The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 35 - 35: New Beginnings

After everything that happened, Kira made sure to contact Master Elyon and give him a full report of our job. Shortly after defeating Almar, the goblin attacks finally stopped all across Goliath. We lost a lot of good and innocent people but at least it's finally over.

For the last three days, all of us have been helping out around town making sure that the rebuilding process is going smoothly and also catching up on some rest. Malnio and Aliah both look happy as ever since they've finally been reunited and it always brings a smile to my face.

Even still, I can't help but feel guilty about everything that happened. Almar wasn't a good person but he did apparently do good things for this land in his youth. It makes his death even weirder for me to grapple with. How do you remember someone who is in such a gray area of morality? Do his achievements override his sins or do his sins overshadow his achievements, the answer keeps eluding me.

"Crow! Are you almost done packing? The carriage drivers are waiting for us back in town!" Kira asks, as I carefully pack my things.

"Yeah! Just making sure I don't leave anything!" I say as I can tell that Kira is still grieving Almar's death.

All of my friends are outside of Shelara's cabin waiting for me to come out.

"Nice job holding everyone up Crow!" Jack says sarcastically.

"Give me a break, I just didn't want to leave any of my stuff!" I reply.

"Good to see everything is back to normal." Sachi points out as she smiles with relief in her eyes.

"We've been working so hard during this job that this is really the first time we've been able to breathe. I'm just glad that everything ended up working out!" Mari laughed.

"Well Kira, you're doing a damn good job training these kids! I should write some notes down for when this little guy gets bigger!" Shelara says as she's rocking her baby.

"I have no clue what I'm doing, you'd be better off just with trusting your own intuition!" Kira says as she and Shelara laugh together.

Out of nowhere Malnio and Aliah walk outside the cabin.

"Are you guys really leaving this early?" Malnio asks his voice full of sadness.

"You know you don't have to leave yet!" Aliah insists, her eyes full of pain.

"Sorry kiddos, I gotta get these four back into school so good people like you don't have to worry anymore!" Kira says, as she kneels down and pats their heads.

"Jack! I want to go with you! I want to become stronger and attend Adora Academy! I'm tired of being a weak servant, I want to protect this land just like you do!" Malnio says passionately.

"Sorry little man but between my training and education, I don't think I would have enough time to help you out! That's why it's important that you and your sister stay here with Shelara and worry about yourselves! If my master trusts her this much, then I trust her too! She'll set you guys on the right path!" Jack says confidently.

"You're just trying to blow me off!" Malnio calls out.

"Hey, hey! Don't be like that! I just don't want you to get yourself hurt, you need some training first right?" Jack asks.

"Right… I know." Malnio replies his voice full of disappointment.

"Hmm, Shelara how long do you think it'll take you to whip them into shape?" Kira asks, her voice full of intrigue.

"Two years at least! Their magic control is barely above average and both of them aren't natural-born fighters. It's like teaching fish to walk, it's not going to be easy!" Shelara says bluntly.

"Either way, whenever you feel they're ready send them my way! We definitely have room for them at Adora Academy and I can assure you that I'll get them into it with no issues." Kira replies adamantly.

"I see… Very well then, I'll be sure to keep you updated with my spirit magic!" Shelara reassures.

"Wait are you for real Kira?" Malnio asks.

"You're kidding right?" Aliah asks.

"I'm not! You two haven't been handed the best hand in life but none of that matters. I'll make sure that both of you will be able to survive on your own in Goliath and hopefully join an Elite Guild! Mark my words Malnio and Aliah, I'll make it happen!" Kira declares, as she gently holds both of their hands.

"Got it!" Aliah says as she smiles.

"We won't let you down!" Malnio replies.

"Perfect, let's head out kiddos! We have a long trip back home!" Kira says as she walks away.

"Thank you for everything Shelara, we wouldn't have been able to pull this off without you!" I say.

"We owe you big time, thanks for the hospitality! Be sure to look after these two and keep them safe!" Jack says gratefully.

"You really came through for us, I'll never forget your kindness. Please do be careful! Thank you so much!" Sachi says as she bows her head.

"We'll be sure to come back and visit on our winter break! Thanks for everything!" Mari says, as she waves.

"Don't mention it! Be sure to look out for my girl over here! She gets a little stubborn sometimes, be sure to force her to relax here and there! OH YEAH! I almost forgot! Kira come back for a sec!" Shelara says, as she and Kira walk into the cabin and talk in private.

"Wonder what that's all about?" Jack asks.

"Stop being nosey Jack!" Mari snaps.

After doing our last checks on the town making sure there aren't any more goblin stragglers, we all finally leave Tario on the carriage.

"Whew and that was just our first job… " Mari says, as she stretches her arms out.

"I can't wait to get back home, I don't wanna hear about goblins for a really long time!" Jack replies as he cleans his axe.

"At least we don't have any homework to worry about." I sigh as I start reflecting on the job.

"Actually, classes will be coming back next week so all of you better not get too comfortable! With the goblins finally going back to their holes everything is about to open back up!" Kira says in her typical lecturing voice.

"Welp, the cool Kira was fun while it lasted… " Jack complains.

Out of nowhere Kira takes a look outside the carriage and taps Lena's shoulder.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Lena! But can you stop the carriage for a bit? There's a place I need to stop at for a second." Kira asks.

"Of course, anything for you guys!" Lena says as she stops the carriage.

"Huh? What's going on Kira?" I ask.

"Umm, if you four wouldn't mind, can you actually come with me? I don't want to do this alone." Kira asks.

"Sure but for what… OWWW!" Jack says, as Mari steps on his feet.

"You idiot, just listen to what she says!" Mari commands.

We all walk into a blue meadow with a bunch of large hills. We walk in silence for at least two minutes as whatever it seems to be is definitely important to Kira. We walk up a really tall hill with something on the top!

"Ah, here it is… " Kira says, as two graves sit atop the hill.

One of the graves says Mara Jane of Umbra and the other says Almar of Azul.

"Hehe… You really are sneaky Shelara, how in Adora's name did she pull this off?" Kira says as she smiles warmly at both of the graves.

"Mara Jane? Kira is that your… " Sachi asks.

"Mhm, that's my master. The woman that basically raised me and Almar since we were children. Wow, Shelara even paid for someone to clean this too. The grave really looks good! I guess I should probably say some words for my old friend" Kira says gently.

"Oh, do you want us to give you some privacy?" Jack asks.

"No, that's okay! I hope one day when I'm down here that all of you will come here to visit me too!" Kira says as she sits on the ground comfortably putting her hands on both of the graves.

All of us sit with her giving her some time to grieve.

"Almar, the weak boy who was really stronger than all of us. You always held onto your pain like it was a chain you could never cut off. In our heyday, you valued others over yourself, and for my sake, that's how I'd like to remember you! Even until the very end when your mind became twisted by that horrible witch, you still managed to go out protecting others. Thank you for everything you taught me about life and thank you for saving my students and me. I promise you I won't let the rest of my life go to waste!" Kira cries as tears start flowing out of her eyes.

All of us gently put our hands on Kira's shoulders trying to comfort her the best way we can. If there's one thing that this job has taught me, it's that evil and good are just black and white terms that can never define a person's life overall.. I'm glad that the answers to my questions don't feel as far away anymore.

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