The Over-Break System

Chapter 134 - The Gravity Field’s Dispersal

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Brance walked back in the direction of Cynrik and the Sanford siblings; his arrival was perfectly timed with his older brother throwing his arms out, arching his back, and howling "RAHHHH!" in a voice Brance could recognize. Then, stopping in his tracks and raising an eyebrow inquisitively, Brance hung back for a second to listen in on Cynrik finishing up the story.

"Goku yelled out in pain and frustration as planet Namek exploded around him… meanwhile across the galaxy, on King Kai's planet; he wore an expression of both desperation and despair. "It's gone…planet Namek…is gone."

Cynrik went silent for dramatic effect and looked at the two children sitting in front of him, Gabby's eyes were filled to the brim with tears that threatened to spill over, and Benny wore a look of sadness.

"But…but, but Goku is ok, right? He's not dead, is he? He can't be dead, Big Bro Cyn…." Gabby whimpered softly, not wanting to believe that the hero of Cynrik's tale, who had finally beaten the evil villain, would just up and die. 

"I can't say. Find out next time…on D…B…Z!" Shrugging his shoulders and smirking, Cynrik even went so far as to hum the outro music, making Gabby groan loudly and Benny fall onto his back. 

The Sanford sibling's reactions forced a loud cackle out of Cynrik, but it was subsequently cut short by Brance, who walked up behind him and smacked his older brother in the back of the head. 

"Storytime is over; judging by how you are all hanging out in 4g, I assume you two have reached 4g Gravity Resistance." Wearing a frown, Brance ignored Cynrik's quiet complaints and confronted Gabby and Benny.

"Yesss." Rolling their eyes, the Sanford siblings replied together.

"They should be sitting at around 80%; we haven't been here too long." Looking Brance up and down, Cynrik continued his statement, "Guess it's safe to assume you hit 6.5?"

"Un, it wasn't too bad; I was able to save some time by healing my body as I went; not everyone is a freak like you, who enjoys the pain."

"Whatever, that isn't important." Cynrik looked around at the Gravity Field as he spoke; thanks to his [Mana Sight] and keen insight, he was able to notice how the pressure was steadily weakening at a rate of about 0.10g a minute. Cynrik's eyes flickered for an instant as he noticed that the further away areas within the field they had come from were progressively returning to normal, and he couldn't help but compare it to the circle closing in battle royale games. 

Going by the rate of deterioration he was observing, it would take roughly 40 minutes for the Gravity where they were located to return to normal. 

Casting a sidelong glance over to the residential area, Cynrik made up his mind. 

"Listen up, in 40 minutes, the Gravity here will go back to normal; an hour after that, we will have a clear path to the residential area. So that means you two," Cynrik made eye contact with Gabby and Benny, who were looking back with curiosity, "will have an hour and 40 minutes to learn to control your Killing Intent."

"Cynrik, that isn't enough time. Are you crazy!" Picking up immediately on what his older brother was plotting, Brance protested.

"Stop. Please don't bother arguing with me. If we want to have even a slim shot at pausing the enemy in combat, we will need their added KIN, and for that, they need to be able to adjust their outputs at will. So, Brance, you will work with Gabby, and I will take Benny." Having none of Brance's complaining, Cynrik waved his younger brother away and walked towards Benny.

{Brance, the monster has been chilling in 10g for hours now. You really think that the measly 8.5g we can use will be enough to stop him for even a fraction of a second. Odds are he would be entirely unaffected by the pressure leaving our efforts wasted. Setting aside the fact that the four of us could exert a combined force of 15g, we need to bear in mind that guy's physical standards. His muscular and bone structure is entirely different from a human, and with the added benefit of having a tail, his recovery speed will shoot through the roof if he uses it to correct his balance.}

During the period of time where Cynrik was telling his story to the Sanfords, he had split his attention in half, one part coming up with contingency plans for the boss and the other remembering the Namek Saga. 

After running through literally thousands of different scenarios in his head, Cynrik had carefully tried to keep track of every potential outcome they would face. Eventually, these scenarios turned into full-on simulations in his mind, and even though he was overestimating their opponent, Cynrik was still coming up with only a 40% chance of victory.

{Cyn, you know damn fucking well that they cant master Killing Intent in less than two hours, you are simply asking for too much.} Brance was temporarily blinded by his concern for the Sanford siblings well being and wasn't factoring in the big picture.

