The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 47 - 47: Howls

"Mercs don't let a single one of them live!" Bula commands as a group of at least 50 mercenaries pop out and charge towards us as well.

"Rena, Crow, help me deal with these three! The rest of you stop those damn mercenaries! Shred them to pieces!" Elce orders as an all-out fight ensues.

"Oh, what's this? I sense very pure and mystical Taqa within that boy." Cyric observes as he stares at me like a creep.

"He's the only one who isn't a demiwolf, there's something off about him though!" Nio states as they all walk towards us confidently.

"Wait a second, I recognize him! He's one of the Chosen Children! I saw him during the rebirth ritual!" Bula points out.

"And so what if I am?" I ask as I ready my dagger.

"Haha! He's got some fire in him too! It was said that you and the rest of the Chosen Children would save our land, too bad your life will be cut short before you can fulfill that prophecy!" Nio replies as he aims his golden bow at us.

"Rena, deal with Scav! Crow, you handle the archer! I'll take the Orc since she's the strongest physically!" Elce commands as we all nod our heads in agreement.

"Yes Master!" Rena responds as he lunges at Cyric.

"He won't escape my speed! Scavian Art: Spin Blade Dash!" I shout as I bullet towards Nio at staggering speeds.

"Fast, but your power is still too raw! Not focused enough! Windian Art: Arrow of The Hawk!" Nio commands as he shoots an enormous golden arrow at me.

"Crap! RAH!" I yell as I barely manage to dodge his deadly attack.

"Not bad! But how will react to this? Windian Art: Myriad Arrows!" Nio shouts as an endless amount of arrows appear above me and start shooting at me.

"Gotta move faster! Scavian Art: Flight of The Crow!" I yell desperately as my wings appear on my back and fly across the area.

The arrows all follow me as if they are homing missiles as I push my wings to their limit trying to avoid the rapid attacks. At the speed at which these arrows are going, I'll definitely get hit. But wait, if they're following me that means!

"Scavian Art: Avian Attack!" I yell as I lunge towards Nio and lead his arrows right to him.

"Windian Art: Shield of the Hawk!" Nio shouts as he blocks all of the arrows.

Sheesh, he's really good!

"All of that power and you choose to use it for the commoner's sake? What a waste!" Nio comments his voice full of arrogance.

"What's that supposed to mean? Commoners are the only reason that any of you nobles have money! Instead of appreciating them you all use and abuse them for your own sick twisted pleasures! How can you live with yourself knowing that?" I ask as I swing my dagger at him.

"They're weak, they don't have the strength to stand on their own two feet so they rely on us! They don't have what it takes to survive, therefore we must put them in their place! They're tools to be used for the advancement of the Frodian race, it's as simple as that." Nio replies as he dodges my attacks with ease.

"You're horrible, all of you are horrible! These people have families, hopes, dreams, passions, and yes even flaws! But at the end of the day, most of them do what they have to do to survive! Since when is it a crime to want to live a better life? UGH!" I ask as Nio kicks me away.

"People need to learn to accept reality! If the weak want to survive then they must obey the strong! The Hawk will lead this land in the right direction! It's not something a mere outsider like yourself could ever understand! Now prepare yourself boy, I'm going to send right back to Mother Adora herself!" Nio threatens as he unleashes a huge amount of Taqa.

Meanwhile, Rena is fighting a very intense battle with Cyric who is keeping her at bay with his deadly throwing knives. Elce is moving at blinding speeds keeping the pressure on Bula from getting a solid hit with her sword.

"Yes, you'd be the perfect servant for me. Once I've defeated you, I'll make sure to get good use out of you, don't worry!" Cryric informs Rena his voice full of creepiness.

"Ugh, there's nothing I despise more than creepy a nobleman! You better get ready because this wolf bites back hard!" Rena responds as she claws at Cyric.

"You've taught your pups well! Unfortunately, I can't allow you to get in the way of our operation! There's too much money to made off the backs of commoners to just all give it up! What we're doing is benefiting this land but I guess a commoner like you would never understand that!" Bula insults her voice full of pride.

"Somehow, no matter what happens you nobles always try to find a way to justify your horrible acts! I know that murdering those nobles was wrong but that also doesn't justify what they were doing either! I'd rather go down fighting doing something wrong than to never have our land be set right!" Elce responds as they both keep attacking each other aggressively.

"Get a grip, your little rag-tag band of wolves isn't enough to stop The Hawk! Even if you stop one of us there are still more of us all across Goliath and even in Taranath! Everything you're doing right now is pointless! We still will fly high no matter what and the commoners will also stay beneath our talons! Bracadier Art: Golden Slash!" Bula commands as she launches a golden magic slash attack at Elce.

Nio continues to shoot golden arrow attacks at me as now I can start to feel myself getting tired.

"Oh? Is that all you have Chosen Child?" Nio asks as I block his arrow attacks with my wings.

"Ugh, I hope the rest of the group is doing okay… I can't let them down, if I really wanna take the leader role I have to show them I'm worthy!" I shout as I'm trying really hard to pump myself up.

"What are you going on about? You're really worried about others when you should be worried about yourself? You definitely have the heart of a commoner, you won't survive here too long kid!" Nio taunts as it's obvious he is trying to get under my skin.

"Spoken like true scum! The problem with people like you is that you don't understand that people will always win! Some way or another those in power will suffer if they don't respect the people! No more games! Scavian Art: Dagger of Adora!" I yell as my whole entire dagger is covered in jet-black Taqa.

"Haha! We'll see how long you'll be talking after this! Windian Art: Arrow of Justice!" Nio smirks as he launches a golden magic arrow with electricity surrounding it.

