The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 56 - 56: A New Reason To Live

After barely making it out with our lives we found out that 300 of our close-ranged fighters lost their lives during our swarm against the enemy including Captain Jax. If Honos proved one thing it's that we were all very arrogant to think we could defeat a Legendary Colossal with just a simple strategy.

We're now in General Daris' tower with Marda, Landon who has just returned, and Dalia.

"He's really gone… I'm at a loss for words." Landon sobs his voice full of sorrow.

"That fool, he really tried to take on that Colossal with his own strength." Marda sighs as she seems to be on the verge of tears.

"Uncle Jax always looked out for all of us, this really isn't fair!" Dalia shouts as she starts crying.

"He wasn't just a friend to me, he was more like family. To think I brought him in when he was still a boy… You're right my daughter, life certainly isn't fair." General Daris replies his eyes full of pain.

"As unfortunate as it is, we really don't have time to grieve. Marda, how much longer do you think that barrier will last?" Landon asks as he leans onto a wall.

"4 hours max. It would probably be less if Honos started messing with it." Marda replies honestly.

"Let's be fortunate he hasn't yet! We need all of the time we can get at this point!" General Daris shouts as he slams his hand on the table.

"Well, what do we do now? We lost a lot of good men and women during the last attack! We can't afford to lose too many more! We're an elite guild, not an army. If only the damn government would give us more forces this wouldn't even be an issue! I told you to tell them we needed more help sir but you kept putting it off! If you had just listened to me Jax might still be here with us! " Landon yells as he gets extremely close to the General's face.

"Landon, calm down." Layla says as she grabs his shoulder lightly.

"Ugh, you're right. I'm sorry for losing it like that everyone… " Landon apologizes as the tension starts to dissipate.

"No… You are right Landon! I've failed as a leader and my overconfidence lead to everything that's happened. I take full responsibility for my ignorance and arrogance. With all that being said, I'm still not sure how we should be moving forward. At this point, we're in need of a miracle." General Daris concedes his voice full of defeat.

"Hello! Sorry to interrupt but I think my friend Sachi here could be of help!" Mari suggests as she pushes Sachi in front of everybody.

"Ugh, stop doing that Mari!" Sachi yells as she starts blushing again.

"You did warn us about our plan earlier Chosen Child. What do you think is the best course of action to stop Honos?" General Daris asks desperately.

"Hmmm, things are quite different now. We've got a gauge on its strength but we still don't know what its weakness is. More importantly, does it even have a weakness? Layla, Crow. Did you guys notice anything strange?" Sachi asks as she places her fingers beneath her chin.

"Not really, I was too busy trying not to die." Layla replies.

"Well, I did notice something a little weird actually." I chime in as I remember that strange moment during the battle.

"Let's hear it." Marda orders.

"After Jax got thrown, one of our forces managed to strike Honos on its back. The second that happened he went full feral mode and kept protecting his back. I really don't think it's a coincidence that he summoned reinforcements after that." I explain as Sachi's eyes light up.

"That can't be a coincidence! Good eye Crow, you may have just saved us all!" Sachi reasons.

"So now we know it's a weakness but what do we do about all of those Colossi out there? We only have 100 close-ranged forces left. Our scouts estimate that there are about 2,000 Colossi clawing at Marda's barrier." Landon asks as General Daris clears his throat.

"It's about time I got out of my little tower anyway! I'll use my ultima attack on the enemy and with the help of our long-ranged forces, we should be able to hold them off!" General Daris suggests.

"But sir, that's way too risky! Your ultima attack almost killed you the last time!" Marda rejects quickly.

"Plus, the Crimson Blades will be lost without you!" Landon adds his voice full of worry.

"Last I checked, I run things around here! This is my decision and it is final! Do I make myself clear?" General Daris asks.

"AYE!" Landon and Marda reply in unison.

"Now, what should we do about Honos? Should we send a sizable team of close and long-ranged fighters to take him out?" General Daris asks.

"Actually, that was kind of what I was thinking about earlier! I was thinking that we should form an elite team of Crimson Blades best fighters to take out Honos!" Sachi shares as everyone seems receptive to the idea.

