The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 39 - 39: The Invite

After finishing class Mari, Jack, Layla, and I head straight to Master Elyon's office to speak with him.

"Thank you for taking time out of your day sir! We won't be long!" Layla declares in a respectful manner.

"I see Kira has taught you well, no need to be in a rush. I assume you all wanted to meet with me about the message that was sent in the downtown district?" Master Elyon asks clasps his hands together.

"That's right, things have gotten really bad already around the school. There's a lot of tension between the students who are nobles and the students that are commoners. The commoners are suspicious of the nobles and the nobles are trying to figure out who murdered those three people." I state as Master Elyon nods his head.

"This group, Silver Fang…. They've already caused a major divide with one act! If they wanted the attention of the nobles they've certainly got it now! Do any of you have any clues about this group yet?" Master Elyon asks as he starts smoking out of a pipe.

"Not yet sir. We found out that rumors have been floating around the school, but nothing too concrete." Jack replies as it really feels weird hearing him talk so formally.

"We're hoping that if we talk to the students around the school we might get some more information!" Mari explains.

"We just want to know if we can investigate this matter with your permission! We aren't expecting any payment we just want to make sure that the capital is safe!" Layla proposes.

"So an off-the-books job? It's very rare for people to do that. Hmm, I could pay a guild to handle this situation but I suppose saving money wouldn't be a bad idea either." Master Elyon wonders as he puts his pipe down.

"A guild would probably take longer sir. If you give us just a week I'm positive we can put an end to this conflict!" I suggest as Master Elyon raises his eyebrow at me.

"That's a bold proposal you're making, are you sure you can actually handle this? If you can't speak up right now because if you mess this up I won't be happy." Master Elyon asserts as we both exchange intense stares at each other.

"I have faith in my party! We'll fix this situation, it's a promise!" I reply.

"Okay then. I task all of the Chosen Children and Layla of Umbra to put a stop to Silver Fang! This is an off-the-books job and not a single other soul is to know about it! You got it?" Master Elyon asks.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

"Kira isn't here to bail you kids out this time so you better be careful and rely on each other!" Master Elyon reminds us as we all leave the office.

After leaving Master Elyon's office we head to training grounds where we promised Sachi we would meet her.

"Hey. You guys made it! How did everything go with Elyon?" Sachi asks as she hits a bullseye on her target.

"We're good to go. He gave us permission to investigate Silver Fang and put an end to the conflict between the nobles and the commoners. It's off the books though so no money." Layla explains as Sachi keeps shooting her arrows.

"Not a big deal, just as long as it stops all of the fighting." Sachi replies her voice full of worry.

"So Sachi, where's the group you were talking about? Are they here?" Jack asks as he starts looking around the training grounds.

"Yep, don't stare but that girl over there with the silver bow." Sachi describes as we all dart our eyes towards the left of Sachi.

"Huh? It's her again!" Mari points out as we see Rena shooting her bow casually with a group of people surrounding her and talking.

"Oh, you're talking about Rena! Yeah, she's pretty popular around here for sure. I've done a couple of jobs with her and her party! Definitely one of the only chill groups in the Academy." Layla claims.

"Well let's go to talk to them then! They should know something yeah?" Jack asks nonchalantly.

"It's not that simple Jack! We can't just go up to them and ask them about Silver Fang casually!" Mari replies her voice full of reluctance.

"Hey! All of the Chosen Children are here!" Rena butts in as she and her group walk over to us.

"Oh hey! Can we help you?" Mari asks as her voice gets higher.

"Well, you all were staring at us for a while so I came over to be sure everything is good!" Rena explains with a warm smile on her face.

"Damn she's sharp… " Sachi whispers.

"Oh, Layla is here too! It's been a while since I've seen you but I heard what all of you did in your last job! What you did really helped all of us! Thank Adora those goblins went back to holes they came from they were really getting on my nerves!" Rena points out as she stretches her arms out.

"It has been a while, hasn't it? Did they send you out on a goblin job too?" Layla asks.

"Yeah we got sent to the slums they were running rampant out there. By the time we finished the mission we had to help bury all of the bodies, I really wish we could've saved more people… " Rena replies her voice full of regret.

"Yeah, we saw a lot of good people lose their lives in Tario too." I add as the memories of the last job still haunt me.

"It's a shame that the nobles didn't do more to protect the people that work really hard for this land! While the goblin attacks were happening they didn't provide any safety for their workers or even compensation for time away from the job. No, they decided it was best to protect themselves and stayed up in their little mansions and manors. They don't understand whats it's like to have to survive on their own. It really makes me sick!" Rena laments as clenches her fists.

"You should know better than anyone Rena, this is how it's always been. The best we can do is claw our ways to the top and make a difference once we do. We can't force them to understand us, they never will." Layla replies bluntly.

"That's why I've always respected you Layla, you understand how the world really is when it's so much easier to be ignorant of it. Anyway enough about them, my friends and I are actually having a party later! We've noticed that the Chosen Children haven't really been that social since you've been here. You should come by! I'm positive everyone would be happy to see you there!" Rena invites her voice full of sincerity.

"Umm, we actually have work to do later on! Thanks for the–" Mari objects as Layla covers her mouth mid-sentence.

"Actually that sounds like it'll be fun! Where's it going to be at?" Layla asks as Mari starts struggling to breathe.

"It's an abandoned district underneath the capital! Just go to the tavern in Orym district, tell the owner that you're there to shimmer amongst the moonlight. He'll show you where to go from there!" Rena explains as I make a mental note of everything she just said.

"Sounds good!" Layla responds as she finally uncovers her hands off of Mari's mouth.

"See you guys there! Hope to see you there too Crow… " Rena flirts as she casually walks away.

"Look at you getting looks from the ladies! Guess saving the land has it's perks am I right?" Jack teases as she starts punching me lightly on my shoulder.

"Cut it out." I reply.

"Hmph, this is ridiculous! Why do we have to go to this stupid party?" Mari snaps her voice full of fury.

"I hate to admit it but Jack was actually right the other day. Going to a party will be the perfect way to get a pulse on what's going on in the Captial right now. More importantly, since this party will be full of commoners they actually have their ears to the streets, unlike the nobles. You better bet that all of them will be talking about what happened earlier." Layla concludes as she presser her fingers on her chin.

"She's right Mari. People love to talk things that excite them, there's no way they could ignore what happened this morning. If we play our cards right we might get close to figuring out what's going on with Silver Fang." Sachi concurs as I can tell Mari is frustrated.

"There's something about that girl… Are you sure we can trust her Layla? She seems a little bit sneaky to me." Mari asks her voice full of concern.

"It'll be okay Mari, we have nothing to worry about. I've known them for a while now." Layla reassures as she lightly pats Mari's shoulder.

"Oh give up the act Mari. Just admit that you're jealous of her because she tried to put the moves on Crow!" Jack jokes as he starts chuckling.

"Don't be stupid! I'm just trying to be sure we aren't in danger!" Mari retorts as she walks away stomping her feet.

"Mari wait!" I yell as I try to stop her.

"Leave me alone. You better get ready for that party later on, Rena is waiting for you after all!" Mari shouts as she pushes my hand off of her.

"Good job Jack, now she's mad at me… " I say sarcastically.

"She'll live." Jack replies nonchalantly.

"Ugh, you're such an idiot sometimes you know that?" Layla asks as all of us leave the training grounds.

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