The Over-Break System

Chapter 135 - MyrkLys Vs. Osarseph Part 1

{Hey guys let me preface this chapter with, Firstly Sorry it's late, for the last 2 days I've been running a serious fever of 103. Since I am unable to take medicine like Tylenol or Asprin due to allergies whenever I get a fever I am left to struggle through it. That is why this chapter and most likely tomorrow as well will be late. I was forced to write on my iPad btw so if you find errors Lemmie know,  I was racing against the clock to get it published so I will be going back through it and fixing any issues.  Appreciate you all  ---ScotchTy}


Going over the plan one last time with the party Cynrik stood up wearing a serious expression. He had done everything he could to prepare the others for the battle to come, but plans tend to fall apart as is with every conflict.

The critical point of the primary plan revolved around not acting like a dumb protagonist and allowing the villain to power up. From there, Brance and Benny would square up and not give Osarseph a chance to get comfortable. Instead of allowing the boss to think, they needed to keep him moving and reacting.

Meanwhile, Gabby would be hanging back and taking potshots at any weak points she could find, as well as leading the boss to specific spots, giving Cynrik a chance to strike.

Was the plan perfect? Absolutely not; there were so many variables that couldn't be ignored that Cynrik had to pick and choose every movement the party made. He drew sketches in the dirt for the kids and Brance, showing them roughly where they should stand, but this could easily be overcome by the boss straight up beating them down.

Heaving a sigh, Cynrik observed the Gravity Field with concern.

"Ok, get ready to move, gravity dispersal in less than two minutes."

Gabby and Benny noticeably tensed up, and Brance somberly removed his shield from his back before splitting it into two. Their reactions were to be expected. Cynrik hadn't downplayed how dangerous this battle would be. For once, he allowed for complete transparency in his plan. Whether or not that was the right move, only time would tell. But for now, he felt it necessary that Gabby and Benny were fully aware of just how dangerous the fight would be.

"Brance, flank around with Benny." Cynrik looked at the open area between three huts off to his right and gave his brother the order to move, which Brance and Benny immediately responded to, and took off running.

"C'mon, Gabby, let's go." Taking the little girl by the hand, Cynrik activated [Cloak of Shadows] and jumped onto the roof of the nearest hut. Once up there, Cynrik had a better view of his surroundings and quickly noticed the gravity breaking apart around the center of the village.

{Be advised the target is within an egg-like construct.} Cynrik's eyes flicked around rapidly as he formed the route for his brother and Benny to take to reach the boss.

{Two rights, then left, you'll be behind him, wait for the egg thingy to drop, then begin the assault.}


Still holding Gabby's hand, Cynrik broke into a sprint and jumped from rooftop to rooftop, keeping parallel with Brance and Benny. He wanted to position her just right so that she could make the most of her shots.

Cynrik's eyes went wide as he witnessed the strange silhouette within the egg move its head in Brance's direction, causing him to lose his footing nearly. The sight reminded him of a specific horror movie series from Earth, and he had to fight back the shivers threatening to run down his spine.

{Target is monitoring your approach.} Quickly sending over the newly acquired info to Brance, Cynrik stopped and knelt down on a roof less than 10 meters away from the egg; this was as close as he could get, as the gravity inside those 10 meters was still at 10g.

'Tobs, what is that thing?' Upon getting a clear view of Osarseph and the egg-like shell surrounding him, Cynrik quickly used the only resource he had.

-When a being undergoes Divine Ascension, the Deity with whom the Spirit shares divinity will be given a level of protection from the pressure created by the Divine Gravity Field.-

'Wait, does that mean he HASN'T been sitting in 10g this whole time?'

-Correct. However, please be aware that being in front of you isn't human. Thus, due to bone density and muscular structure, said being will have a higher resistance to gravitational pressure.-

As the members of Myrklys got into place, Osarseph calmly sat within the barrier, monitoring the two ants which seemed to want to attack him from behind.

'Hm…I sensed four earlier; where did the others vanish to? Did they leave, or are they using some kind of stealth skill?'

While he pondered on the disappearance of Gabby and Cynrik, his attention never left Brance and Benny, who were waiting just on the edge of the 10g area.

