The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 48 - 48: Forget The Pain And Move Forward

Elyon's reaction was certainly a sight to see. He was really angry at first when he found out that we formed our little alliance on the side, but we managed to make it work. We lied to him and said that Silver Fang had disbanded and a bunch of the other older members offered to take the hit so that Rena could continue to run Silver Fang. They'll probably be serving life in prison, but Rena promises that one day she'll figure out a way to break them out.

All three of the members of The Hawk are now serving life in prison as well which is the best possible outcome we could've gotten. It turns out that not all of The Hawk is like this as we found out that Elyon and Urmac's dad weren't aware of the corruption happening in the group. Elyon vows he'll get to the bottom of it but something tells that someone as sharp as him wouldn't let something that crucial slip past him. It's not that I don't trust him but I think it's best if I keep an eye on him moving forward.

A couple of days have passed since everything has happened and we're now back at Silver Fang's hideout to pay our respects.

"You all made it!" Rena says her voice full of relief.

"Of course, she saved my life too you know… " I reply as we hug each other.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Rena! I'm also sorry for the way I treated you before, Silver Fang isn't evil, you're all just flawed people like the rest of us." Mari apologizes.

"If anything I should be apologizing to you all! We all tried to hurt you and you ended up saving us all. It's quite ironic how fate works, isn't it?" Rena asks as she shakes Mari's hand.

"Rena, it's time!" Feno yells.

"R-Right… Take a seat anywhere guys!" Rena advises as she walks over to the podium with Elce's beautifully decorated green casket in front of her.

Out of nowhere, Urmac shows up with his party.

"Didn't expect to see you here." I declare as Urmac's party sits right next to us.

"She was a strong warrior and fought for her people. Regardless of how she did things, I still had no choice but to pay my respects. After all, she and many commoners in this country are suffering because of us." Urmac replies his voice full of wisdom and maturity.

"I see… " I say as the funeral is about to begin.

"Hello! Today we are holding a celebration of life for Elce of Midori! With all of our older members gone, it is up to our next generation of members to uphold what her life stood for! You see, Elce wasn't really just a leader to me, she was really more like a mother who just wanted what was best for all of us! As many of you are already aware, most members of Silver Fang had lost many of their family members to The Hawk! I was one of them and life got pretty depressing and hard for me… " Rena sighs her voice full of pain.

"It's okay Rena, take your time." Feno reassures as he lightly pats her shoulder.

"Then I met her! I was out on the streets begging for food with nowhere to go and I saw a tall woman who was charming every guy in the market. She approached me saying that I wouldn't be able to attract any boys if I was that thin!" Rena jokes as everyone in the crowd laughs.

"Yeah, that sounds like her alright!" A voice in the crowd says.

"She also told me that she could bring me someplace safe where I wouldn't have to starve anymore! It wasn't too long until I became a full-blown member of Silver Fang. It was a pretty risky life from the one I was used to but I was finally living again and I had a new family who had my back… " Rena remembers her voice full of warmth.

Wow, it almost sounds like how it was for me when I met Big Mike.

"I honestly don't really know where I'm going with this but I guess the most important thing I gained from Elce is to not live our lives in fear and regret! We spend so much time thinking about the future that sometimes we don't think about what's right in front of us! The fact is, we're all really blessed to have each other and our new friends who looked out for when they could've easily turned all of us in!" Rena says passionately as she looks at my group and Urmac's group.

All of the members of Silver Fang applaud as I can't help but feel awkward.

"Moving forward, Silver Fang is turning over a new leaf! One not filled with bloodshed and revenge but one with understanding and true purpose! The commoners in this land need us and we need to do our best to make sure they don't have to suffer as we have! I swear on my last breath that I will honor our beloved leader's memory and surpass what she did in her life! That's what she wanted me to do so I won't disappoint her!" Rena yells passionately as all of Silver Fang starts howling.

After a couple of hours of speeches and reminiscing the funeral finally comes to a close and all of Silver Fang starts celebrating her life dancing, drinking, and eating. My party and I are all sitting at the table eating delicious food. Rena and Feno approach our table.

"Thanks for showing up guys! We really appreciate it and everything you've done for us!" Rena says her voice full of gratefulness.

"We're just happy this conflict in the capital is over, we've been working our butts off all week! Finally, I'll catch some sleep! OWWW! What was that for Layla?" Jack responds bluntly.

"That's for being an idiot! Learn to have some damn manners sometimes!" Layla criticizes her voice full of anger.

"Really, it's thanks to you guys that I finally got my sister's back. My heart is finally at peace again… We really owe you one! " Feno appreciates his voice full of vulnerability.

"Seeing you smile genuinely again is enough of a reward for me." Layla responds her voice full of happiness.

"Hey, Crow can I borrow you for a second?" Rena asks as we both leave the table.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I ask as Rena looks really nervous.

"I wanted to let you know before anyone else, but we're probably going to leave the capital!" Rena informs as she looks uncertain about it.

"Oh wow! So I take it that means you're going to leave Adora Academy too right?" I ask as she nods her head.

"Yeah… The good thing is there are other academies across Goliath where I can finish up my education and apply to build a brand new guild for all of us! The capital is gotten a little too crazy and I can't put my family in danger. We just really need some time to rebuild ourselves from the ground up you know?" Rena asks as it's clear she really doesn't want to leave.

"I understand, it's time for a new chapter in your life! After everything that's happened you all deserve it!" I reassure as Rena looks really sad.

"But, I don't wanna leave you either! I know this is sudden but I care about you, Crow! I guess you could say I really care about you a lot… I guess you could say I love–" Rena confesses nervously as I shush her with my finger.

"Listen, I appreciate that. And a part of me feels the same way too! But Rena, you have a whole group to take care of and I have to become a better leader and figure out a way to save this land! I can't in my right mind have you worrying about me! You need to take care of you and yours first, alright?" I ask as Rena looks really upset.

"But I!" Rena yells back.

"I don't wanna hear it! Silver Fang is doomed without you! What would Elce think if you ditched them for a weird guy like me?" I joke as Rena gets really quiet.

"She'd probably knock me right on my head and tell me that I was being silly!" Rena replies as we both laugh together.

"Maybe down the line when we're both stronger and hopefully have gotten rid of these stupid Colossi… Maybe that'll be a better time to revisit this?" I ask as Rena nods her head.

"Sure, you better be sure to look after that family of yours you got over there too! I'll get angry if you don't!" Rena commands.

"Yes Ma'am!" I reply as we both laugh again.

After the funeral is over we all chill in the hideout drinking tea and relaxing.

"It's crazy to think about but I've never went to a funeral in the old world." Sachi notes as she sips out of her cup.

"Me neither, this was definitely a first for me… " I reply as I lay back in my chair.

"Yeah, you guys already know what happened to me. They definitely aren't easy especially when it's someone you really cared about… " Jack adds as he hops in his bed.

"That's another person we've seen die since we've been here… I can't say this has gotten any easier… " Mari chimes in.

"It's definitely tough, sometimes I wish everyone could just survive but that isn't our reality. One day all of us are gonna die and only Adora knows what's going to be on the other side." Layla replies bluntly as everyone gets really quiet.

Out of nowhere the door to the hideout busts open!

"I'M HOMEEEEEE!" Kira sings as everyone just stares at her awkwardly.

"Welcome back… " Jack replies his voice full of sadness.

"Damn what the hell happened to all of you? It's so morbid in here!" Kira asks as her timing couldn't have been any worse.

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