The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 38 - 38: A Message

"Ugh, why does the weekend have to pass by so quickly? I wanted to get more sleep! I really hate school sometimes… " Jack complains as all of us walk towards the Academy.

"Wow, I'm surprised Mr. Sunshine is so down bad in the morning!" Mari jokes as she and Sachi giggle.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm surprised you didn't have another bad hair day considering that it happens every morning! You must've been in the bathroom all morning combing it right?" Jack asks sarcastically.

"How about I grant your wish and knock your ass back to sleep?" Mari shouts as she starts unleashing her Taqa.

"Try me!" Jack threatens as he grabs his axe.

"If both of you try to do anything I will embarrass you in front of everyone! Do either of you want to take your chances with me?" Layla asks with a fiery look of death in her eyes.

"Haha! You know what we're good! Isn't that right Mari?" Jack replies his eyes full of pure fear.

"Right! Just a little fun and jokes to get the day started!" Mari agrees reluctantly as she's shaking in fear.

"Thanks for saving me the trouble Layla! I was about to say something myself." Sachi teases as she laughs.

We continue to walk towards the school when all of sudden, a big crowd is forming in the downtown district.

"Huh? What's going on up here?" I ask as we all try to wade through the crowd.

"I can't even see anything, what the hell are they all looking at?" Jack asks as he tries to look above the crowd.

"Windian Art: Zipline Arrow!" Sachi says as she zips up to the top of a building to get a better look.

"I really need to learn how to fly with a broomstick!" Mari shouts as she's having trouble walking through the large crowd.

"Uh oh!" Sachi yells as it seems she's finally seen whatever it is.

After a couple of minutes, all of us manage to push ourselves to the front and see what the commotion is about.

"Dear Adora!" Layla shouts as her mouth is wide open.

"Ack!" Mari shrieks as she lays her eyes on the horrific sight.

"What… What is this?" I ask as I feel disgusted.

In front of the enormous statue of Adora are three dead Frodians each from a different house that have a message covered in blood on in front of them. The message reads, "We know exactly what you're doing Nobles! Put an end to it or continue to face the consequences! Sincerely, Silver Fang."

"Helluva way to send a message… " Jack sighs as he looks saddened by the sight.

"NO! MOTHER! That can't be you!" A young Mardian boy says as he cries over one of the dead Frodians.

Everyone in the crowd starts chattering as people are clearly confused and disturbed by Silver Fang's message.

"Enough staring, let's head straight to Kira's room! We need to talk!" Layla commands as all of us hesitantly leave the scene.

We arrive at our homeroom and the lack of Kira is really starting to set in. All of us sit in silence for a while trying to process what we just saw.

"It's a lot worse than we originally thought. We need to talk to Master Elyon about this!" Layla suggests as she pinches her forehead.

"Fair enough, but that doesn't bring us any closer to Silver Fang!" Jack notes as he slams his hand on his desk.

"I can't believe they'd murder those people in cold blood like that… " Mari laments.

"The worst part about it is that their transformation hides their identities so it could really be anyone in the capital and we wouldn't know unless we caught them." Sachi adds.

"Well, we can't just stand here and do nothing! We have to take action that's what Kira would do!" Jack replies as he clenches his fists.

"Jack I know it's hard but try to relax. We need to think this through thoroughly if we're going to handle it right! The first step should be heading straight to Master Elyon after class is over." I suggest as Layla nods her head in agreement.

"Right, I'm sure he already knows what's going on. But it would be best to let him know that we're investigating the matter and get any other vital information he might have." Layla concurs as she folds her arms.

"Then what?" Jack asks.

"It's simple! If Sachi has revealed anything to us, it's that rumors run rampant throughout the academy. We all need to keep our eyes and ears on everything that's going on in the school. Sachi, what period do you usually see that group you talked about yesterday?" I inquire.

"It's an extracurricular class after school that I picked up. Target practice class! Once school is over just meet me at the training grounds." Sachi answers.

"Perfect! In the meantime, like Crow said just pay attention around the school. Sometimes even when people aren't revealing all of their cards the way they speak or act can reveal quite a bit on its own." Layla proposes as we all nod our heads in agreement.

"Sounds like a plan to me! I'll try to see if I hear anything!" Jack promises as he walks out of the room.

