The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 36 - 36: The Silver Fang

It's been over a month since we put an end to the goblin terror and it didn't take us too long to get settled back into our school work and training. Things have definitely changed ever since then. All of us were affected by Almar's death and I can tell that everyone moves with a lot more motivation and maturity than before. Seeing Jack have better control of his emotions has easily been the most surprising thing to come out of this.

We're all back in the hideout after our last school day of the week and Kira claims she has something important to tell us…

"Before I say anything else, I just want to say I'm proud of all of you for staying on top of your schoolwork while still remaining vigilant in your training! I know it's not easy and I know it's been harder on all of you with your lack of experience but you've taken all of these challenges head-on with a good attitude. Keep it up! " Kira applauds, as she takes a huge gulp out of her drink.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

"Anyway, let's get to why I called all of you here! In short, I'll be gone for about a week." Kira says bluntly, as she presses her hands on her cheek.

"Where are you going?" Layla asks as she starts cleaning the kitchen up.

"Elyon needs me to help out one of the Elite Guilds with training! It's a bit of pain but they are paying me well so…" Kira declares, as she finishes off her drink.

"What about homeroom?" Sachi asks as she exhales.

"It'll be the same as usual I just won't be there." Kira replies as she adjusted her black hood.

"Wow, this will be the first time we've been away from each other since we've gotten here!" Mari points out as she plays with her hair.

"That's true, it'll definitely be quiet around here without her nagging!" Jack adds as he yawns.

"No need to put on the tough guy act kiddo! I know you're going to miss me!" Kira laughs as she starts tickling Jack.

"Hey what the hell? Cut it out!" Jack yells as he laughs uncontrollably.

"It'll only be a week, so try to keep your nose out of trouble! Layla, I'm counting on you to make sure they don't do anything stupid, okay?" Kira asks as she smiles lightly.

"They aren't as annoying as before, I think I've got it handled." Layla replies nonchalantly.

"Good to hear, be back in a week! May Adora keep us all covered!" Kira declares as she leaves out of the hideout.

Everyone gets quiet as it truly is going to be awkward without our surrogate mother hovering over us like she tends to do.

"It's time… " Jack says, as he slams his hand onto the table.

"What? What are you going on about this time?" Mari asks as she's clearly annoyed.

"I don't like the look on his face… " Sachi notices as she facepalms.

"It's time to have a party guys! Kira's going to be gone for a week, we have the whole hideout to ourselves, she has a big closet full of wine, and there should be more than enough room here!" Jack shouts his voice full of eagerness.

"That's a bad idea, if we're too loud we'll get noise complaints from the Tavern Owner you idiot!" Layla explains as she crossed her arms.

"Aww what's the big deal, it's always loud up there all the time! Hell, Kira gets into a bar fight like every day! I didn't really get a real high school experience back in the old world, so this is the closest thing I'll ever get to it!" Jack complains as he throws his hands up in the air.

"High school parties were nothing special, I can tell you that from personal experience. We're better off spending our time training or doing something else more fun!" Mari suggests as she combs her hair.

"Bah! Bah! Boring! I thought you'd guys would be more fun than this! Come on Crow, you get where I'm coming from right?" Jack asks his voice full of desperation.

"I'll admit, I've always wanted to hit a high school party, I just never had the chance to. I doubt anyone would want some vagrant at their party anyways. Still, hosting a party here would be playing with fire Jack! I think trying to find a party from one of our classmates would be a better idea." I insist as Jack lets out a huge sigh.

"I guess that's fair… Well, it's settled then! All of us need to try to find a party by the end of next week! We're the Chosen Children after all! We need to put ourselves out there so people respect us!" Jack commands as he points his thumb at his chest.

"Have fun with that! I'll be filling that time up with more training. Oh crap, I forgot to stop by the market today! It's starting to get late too!" Layla remembers as she starts panicking.

"I did grocery duty the other day so count me out!" Jack says nonchalantly as he hops into his bed.

"I need to finish up an assignment… Sorry!" Sachi laments.

"Don't fret Layla! Crow and I will handle it!" Mari replies her voice full of warmth.

"You just volunteered me without my permission? I didn't sign up for this." I say as I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh really? Well, there are other ways to persuade you! Mardian Art: Storm of–" Mari yells, as the whole room starts shaking.

"OKAY! Fine, I'll go with you!" I reply.

"Perfect! Let's get us some food!" Mari gushes, as she grabs my arm gently.

Mari and I go into the market making sure to check off everything on Layla's list.

"What's for dinner tonight anyway?" I ask as I'm holding a bunch of bags of groceries.

"Layla is making that spicy stew! I love her cooking so much!" Mari replies as I can tell how excited she is to eat.

"You're a great cook too you know? Have you ever thought of taking Master Celine's cooking class after school?" I ask as I notice the shops are starting to turn their lights off.

"I would but Verrona is in that class and the less I see her the better." Mari declares sharply.

"I mean sure but you shouldn't let her get in the way of something you enjoy! Besides, she's just jealous of you anyway. You should take it as a compliment." I reassure.

"Eh, I'll see. I really need to stay focused on learning more about this land! I've been in the library quite a bit reading up on the history of this world and it's plagued with as many issues as our original world. We've been so focused on our struggles that I didn't even realize that there is a lot of tension between the nobles and the commoners." Mari says her voice full of worry.

"It makes sense, I haven't heard too many kind things about the nobles of this country. Even the fact that Almar was originally a commoner that turned into a noble somehow still brought him a selfish mindset." I acknowledge.

"Wouldn't that also make Kira a noble too though? She lives humbly but I doubt she's a broke woman at all." Mari asks as the market district is getting darker and darker.

"She's not. Kira told me she keeps all of her savings hidden somewhere on the outskirts of the capital and that if any of us are ever in a bind we can go there. Hopefully, things never get that bad though." I fret as I start thinking about our future.

"We'll get to the point where we all can stand on our own two feet but don't rush yourself, Crow. Kira's got decades of experience over us, we're still only 15. If there's one thing I want to make sure I do better in this life, it's to stop rushing things." Mari cautions.

"Mari, I–" I reply, as all of a sudden we both hear a loud scream.

"AHHH! Get away from me! Someone help me!" An old Scavian woman screams as she runs slowly down the street with cuts on her arms.

"Huh? What's going on?" I ask as she runs to Mari and me.

"I didn't think they were actually real! The ugly thing tried to kill me!" The Scavian woman yells her voice full of panic.

"Let me take a look at those injuries! Mardian Art: Light of–" Mari commands as she starts unleashing her Taqa.

"Watch out! It's coming!" The Scavian woman warns as she points at a large creature lunging towards all of us

"Scavian Art: Dark Wing Shield!" I yell, as I barely manage to protect us from the beast's attack.

"RAGH! Damnit!" The beast yells as I finally get a good look at it.

"No way, a werewolf?" I ask as I keep my blade ready for combat.

"Back away! Mardian Art: Blaze of Adora!" Mari shouts as she shots a giant fireball at the werewolf.

"Ugh, I don't have time to deal with you two! Time to retreat!" The werewolf booms as it jumps 40 feet into the air and lands on top of a building dodging Mari's attack.

"So fast!" Mari observes her voice full of frustration.

"Look up there!" The Scavian woman points as we all look at the top of the building.

At the top, there is a group of at least 20 werewolves looking down at all of us howling and making their presence known.

"The Silver Fang will be back!" The werewolf that attacked us says as all of them disappear instantly.

"Come on Crow, we need to get her some real medical attention!" Mari commands.

"R-Right!" I reply.

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