The Over-Break System

Chapter 133 - Gravity Training Story Time

Making their way slowly but surely, through the Divine Gravity Field, the party had to stop several times after reaching the 2.5g area. With the pressure increasing every 20-30 meters, Gabby and Benny were beginning to struggle; at one point, Gabby was brought to her knees due to the increase in gravity. Luckily for Gabby, Brance had already prepared for this event, and within half a second, he tossed a glowing white orb onto the little girl, healing her up instantly.

Cynrik would stop the party every time the pressure was raised by 0.25g to allow the Sanford siblings a moment to adjust their bodies. Walking at a snail's pace, the party eventually made it to the precipice of 3g. Cynrik turned around and examined the state of the Sanfords, his eyes picking up the heavy rise and fall of their chests and the immense amount of sweat forming on their bodies, which has caused their hair to cling to their faces.

Cynrik's eyes drifted away from the kids and towards the residential area, which had come into clear sight.

{Tobs, can you estimate how long this gravity will hold out?}

The system was silent for several beats before finally speaking up in her monotone voice.

-By my calculations, it will take approximately five hours before the ascension process is completed and the Divine Gravity Field disappears.-

'Five hours…it's not enough time. At best, we can get Gabby and Benny up to 3.5 to 4g. Tsk, our current pace is too slow; that guy has been sitting in 10g this whole time. He's a freaking monster. It would take all four of us combined even to stun him with Killing Intent. Brance is at 4.25, and I'm at 4.5; Gabby and Benny are both at 3.75; if we were to all sync up, Brance and I would have to lower our pressure to match theirs for a combined 15g.'

Pulling his left hand out of his pocket, Cynrik brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

'That's to say we could even pull it off. But, of course, without actual practice, I'm not so sure those two would be able to link up with us. Hell, it took me nearly a month before I could get the hang of lowering my output and keep it constant. Even so, the real question will be if Gabby and Benny could sync up the wavelengths properly.

When Brance and Cynrik sat down to figure out Killing Intent years ago, they discovered an interesting bit of information. Killing Intent wasn't what they had believed it to be. From a scientific standpoint, it was just a skill that allowed the user to increase the mass of and vibrate ambient Mana particles at a certain frequency similar to sound waves. The numerical representation, i.e., 4.5. signified the increase in mass and how rapidly the particles vibrated.

Stumbling upon this observation led Cynrik down a question-filled rabbit hole, the biggest one being "Why is it called Killing Intent if all it does is manipulate the particles?" Followed by, "Why do you only gain points in the Stat through killing?"

None of the answers the brothers came up with fit perfectly with their observations. Eventually, they ended up going to Cinyah and Rikard, who shrugged their shoulders and said, "We don't know; it is just something that exists. Scientists and Scholars have experimented with Killing Intent since the moment it was discovered, and to this day, we really only know how to use it and how to increase its strength."

Unsatisfied with his parent's lackluster response, Cynrik would take time out of his day, every day for about a year, trying to figure it out. Eventually, he hit a wall due to not having access to Mana. It wasn't until his Codex had recovered that Cynrik would once again pick up his monotonous experiments, this time with the aid of [Mana Sight.]

Heaving a sigh and looking up at the sky in thought, Cynrik started walking forward again, this time without his party.

{I'm going ahead to scout, so keep an eye on the kids. Like Tobs said, we've got around five hours until gravity normalizes again; just keep them moving forward.}

Brance didn't bother looking at his brother and just shooed Cynrik away with his hand and went back to his healing cycle.

Breaking away from the group, Cynrik's eyes darted around while he walked at a casual pace.

3.25g, 3.5g, 4g, 4.75g; once he reached the 5g point, he inhaled deeply. This was as far as his training had progressed in the HBTC. Tobs wouldn't allow his Gravity Resistance to increase any higher since he was still Tier-0 at the time. Now though, things were different. Between the Evolution process and his Bloodline, Cynrik felt he could easily continue forward without breaking a sweat. The only thing weighing on his mind was that he had no idea how far he could go before Tobs once again halted his progress. 

Bringing up his Status, Cynrik moved the invisible notification box to the edge of his vision for his right eye and took a step forward into the 5.25g area. The instant he did so, his Gravity Resistance underwent a slight change.