In his hand, Osarseph held the newly reforged Bone Staff; gone was the ragged and shotty work created by Montu, and in its place was a magnificent and well-crafted ivory staff. It had taken some time, but after wiping out all the shitty work done by Montu, Osarseph expertly rewrote every Runic line and, even at one point, allowed the staff to be subjected to the pressure of 10g outside of the barrier.

Although it didn't live up to the weapon he used in his previous life, it would do for now, especially since this was a weapon fitting for someone Mid Tier-3 to Tier-4. Not only did it boast more significant damage, but it also allowed him to summon a maximum of 10 totems and 4 Golems. When he read about the Golems, Osarseph was slightly confused, as in his memory, Priests couldn't summon a creature named as such. Still, after going through and reading its description, he quickly realized that although it carried a different name than he was used to, it was still a summon creature.

Then, it happened, all at once, the barrier around his body shattered to pieces, and a small shock wave was created in the process. Then, both Osarseph and the pair of Brance and Benny kicked into action.

On one end, Brance, followed closely behind by Benny, charged forward and unleashed a volley of [Stone Spike], while Benny fired off a hand full of [Water Spear].

Osarseph, seeing the actions of the two, what appeared to be children, sneered and, with a wave of his staff, generated 5 Totems and nimbly weaved in and out of the incoming attacks. However, unlike the ones created by Montu, these newly upgraded Totems had a sinister appearance. First, they appeared to be crafted from animal hide and bones, then adorning the top looked like a human skull. In addition, each of the five had a different colored fine silk cloth wrapped around the said skull.

But before Osarseph could even retort in contempt, he watched in horror as three arrows and two balls of black flames collided with his Totems, destroying them instantly. Osarseph whipped his head to where he estimated those silent attacks originated but saw nothing.

Unfortunately for him, Cynrik had already moved to a different rooftop with Gabby and was readily awaiting the Kobold Shaman to drop more Totems.

"Tsk, that was an oversight on my end, fellow Charges; how about we…."


Osarseph was in the middle of talking to the rooftops when Brance appeared under him and smashed both Shields into his snout, rocking Osarseph's head back. Benny didn't miss the opening either, as he flashed behind the 3.5-meter tall lizardman and cracked him with his shield as well; the 1,2, combo catapulted the unsuspecting Osarseph across the open courtyard.

"Idiot, why are you looking away when we are your opponent? What are you, a senile old man?" Brance retorted and rushed at the downed opponent.

However, just as he was about to dish out a downward strike with his CS Tear…


Brance watched in slow motion as Osarseph brought up his tail and lashed out towards his open ribcage. The goal was to put distance between himself and the two attackers; unfortunately for him, though, Benny was right there in an instant, and, bringing up his buckler shield, expertly deflected the tail attack, giving Brance the necessary time to jump back and refocus.

Angry that these puny ants had blindsided him, Osarseph waved his arms franticly while using his tail to stand up. Brance's pupils shrunk, and with [Mana Sight] active, he could see the massive amount of Mana surging around the boss's hands, and moving on instinct, he grabbed Benny and sprinted away, leaving both Benny and Osarseph momentarily confused.

Osarseph was stunned by Brance's quick thinking; he couldn't help but admire the young boy who could accurately read the battlefield and make a judgment instantly.

"Too slow, I will make you pay for those strikes you inflicted, [Summon Earth Golem]." Osarseph taunted Brance and summoned all four of his massive Earth Golems. The skill should have been called Raising Golems instead of Summon because upon its activation, the ground in front of Osarseph liquified, and four five-meter tall rock creatures pulled themselves out of the land.


It was short-lived, though, because no sooner than had the newly formed Earth Golems broken away from the restraints of the ground did four massive BlackFire balls slam into their hulking bodies, exploding them to fragments of rock. Unfortunately, Osarseph, who stood not far behind the creatures, was flung like a ragdoll through the air before ending his flight by slamming into the hut that used to belong to Montu.

"Teehe, haha!"

The strange laugh seemed to ring violently in Osarseph's head. Struggling to pull himself from the stone hut, he glared in the direction of the laughter.

"Teehe, haha!"

That was when he heard it a second time, this time though it was in a completely different area.

"BASTARD NORSEMAN PAGAN SCUM, WHERE ARE YOU!" Osarseph screamed in unbridled fury in recognition. He remembered the strange laughter vividly.

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500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter (Incomplete)

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1000 Power Stones 4 Bonus Chapters (Incomplete)

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