The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 49 - 49: Opportunities

"Run faster Crow! They're gonna get us!" Jack yells as we run through the snow.

"I'm trying but this snow is heavy!" I reply as we both sprint like our lives depend on it.

"Now girls, pelt them!" Layla commands as she's chasing after us.

"Windian Art: Hail Storm Arrows!" Sachi yells as shoots snow-covered arrows at us.

"Mardian Art: Snowball Storm!" Mari shouts as a bunch of snowballs rain down on us at staggering speeds.

"AHHH!" Jack and I both yell as we both get covered in snow.

"Haha! We win again what's the score now Layla?" Mari asks her voice full of excitement.

"That makes it 10-0!" Layla reminds as she writes the score on our game board.

"Yeah, yeah! Crow and I will win eventually!" Jack replies reluctantly.

"You guys have been focusing too much on your strength. You might want to consider doing cardio as well!" Sachi suggests as the girls help all of us up.

"Aww come on don't make that face! This game is a tradition among us Frodians! Even still, don't forget that both of you have cleaning duty for the rest of the week! A bet is a bet!" Layla laughs like an evil villain.

"Come on one more! I'll even bet more on this one!" Jack offers his voice full of desperation.

"Accept your defeat! No one likes a sore loser!" Mari teases.

"It's fine Jack, let's just get ready to clean!" I respond as we head back to the hideout.

It's been three months since we ended the conflict between Silver Fang and The Hawk. Things have been relatively peaceful since then but every other week or so we've been doing a lot of jobs. Goblin slaying, finding lost goods, saving villages from bandits, hell we even did a mission where we had to learn how to cook!

Sometimes I think hard about my old life and what my parents might be doing right now but other times I try to forget that my old life ever even existed. Being here for almost half a year with a completely different lifestyle has been quite the adjustment. I really hope that all the good people we've met so far are doing okay. Malnio and Aliah. Rena and Silver Fang. I pray to Adora that they all stay safe.

"Don't forget to bring more firewood when you finish!" Layla orders as she sits at the table with her legs crossed.

"Shut up already! We get it!" Jack responds as he starts cleaning everyone's clothes while I clean the dishes.

"Wow, it really is hard to believe that it's winter here! This is the first winter I've had in a long time where I wasn't about to freeze to death." I state as I clean the dishes thoroughly

"Winter in Goliath has never been fun! We better be lucky that we have a high-quality fireplace or we'd be frozen as the rivers." Layla jokes as everyone gets super close to the fire.

Kira enters the hideout with bags full of groceries and two letters in her hand.

"Wow, you two lost again?" Kira asks as she drops the groceries on the table.

"I mean it's kind of unfair considering Sachi is a Deadshot and Mari casts spells faster than the speed of light!" Jack replies his voice full of annoyance.

"And with Layla on our tail the whole time there's only so much you can do." I note as all of the girls start smirking.

"Maybe if I joined you guys' side you might stand a chance?" Kira adds as she sits in her chair.

"If you joined that would just be unfair…" Mari admits her voice full of fear.

"Anyways, I've got two letters here one for Jack and the other for the rest of you!" Kira says as she hands the letter to Jack and the other to me.

"What does yours say Jack?" Sachi asks.

"Oh… I've been asked to guard the Mikgar family in the city of Horia! Who the hell is that?" Jack asks as Kira and Layla gasps.

"No way! Why would they ask for you?" Layla shouts her voice full of confusion.

"What, are they important or something?" Jack asks as he lays his letter down.

"They're the wealthiest family in all of Goliath! They produce all of the weapons and books that we use. Getting a job from them is one of the highest honors you can receive besides becoming a knight for the king!" Kira explains.

"Haha! Look at that Layla and Mari! I'm about to get paid handsomely!" Jack brags as he holds up his letter to their faces.

"Ugh, it's probably just dumb luck." Mari replies as she tries to avoid eye contact with Jack.

"Anyways, what did our letter say?" Layla asks as I read it in my head.

"We've been asked to do a guild study with the Crimson Blades. They're asking us to be there within a couple of days and they already have sent a carriage for us. I guess declining isn't really an option." I share as Kira and Layla gasp again.

"Wow, it seems your names are starting to get well known in Goliath! The Crimson Blades are the number one guild in Goliath! Only the best young talent gets to do guild studies, you should feel grateful for the opportunities you're getting." Kira lectures as we all sigh.

"Should we really go for it? What if we can't handle it?" Sachi asks her voice full of worry.

"We probably shouldn't let this opportunity slip if we want to make more connections! If anything this will just give us more experience." Layla advises.

"She's right. After winter break is over, all of you will be in your last semester of school and will have to enter into the Frodian Games in order to graduate. After that whatever you do from there is up to you! Both of these opportunities will open a lot of doors for all of you, so as your Master I suggest that you take advantage of them. The threat of the Colossi is still imminent and when that happens it will take the strength of all of us to even hope to stand a chance." Kira rants as we all get really quiet.

"Well, I'm positive I'm going to do this job! Once I graduate I actually plan to go to Horia to learn more about Bracadiers and our history! According to this letter, the Mikgar family are all Bracadiers so hopefully, I can learn something from them." Jack responds his voice full of optimism.

"Glad to hear it Jack. What about the rest of you?" Kira asks as she chugs down her ale.

"I'm going. It would be dumb of me not to!" I announce as I finally finish cleaning the dishes.

"I already said I was in!" Layla responds.

"I can't fall behind so I'm going too!" Mari declares her voice full of determination.

"Sachi?" Kira asks.

"Well… I can't let them go to this weird place on their own so I'm going too." Sachi confirms reluctantly.

"Very well, all of you will be leaving tomorrow! So I'd pack very warm clothing for the carriage ride if you need extra jackets or coats I have some in the back! Anyway, I'm gonna head out for a bit, try to have supper ready before I get back Mari and Layla." Kira commands as she walks out of the hideout.

"Still as bossy as ever… " Jack observes as we all laugh.

After a night of dinner and good sleep, all of us are in front of the gates of the capital where two carriages are waiting for us. Kira is also here to see us off.

"Ugh, it's always freezing in the morning! Imma need a drink after this crap! Are all of you packed?" Kira asks as she starts shivering.

"Think so, it's mostly stuff to keep us warm anyway." I reply as we start putting our bags in the back of the carriages.

"Damn, this is the first time I'll be on my own since I've been here!" Jack notices as I can tell he feels a little uneasy.

"Are you scared? It's okay to admit if you're afraid!" Layla jokes as she punches him lightly on his shoulder.

"Ha! I'll be fine, if anything I'm more worried about you guys. Sachi, keep those crazy eyes of yours peeled!" Jack admits as he warms his hands up.

"I will, try not to get into any fights while you're out there." Sachi responds as everyone laughs.

"You got it! I'll try to be on my best behavior!" Jack jokes as he gets on the back of his carriage.

"Be careful Jack, we'll spar when I get back!" I assure.

"Don't let any girls trick like they always do! You're way too gullible!" Mari advises as I can tell she's worried about him.

"Also mind your manners! Chosen Child or not you need to represent yourself the best–" Layla reminds.

"ALRIGHT! Sheesh, why is everyone ganging up on me?" Jack asks his voice full of annoyance.

"That's just their way of showing they care Jack! All of you be careful, winter always brings Colossi and I wouldn't be surprised if you run into any during both of your trips! We still have another six months until the first Colossi is set to show up but still stay focused you never know what might happen!" Kira commands as we all get on the back of our carriage.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

A cold winter and a new journey. My life has certainly become more exciting in Goliath.

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