"That might just work! While the General stays back with the rest of our troops Landon and I can both try to take on the Colossi." Marda agrees.

"If that's the case then you Chosen Children should join them as well. They both need back up and since your team is pretty well balanced it might be enough to overwhelm Honos." General Daris orders.

"Understood!" We all say in unison.

"Then it's settled, in four hours we launch a two-way attack on the enemy! I'd prepare yourselves, this will be our most difficult battle yet." General Daris warns as he takes a giant gulp of ale.

We all leave the trenches and head back to the guard tower one more time just in case this is the end for us. Sachi, Mari, Layla, Landon, and I are all here eating food by the warm fire.

"I really hope this isn't the end. I'm actually started to get invested in this world." I comment as everyone looks really down.

"There won't be any world to be invested in if we don't take Honos down." Sachi remarks as she slowly drinks her tea.

"This is honestly insane, just like you half-bloods I used to think that the Legendary Colossi were myths but here I am about to fight one to the death. Life can be such a cruel joke sometimes." Landon laughs as he chugs down some ale.

"Really you're going to drink at a time like this?" Layla asks as she eats her stew.

"What do you mean? This might be my last drink so you better believe I'm going to enjoy it!" Landon responds as he chugs more of it down out of spite.

"Still as stubborn as ever. You got that from Mother!" Layla calls out.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're still as condescending as Father was!" Landon replies his voice full of anger.

"Umm, are you sure you guys want your last conversation to be an argument?" I ask as they both get really quiet.

"Wow, he really called us out on our crap didn't he?" Landon asks as he starts chuckling.

"Haha, yeah I guess you're right Crow. I'll play nice with my idiot big brother at least until we come out of this alive!" Layla responds as she starts smiling.

Wow, it seems like living in Goliath means you're always dancing with death. I've had to move forward from a lot of things just because it was required of me. Unlike in my old world, I don't really have too much time to overthink things. But that's why it's so important to not hold back anymore.

I was alone for so long in my old world that I thought it was normal to not have a single person to rely on but here I am fighting a battle with people that I consider to be precious to me! My heart is all over the place and I hate putting myself out here like this but if I'm really going to die here I don't want to have any regrets. Man up Crow! I gotta tell Mari how I really feel!

"Hey, Mari? Can I talk to you in private for a second?" I ask as everyone smirks at me.

"Huh? Do my eyes deceive more or did Crow actually grow up a bit?" Layla teases.

"Sure." Mari replies as we both leave the top room.

We're now outside at the top of the tower where we can see our forces preparing for battle, Colossi still clawing at the barrier, and very far away you can see Honos just sitting there in the snow as if he's waiting for us.

"Sooo, what did you want to talk about Crow?" Mari asks as she looks nervously at me.

"Uhh… Wow, now that I'm here it's hard for me to even say this! I'm not even sure what I'm really feeling… All I know is that you are really special to me Mari! From the day I've met you I couldn't keep my eyes off of you! Going to classes with you, learning more about this world together, even arguing with you, I value all of the time I've spent with you. I know that when we hit that battlefield there's a really big chance we might not make it out, so I didn't want to keep this away from you any longer. I guess you could say… I really like you, but maybe even more than that!" I confess as I feel complete embarrassment from everything I've said.

"Ugh, you are so awkward Crow! You better be lucky I wasn't another girl, they might've got the wrong idea! The word you're looking for is love! And if that's the case then I love you too!" Mari shouts her cheeks extremely red.

"Wait, are you for real? You aren't kidding right?" I ask as I grab her shoulders.

"Of course I'm not! I've had my eyes stuck on you since I've been here too! I love you Crow!" Mari confesses as she hugs me tightly.

"I love you too, Mari! Does that mean you want to be with me?" I ask as I hug her back.

"If that's what you want. I don't want you to feel pressured… I know there are other girls like Rena who might be better for you! " Mari replies as she avoids eye contact with me.

"There's no pressure at all! If we're going to be stuck here then I want to be stuck with you forever! Huh?" I reply as out of nowhere Mari kisses me tenderly.

"Sounds good to me!" Mari responds as she smiles warmly at me.

I can't die here, I have too much to live for now!

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