Although he trusted Cynrik wholeheartedly, he still couldn't fathom why his brother was attempting to force the kids to learn how to manipulate their Killing Intent pressure, something that had taken him weeks to learn.

Exhaling a shaky breath, Cynrik began explaining the concept behind how to manipulate the force of Killing Intent to Benny, ignoring the angry voice in his head. 

Brance sucked his teeth loudly and stood still for another second before giving up and lecturing Gabby with the same information Cynrik was explaining to Benny.

As this was going on, Osarseph patiently sat still, never moving from the position he had woken up in. Contrary to what Cynrik assumed, his Gravity Resistance was nowhere near able to withstand the pressure of 10g. If he was still in his original body, then yes, he could have easily handled it, as his Gravity Resistance in the previous Legacy Strife was well over 10g.

Opening his eyes slowly and examining the space around him, Osarseph could see a faint translucent yet tangible, elastic-like barrier in the shape of an egg around his body. As someone who had fought for several decades in the last LS, he was fully aware of what was going on. When a Spirit takes over a Charge's body, they begin a process called Divine Ascension. 

From the moment the Spirit takes control of the body and merges its soul into the husk, the Divinity stored within the body's previous owner's soul will expand rapidly, creating a no-mans land of high-pressure Gravity. The point of said Divine Gravity Field is to keep any creature or being that has thoughts of attacking the Spirit in its moment of weakness away. As this process occurs, the Deity to whom the Divinity belongs will place a shell-like barrier around the Spirit's body, allowing it the necessary time to integrate and complete the merger fully. 

As such, right now, although the pressure directly surrounding Osarseph was at 10g, he was actually experiencing the standard 1g within the barrier. However, if Osarseph left said barrier for some reason, he would be subject to the total 10g, crushing his body instantly as his current Gravity Resistance was only 8g.

If Cynrik knew this information, he would be losing his shit since he and Brance could quickly whip out 8g like it was nothing.

Osarseph rolled his head around his neck lightly, relieving the tense muscles. Then, looking down, he could see his long, scaled tail had neatly wrapped itself around his legs in a circle, and he smirked. 

Having a tail wasn't a new experience for him as in the past, he had a Serpentine Bloodline; the only difference was his new tail was several times thicker than the last one he had. Flexing his lower back muscles, his tail twitched a couple of times before raising up and wrapping around his abdomen like a long scaled belt.

Next, Osarseph pulled out the poorly crafted bone staff that Montu was previously so proud of, and he sneered in disdain.

"What was that idiot trying to accomplish. With his experience and proficiency in crafting, he should have easily created a staff ten times more potent than this piece of trash." Osarseph was beside himself as he examined the three-and-a-half-meter-long bone staff, his eyes scanning over the crudely drawn runes on its surface. 

"Shoddy craftsmanship and scribing, no wonder he lost to me so quickly." As Osarseph spoke, his tongue flicked out in random intervals, tasting the surrounding air. Even though Osarseph didn't have [Mana Sight] like Cynrik and Brance, he had developed his own way of sensing Mana involving a strange combination of taste, touch, and smell that only a being with either Serpent or Draconic Bloodline could achieve.

"It won't be long now." He murmured before setting about wiping away the poorly drawn work Montu was so proud of and starting over from scratch. 

Time seemed to tick by slower than ever, as Cynrik and Brance tried to teach Gabby and Benny how to adjust the amount of pressure used with Killing Intent. When 40 minutes had gone by, the Gravity around them normalized, causing the party to move closer towards the residential area. 

While they walked, Cynrik and Brance never stopped speaking, pressed for time; they tried with great effort to detail every single piece of data they had learned over the years about Killing Intent as well as the results of Cynrik's experiments. 

By the time they reached the outermost hut, Benny and Gabby had already begun their practice, leaving Cynrik and Brance to stare at the changes occurring in the space around them.

{Why is it the closer we get, the hazier that bastard becomes?} Confused by what he saw from Osarseph. Cynrik voiced his discontent in the mind link.

Since the egg-like barrier protecting Osarseph was created by Wadjet herself, it was a mysterious existence. From a distance, Cynrik was able to see every movement Osarseph made, but upon getting closer, it was like the lizardman was shrouded in some kind of pink gas, blocking Cynrik from observing his actions. 

Sensing the arrival of his opponent, Osarseph lifted his head and sneered; although he couldn't see them, he could feel their presence drawing closer. Then, licking the sharp teeth in his mouth lightly and sporting a sadistic grin, Osarseph began plotting out his moves for the battle, which would start in a handful of minutes.

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