The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 55 - 55: Arrogance & Death

"Crow don't just stand there! Ring the bell!" Layla commands as everyone starts scrambling.

"Got it!" I reply as I grab the rope and ring the bell.

"It's so dark I can barely see! Are you sure it's a legendary Colossi Crow?" Mari asks as she puts a coat on.

"I'm positive! Vedora actually just talked to me! There's no way she was lying, that thing is the real deal!" I reply as I look below us and see all of our forces panicking and running.

"Whatever that thing is, it would put the Empire State Building to shame! That's the biggest Colossi I've seen so far." Sachi observes as she squints her eyes.

"Enough talking! We need to head straight to General Daris to see what he wants to do next!" Layla commands as she puts her coat on.

We quickly run out of the gate tower and sprint straight to General Daris' tower.

"That thing is massive! Do you mean to tell that's a Colossi?" General Daris asks his voice full of astonishment.

"Not just any Colossi sir, it's the Second Legendary Colossi, Honos!" Layla informs.

"How do you know this? Are you sure this isn't just speculation?" General Daris asks as he doesn't seem convinced.

"I promise you, sir! I had a confrontation with Vedora herself and I heard her shout the spell… I wouldn't be surprised if she had been planning this for a while." I confirm as I start warming up my hands.

"No matter, we are the Crimson Blades! Guardians of our great land of Goliath! Anyone who dares to threaten our great land will be eliminated, no questions asked." General Daris shouts his voice full of confidence.

"Sir, I don't know if that's a good idea! Maybe it would be better to send a small team first and test out Hono's strength? That way if its power is too overwhelming we can minimize our losses and find out the best strategy to defeat it." Sachi suggests as she looks outside of the tower.

"I appreciate the sentiment Chosen Child, but we're professionals! In fact, Marda and Jax arrived about an hour ago and our forces have increased to about 700! With this many of us and you all on our side, there's no way we can lose!" General Daris reassures as it's clear he has faith in his forces.

"I see… I really hope you're right." Sachi replies her eyes full of worry.

"Anyway, Marda and Jax should be in the trenches just north of us. Meet with them and we'll be launching an attack in about 30 minutes! We can't let this damned thing get past the border, if we do then everyone will be doomed…. " General Daris reminds as even he seems anxious about the upcoming battle.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

We leave Daris' tower and head into the trenches where all of our forces are meeting before our attack. Jax and Marda are both standing next to a map where it seems they are laying out strategies.

"Ah, the Chosen Children are here! Good job letting us know something was coming! Most of us were knocked out after eating supper!" Marda compliments her voice radiating with positivity.

"Just doing our part Ma'am!" I reply.

"Hmph, I heard about you all leading the charge earlier! I might've misjudged all of you, maybe you all have what it takes to really become true warriors." Jax concedes begrudgingly.

"He was talking so much crap earlier too… " Layla points out her eyes full of annoyance.

"Haha, I feel like Jack and this guy would've bumped heads if he were here." Mari laughs.

"Don't mind Jax, he's really just a big softie! He lets his daughter run over him all the time!" Marda jokes as everyone in trenches starts laughing.

"Hey, who said you could talk about my personal life?" Jack asks angrily.

"Oh relax Jax, we're just teasing around! It's important that we do, considering the battle ahead… " Marda responds as she lets out a huge breath.

"So do you two have a plan with how we can deal with these things? I have to admit I'm not a big fan of sending all our forces out there when we don't know the enemy's strength." Sachi asks as she takes a look at the map.

"Ah, you must be the girl that thought of that pincer attack earlier! Not a bad plan at all but we're going to try to swarm this thing because of its size!" Jax replies as he points on the map.

"While all of our close-ranged fighters are swarming the enemy, I and the rest of the long-ranged fighters will be providing cover from both the trenches and the two towers." Marda adds.

"The idea is that our close-ranged fighters will provide a distraction and hopefully find out a way to make the thing fall!" Jax explains.

"Meanwhile all of us will try to hit the enemy with everything we've got!" Marda chimes in.

"I see… Well, you all are the veterans around here. I'll trust your judgment!" Sachi respects as I can tell she's still unsure of this plan.

"Worst comes to worst, I'll put my absolute barrier up! But I doubt we'll need it at all." Marda insists as she smiles at Sachi.

"All Crimson Blade members prepare for battle! That damn thing is getting way too close and we have to stop it! Launching our attack in approximately 5 minutes!" General Daris orders as everyone starts running around the trenches.

"You two! You're coming with me!" Marda commands as she grabs Sachi and Mari.

"And you two will be leading the charge with me!" Jax orders as he motions us to the middle of the trenches with him.

I look at Layla and notice that she looks really nervous. Usually, she has such a cool and composed look but something is wrong.

"Are you okay Layla? What's going on?" I ask as she looks away from me in embarrassment.

"Ugh, I hope Landon is okay… He'd probably freak out if he knew what was happening! Now that I know he's alive it's just hard for me to go into every battle like I used to." Layla panics as she facepalms.

"Layla… " I reply as I rub her shoulder gently.