I block the arrow with my dark but the arrow is still pressuring me! I put my all into my wings and push forward against the arrow finally managing to stop the attack.

"No way! How?" Nio asks as I can tell that the attack used a lot of his Taqa.

"You're finished! RAH!" I scream as I hit him with my dagger and launch him at least 50 feet in front of me.

"There you go, Crow!" Elce comments as she's starting to get the upper hand on Bula.

"That's what I'm talking about! Hit those rich scum where it hurts!" Rena cheers as she knocks Cyric on the ground putting him in a bad position.

"We've got them where we want him! Now we just need to finish them off and it's a victory for us!" I declare my voice full of confidence.

"Don't get too cocky you brat!" Nio shouts angrily as he slowly gets up from his attack with injuries all over his body.

"Nio, Cyric? This isn't good, they've got us cornered now! They even took out a lot of our mercenaries!" Bula observes her voice full of fear.

"We might have to push our limits today! We can't hold back against them! It's time to let loose!" Cyric yells as he kicks Rena off of him.

"I think it's time, we can't let them win!" Nio suggests as Taqa starts emanating from his body.

"Well stop talking about it and let's do it!" Bula orders.

"Everyone be careful! They're planning something!" Elce orders as we all back away from The Hawk.

"Ancient Noble Art: Rise of The Hawk!" They all say in unison as all three of them are emanating a huge red and gold Taqa that feels evil and deadly.

"What is this? They were all running out of Taqa! What happened?" Rena yells her voice full of panic.

"This is their trump card, I doubt that any of us will survive it at this rate!" I add in as the pressure of their intense Taqa is causing a huge wind storm.

"You all will perish! Ancient Noble Art: Hawk Blade Attack!" They all say in unison as they launch a deadly magic slash that could definitely end all of us.

"NO! Demiwolf Art: Absolute Shield of Kin!" Elce shouts as she gets in front of the attack and blocks it with a silver magic shield.

The shield breaks but ultimately stops the attack as Elce takes massive damage.

"Master Elce! No!" Rena screams as she runs over to Elce who has reverted back to her normal form.

"Is she breathing?" I ask as I run over to check on her as well.

"Let it rest kids, this is lights out for me… " Elce replies weakly as I can tell that she's at death's door.

"Crow, do you know any healing spells that might save her? Please! Just anything!" Rena cries her voice full of desperation.

"If I find Mari, I might be able–" I ponder as Elce grabs both of our hands gently.

The rest of the demiwolves all surround us as they all look concerned for their leader.

"No, that isn't what I want… I've lived on this cursed land for many years now and my time is finally up." Elce accepts her voice full of peace.

"Master you can't give up like this! We all need you!" Rena insists as her tears flow out like a river.

"No… No you don't! I don't regret bringing any of you with me, we fought hard for what we thought was right! And that's all that matters… My final job for all of you is to keep Silver Fang going! Don't you dare let it die! Rena, you will take my place and lead our family." Elce responds as she's struggling to speak.

"Master… I couldn't possibly fill your shoes!" Rena disagrees as she grips her hand.

"You're right… Don't try to fill my shoes because you'll do better for our family than I ever could… " Elce squeezes out as she slowly loses her breath.

"Master? Master?" Rena calls her voice full of fear.

"She's gone… I'm so sorry." I lament as I feel a huge amount of sadness in my heart.

"You saved us until the very end, Master. I'll never forget you." Rena says gently as she shuts Elce's eyes.

"What a fool she was! She really thought your weak little troop could stand against us! Hahaha! Now we can turn the tide in this battle!" Nio jokes as my sadness quickly turns into violent anger.

"You son of a–" I yell as I clench my fists.

"Crow, it's okay. Ragar, Magmi, be sure to take her body back to the hideout safely! Don't let a single soul stop you! The rest of you get ready! I, Rena of Midori will lead our family in our Master's stead!" Rena commands as two demiwolves carefully pick up Elce's body and run away.

"Rena are you okay?" I ask as she smiles lightly.

"My Master entrusted me to follow through on this so I will!" Rena declares her voice full of confidence.

"And you won't be doing alone!" A familiar voice says.

We look back and Urmac has arrived with the nobles and all of my friends as well.

"Sorry it took us so long! We had got a little caught up!" Mari shouts to me as she and Sachi have a bunch of injuries.

"Ugh, snakes are the worst… But I managed to save all of the younglings!" Jack complains as he readies his axes

"Feno and I managed to take out all the trash!" Layla confirms as Feno has two young Windian girls with him.

"You three are the most pathetic excuses for nobles I've ever seen in my life! I feel ashamed that I ever looked up to you sickos! Now, let's show you the power of true nobles! Everyone attack!" Urmac commands as all of them charge towards The Hawk.

"WAIT! WAIT! We surrender please just spare our lives!" Nio begs as he gets on his knees and puts his head down.

"Don't do it! We can give you money whatever you want!" Cyric begs as well.

"Our money could probably solve a lot of your issues! You'll all be rich!" Bula implores as all of them look really pitiful right now.

"You dare ask us to spare you after everything you've done!?" Rena yells as her claws extend to all of their necks.

"Rena, no! Don't do it!" I command as she stops and gets really quiet.

"You three are some of the worst people I've ever met in my life, you're beyond redemption! By all means, I should take you all out right now but if that were to happen none of you would have to suffer for what you've done! And that doesn't sit right with me. Crow, you deal with them. I don't ever want to see their faces again!" Rena says adamantly as she walks away from them.

"Very well. Guys, it's time to report back to Master Elyon." I reply.

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