I'm sorry my old friend, but this is goodbye! Mardian Art: Saving Grace!" Almar says as all of us including the freed Frodians are teleported out of the tunnel and back at the partially destroyed mansion.

"Is everyone alright?" I ask as I check on my friends.

"Still alive!" Jack replies.

"Just glad to be out of that cave." Mari says as she wipes dust out of her hair.

"That was really close." Sachi says as she lays out on the ground.

"Well let's get everyone back to their families and then we'll head back to Shelara's." Kira commands as all of us nod our heads in agreement.

For the next couple of hours, we reunite all of the freed Frodians with their families. After everything we've been through it feels good to finally see people happy. We all head back to Shelara's and knock on the door.

"Sweet Adora! You guys look like you've been through hell!" Shelara says as she's holding her baby.

"You guys are back! I'm glad you're safe–" Malnio says, as he meets his eyes with his sisters.

"Malnio? Is that really you?" Aliah says as she starts tearing up.

"Aliah!" Malnio cries, as he runs to her and hugs her tightly.

"I promised you we'd get it done little man!" Jack says, his voice full of relief.

So many revelations but I need some rest.. Tario has stressed me out more than I thought it would.

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