"Steel your mind for the battle that lays ahead kid. Use your loved ones as motivation to come back alive, that's the least we can do for them! I fight every day knowing that my baby girl Jana will be lost without me! You have to fight each battle like your life depends on it! Now, are you ready to take this thing down and protect our land?" Jax asks his voice full of passion.

"Yes sir!" We both say in unison.

"That's what I like to hear! Close-ranged fighters are ready to go, General Daris!" Jax informs.

"Alright, everyone… ATTACK!" General Daris commands as we all charge at the enemy.

For the first time since being in the guard tower, I finally get a good look at the enormous Colossi. The tall creature is standing upright with jet black fur, red eyes, giant claws, and predator-like teeth. This thing is the stuff of nightmares.

"Don't a single one of you dare stop running at the enemy! We are the first line of defense for our land! Let's show this ugly beast why they call us the Crimson Blades!" Jax commands.

"AYE!" We all respond as everyone lets out a war cry.

We keep running towards the Colossi for the next 5 minutes as our long-ranged forces do a continuous bombardment of attacks that seem to be slowing Honos down.

"We're getting pretty close now, do you think we can stop it Crow?" Layla asks as we continue to sprint together.

"We've got Jax and 400 people charging with us! We'll give this thing a run for its money!" I reply confidently.

"Alright then, let's see if Kira's training is enough to handle a Legendary Colossi!" Layla yells as she readies her dagger.

"Everyone surround it! Form a circle around it so it can't get past us then attack it with everything you've got!" Jax orders as we all form a quick circle around its legs.

The Colossi finally stops as it seems it's noticed us.

"Good work! Now everyone–" Jax says as all of a sudden the Colossi leans down and takes a good look at all of us.

"Oh crap… " I mutter as the Colossi looks at all of us and smiles.

"You dare taunt us! Take this you ugly beast! Bracadier Art: Flaming Axe!" Jax shouts as he swings his right at Honos' forehead.

"That's right! Give'em hell Jax!" One of the crimson blade members says as everyone starts charging towards Honos.

"HAHAHAHA!" Honos belts out as he pulls Jax's axe out of his forehead and throws it away.

"Huh?" Jax asks.

Out of nowhere, Honos grabs Jax's entire body and throws him across the battlefield all the way back to trenches which are hundreds of feet away. Upon impact, Jax tries to get back up but is clearly in too much pain.

"You monster!" I yell as we all try to attack it with all our might.

"Crow don't!" Layla yells as Honos swipes at some of our forces killing a hundred of them in the process.

"No way! How is he this strong?" I ask as he keeps rampaging and taking out our forces like it's swatting away flies.

"This is bad! At this rate, all of our ground forces will be taken out before we have a chance to do any real damage!" Layla shouts as she dodges his attacks.

"What should we do? Jax is out for the count!" I reply as I barely dodge his attacks.

"I don't–" Layla replies as all of a sudden Honos starts screaming.

A Crimson Blade member strikes towards his back and gets swatted away after the attack connects. Honos grabs his back and puts both his arms behind his back to protect it.

"Wait a sec… " I observe.

"URGRAHHH!" Honos screams as he unleashes a very scary-looking red Taqa from his body.

Near his legs, hundreds of black portals appear and smaller Colossi pop out of them. Griffins, Giant Snakes, Giant Bats, Skeleton Knights, and some weird-looking wolverine-type creatures all pop out of the portals.

"Damnit! They're everywhere!" I shout as I look around us and see the rest of our forces getting killed left and right.

"What in Adora's name is happening down there?" General Daris asks as he uses his mass communication spell.

"The situation has changed sir! Honos is too powerful for our close-ranged forces, we're all getting wiped out down here!" Layla replies as she fights off the smaller Colossi.

"This isn't looking good sir, the plan isn't working!" I yell as I cut down a giant Snake and two skeleton knights.

"Unbelievable! All close-ranged forces are to come back to the base immediately! Don't try to fight them right now, just make it out of there with your lives! I repeat, all close-ranged fighters retreat back to the base!" General Daris commands as the remaining close-ranged forces all run back.

"Let's get a move on Crow!" Layla yells as she grabs my hand.

"Right!" I say as we hustle back towards the base.

For the next 3 minutes, we all sprint away from Honos as his reinforcements are right on our tails.

"Ugh, I'm running out of steam!" I yell as I can feel my body getting extremely tired.

Out of nowhere I look over and see twenty crimson blade members about to be caught by the Colossi.

"AHHH! NOOO!" One of them screams as he gets destroyed by the enemy.

"No! We gotta go back!" I yell as I turn around.

"Don't you dare stop running you idiot! We can't let them catch us! Going back now is a death sentence, Crow! Please don't let there lives be in vain!" Layla orders.

"Ugh, I'm sorry… " I apologize as we're almost at the trenches.

"Marda! Put the barrier up now!" General Daris commands.

"Yes sir! Mardian Art: Absolute Barrier!" Marda shouts as a giant pink barrier forms around the base and it blocks the Colossi from going after us.

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