: Gravity Resistance: 5.25g (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

The 5g 100% changed, making Cynrik smile. It had been far too long, and if there was one thing he hated most since his reincarnation, it was staying stagnant for too long.

Gabby and Benny couldn't help but look at Cynrik's back as he cheerfully walked away from them, and they both cursed in their minds. Gabby even went so far as to pray the older boy would trip and fall. She was jealous of how effortless Cynrik made things look. For her, this training was miserable. She felt like her whole body was falling apart, and the only time she felt any comfort was when Brance used [Minor Healing] on her body. The cool sensation was reminiscent of drinking a cold glass of juice on a swelteringly hot day.

However, just like how a drink could only cool your body for a moment, the minute the skill wore off, it was back into the inferno.

Brance could almost read Gabby's thoughts based on her facial expressions, so he stifled a laugh before reaching forward and flicking her forehead lightly.

"Don't compare yourself to Big Brother; we all know he's a masochist who enjoys the pain of training. I am sure he's in heaven right now."

Rubbing the spot Brance had flicked, Gabby's eyes teared up slightly, and she gave him a puppy look.

"It's not fair, though; how come it's so easy for him when Benny and I have to suffer like this."

Brance shook his head and extended his hand to her, helping Gabby back to her feet so they could keep moving deeper into the Gravity Field.

"Wanna hear a story?" Sensing that Gabby was at the end of her tether, Brance figured it was best to distract both her and Benny with an amusing story.


As he expected, Gabby quickly took the bait and started bouncing around, slipping and face planting in the process.

"Hmm, which one to tell..." Tapping his index finger on his chin in thought, Brance searched his memory for a good story that would keep his friends distracted.

"Ok, got it. I haven't told this story in years, but let's give it a try." Tilting his head at a downward angle to pop his neck, Brance mimicked Cynrik's creepy smile and coughed a few times before making his voice sound sinister and raspy.

"Long ago in a distant land, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil!"

Gabby's eyes went wide, and a gleeful, toothy smile spread across her face, nearly reaching her eyes. In her mind, Brance was the best storyteller she had ever seen. He always had some kind of crazy tale, like the one about space wizards who use beam swords or the one about the alien from outer space who could fly around and was super strong thanks to the sun.

"But a fooooolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose him."

Although Gabby was overly animated as Brance told the story, Benny too was enjoying it; from time to time, Brance could see the boy's eyes sparkle, especially when he described the battle between Jack and Aku.

'Hehe, I remember I was just like them when I watched the cartoon as a kid.'

And so, time passed by slowly; after around two and a half hours, Cynrik reached 6.5g and headed back so he could trade off with Brance, allowing his brother to go get the same Resistance as him.

{By the way, I found it better to pass the time by telling them a story. It works the same for them as music does for us when working out. They are about at around 50% of 3.5g, so they should be fine without me as long as you stay put.} Brance patted Cynrik's shoulder while walking by and shot him a quick message in the mind link before going off to train his Gravity Resistance.

Shrugging his shoulders and sitting in front of Gabby and Benny, who were sitting with their eyes closed and trying to adjust to the pressure of 3.5g, Cynrik contemplated what part he left off on the last time he told them a specific story.

"So I hear Brance was telling you the tale of Jack; well, it has been a while, but I guess I'll pick up with the one I've been telling you for years. Do you remember where I left off?"

Benny's eyes stapped open upon hearing that Cynrik would continue the long-running story he started when they were little. Although Brance was good with acting animated and could do some voices, Cynrik had been telling the same continuous story in bite-sized chunks for the last five years. In addition, Cynrik was really good at changing his voice, giving every character a different sounding and original voice.

"I do, Big Bro Cyn; when you left off, Frieza had just lifted Krillin off the ground with his psychic attack, and you finished up with Krillin screaming, HELP ME!" Benny quickly raised his hand and shouted the answer, freaking out Gabby and making Cynrik break into a wide grin.

"OHH, did I now…hehe…you are in for a treat then."

Cynrik then proceeded to act out the dramatic scene of Goku going SSJ for the first time and even went as far as to mimic the English dub cast. He remembered every line perfectly since seven-year-old him back on Earth viewed this as one of the two biggest moments of his childhood.

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