"Same here, I'll see you guys at lunch!" Sachi says as she leaves the room as well.

"I'll see if I could get us a meeting with Elyon too! See you later!" Layla assures as she darts out of the room.

"We better get going Crow, our next class is about to start." Mari warns as we both leave homeroom together.

Mari and I make it towards the corridor where Master Elmar's class is located when all of sudden, we a large group of kids chanting and forming a circle. Urmac and a Windian girl that I don't recognize are in the middle of it. Wow, today is just one issue after another.

"How dare you disrespect my family, you peasant! Take back those words right now or I'll cut you down where you stand!" Urmac shouts angrily as he pulls out his dagger.

"You can whine and complain all you want you spoiled brat, your nobility doesn't scare me at all!" The Windian Girl says as she aims her bow directly at Urmac.

"Fine, you leave me no choice then! Scavian Art: Shadow Step!" Urmac shouts as he bullets towards the Windian Girl at blinding speeds.

"Oooo! You're really fast too bad that won't be enough! Windian Art: Howling Ice Arrow!" The Windian Girl yells as she shoots off three sharp ice arrows at Urmac.

"Too slow! Gotta do better than that peasant!" Urmac teases as he dodges all three of the arrows with ease.

"You should learn to keep your head up! Windian Art: Growling Punch!" The Windian Girl taunts as she punches Urmac right in the gut.

"Ugh, you little!" Urmac shouts as she continues to kick and punch him with ease.

"Just goes to show that all of you nobles are all bark no bite!" The Windian girl points out as Urmac lies on the ground in pain.

"Wow, I wonder who the girl is? She's really strong don't you think Mari?" I ask.

"Sure, she's okay I guess." Mari mumbles as she doesn't seem very impressed.

"RENA! RENA! RENA!" The crowd chants as the Windian girl is really eating this up.

"How dare you make a fool of me! I'll show the power of a true noble!" Urmac screams as he unleashes a huge amount of Taqa powering up a huge attack.

"Huh?" Rena says as she just notices he got back up.

"Scavian Art: Dagger of Dread!" Urmac commands as his dagger grows three times its original size and he swings it at Rena.

Damnit! That attack could put her in the hospital! What is Urmac thinking? I have to stop it, there's no way she could avoid it in time!

"Crow?" Mari asks as she can tell I'm about to do something.

"Scavian Art: Flight of the Crow!" I yell as my wings sprout out my back and I fly at ridiculous speeds trying to stop Urmac's attack.

"It's over you peasant! What? Crow?" Urmac notices as I get in front of his attack.

"Scavian Art: Winged Shield!" I command as a dark shield covers Rena and me from Urmac's attack.

"What? Stay out of this you dirty peasant!" Urmac complains his voice full of anger.

"No, I don't think I will! You used that attack with the intent of seriously hurting her, that went far beyond a regular fight! Just admit you lost man and leave her alone! You call yourself a noble but lack any honor!" I call out as everyone gasps.

"Why you!" Urmac yells.

"Excuse me! What in Adora's name is happening out here?" Master Elmar asks as everyone scatters from the fight.

"Nothing sir! We're all just having a discussion about current affairs of the land!" Urmac says as it's clear he doesn't want to snitch on anyone.

"I see... Well put an end to it, everyone needs to get ready for class!" Master Elmar says as he goes back to his room.

"Don't ever get in my way again Crow. You better watch your back... " Urmac cautions as he bumps my shoulder on purpose.

"Whatever, go to class man." I reply bluntly.

"Crow! Are you okay? What were you thinking?" Mari asks as she checks on me.

"I'm okay Mari! Don't worry." I reply as all of a sudden, Rena approaches me.

"Thanks for the assist Chosen Child, I definitely didn't see his attack coming! Your name is Crow right?" Rena asks as she looks intrigued by me.

"Yep, that's me alright!" I confirm.

"Hmm, you're a lot stronger than you look! If you ever need anything just let me know! See ya around Crow!" Rena utters as she walks away.

"What was all of that about! Why was she flirting with you like that?" Mari complains her voice full of confusion.

"Do I sense jealously?" I tease as I smirk at Mari.

"Huh? Oh, take a hike! I was just saying she was weird!" Mari argues as she starts blushing.

I wonder if Rena knows something about Silver Fang? Either way, we're going to get some answers.

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