The Over-Break System

Chapter 139 - MyrkLys Vs. Osarseph Part 5

With constricted pupils, and veins bulging, Cynrik's Codex heated up like an engine and pumped Mana throughout his body and into the two Cold-Steel Tri-Elemental Twin-Kodachi's. His remaining 1608 MP was evenly split into 800 two times before Affinities were added to the fundamental Mana, generating 800 MP of Fire and 800 Wind. The leftover 8 points were kept in reserve so that Cynrik wouldn't pass out due to Mana Depletion, as he had in the past. However, with such a small amount left, he did not doubt that he would need a hardcore power nap once the adrenaline wore off unless he leveled up.

Afraid to even burn a minute amount of Mana activating any of his ocular skills, Cynrik glared in concentration at the massive shadowy figure wriggling around within the dust cloud.

'Based on the articulations the body is making, it appears to be some kind of humanoid serpent. It makes sense since the bastard is the Charge of the so-called Cobra Goddess; it's not too big a leap to associate any transformations he could go through as being slithery in nature.'

As Cynrik analyzed the sights laid out not far away, his eyes calmly flicked back and forth between his two swords. Since it was the first time he was merging so much Mana into them, he was curious about what changes they would undergo. Tobs had stated the CS Kodachis could easily handle 4000 MP, so adding 800 was just shy of 25% of their overload limit.

Moving his line of sight away from the glowing Kodachi's, Cynrik double-checked his MP expenditure, and after noting that everything was fine and 500 points had smoothly made their way into the swords, he exhaled a tired sigh. Unfortunately, without any way to tell precisely how long it would take for Osarseph to complete his idiotic transformation, Cynrik could only make a gamble. This was another reason he had shooed away his party. By standing alone in the open, seemingly occupied, there was a decent chance that he could effectively turn himself into bait for their enraged opponent.

Osarseph made it perfectly clear during the scuffle earlier that Cynrik was his actual target. However, the moment he started spouting Ragnar's taunt, Osarseph was so tilted that he basically ignored the existence of Gabby, Benny, and Brance. This relieved a significant amount of pressure off them, especially Gabby, who was as twitchy as a rabbit, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice.

Still, something felt off the more Cynrik pondered the last 30 minutes of combat. From start to finish, their opponent, who was supposed to completely outclass them in everything from combat experience to Tier and Stats, was too easily manipulated. As one of the backliners, Cynrik monitored Brance and Benny's HP, so he knew just how much damage they were absorbing each time they blocked one of the Shaman's attacks, and only one word came to mind…lackluster.

Sure, a lot of it had to do with the fact that Osarseph wasn't necessarily a "powerhouse," but he was still physically more robust than all the members of MyrkLys, even if he didn't have a lot of points distributed into his STR.

'Wait…it can't be that the physical adjustments to being in a new body were that detrimental, could it?'

The longer he stayed on the topic, the more convinced he became. The signs were all there; in the beginning, each of Osarsephs movements seemed somewhat sluggish, even if he could mask it with his stats. But, to Cynrik's keen eyesight, it was still there.

'The only time he seemed comfortable when attacking was when he used that tail. Any other movements, from walking to punching or kicking, they all seemed to have some kind of lag or time delay, as if his brain was moving much quicker than his body could react.'

Upon reaching this conclusion, Cynriks mouth formed an "O" as his mind reeled in surprise.

'MOTHER FUCKER, THIS GUY WAS A UBER HIGH TIER, LIKE SOMETHING IN THE REALM OF 5 OR 6. It all makes sense; his brain still reacts to things as if his body can keep up, but it cant. The mind of a High Tier, with the body of a low Tier, it's no wonder we were able to gain ground and beat him to a pulp without much difficulty.


Another blast of hot air created rings in the dust and pushed Cynrik back several paces with his feet dug into the dirt; he slid instead of taking steps back.

'He's getting stronger, fuck, at this rate, I won't have a choice.' Cynrik's eyes flicked back toward his Status, and he noticed his MP was almost completely drained.

'800 may not be enough, TSK; it's now, or never I guess.' Not waiting any longer, Cynrik posed a question to his system.

'Tobs. Can you allocate my inputs for me since I can't move?'

-So long as the Host authorizes me, I can make the necessary changes you wish.-

'Excellent, I need you to allocate all available XP in my pool into Main Level, bringing me to the Cap and as high as possible in Prestige levels.'

-Authorization for Remote interface adjustments received.-

-You have used 184,912 XP on Main Level.-

-You have leveled up.-

-Available XP 2,353,024.-

-You have used 201,722 XP on Main Level.-

-Available XP 2,151,302.-

-You have reached the Cap of Tier-1.-

-You have unlocked the Prestige Mode for Tier-1.- 

-Prestige Mode: Upon reaching the predetermined Level Cap, the Host can not level up until they complete their evolution to the next Tier. However, they can still acquire XP and continue filling their XP bar. Upon filling the bar completely, the Host will receive 3 Skill points and 8 Stat Points on top of the regular level-up build allocation points.

-The regular build allocation points will continue to be distributed until the Host Reaches the cap for Tier-1 Prestige Mode, evolves to Tier-2, or all of their Stats reach the cap of 300 points.-

-This excludes hidden Stats such as Killing Intent and Willpower.-

-The Cap for Tier-1 is 25.-

Cynrik clenched his teeth and readied himself for the world of pain he was about to experience.

-You have authorized the expenditure of XP into Prestige Mode Levels.-

-You have assigned 2,017,220 XP into Prestige.-

-Available XP 134,082.-

-You have leveled up to 10th Prestige.

-You have obtained 30 SP and 80 Stat points.-

-You have obtained 15 points in STR, INT, VIT, and MIND.-

-You have obtained 55 points in DEX.-

-You have obtained 35 points in AGI.-

-Your DEX and AGI Stats have reached the cap and checkpoint of 300 points.-

Feeling his legs go weak for a second, Cynrik had to fight to stay standing in the proper stance for his Fyrstr form.

'T…t…Tobs, clear up all the stats that indicate 0.5 by splitting single Stat points in half.' Finding it difficult to think properly, Cynrik took a bit to get out what he wanted to be done next.

-2 of the Host's Stat points have been split into 0.5 and added to STR, INT, VIT, and MIND.-

Next, Cynrik quickly did some math in his head. By comparing Gabby and Benny's Stat growth to his own and Brance's, Cynrik had realized some mistakes had been made. These mistakes inevitably led to a large chunk of Stat points being wasted on Stats that would have otherwise reached the cap on their own. So, learning from his past actions, Cynrik worked out the specific number of points allocated to each Stat, allowing for as little waste as possible. The end result was he needed to add 8.5 points to STR, 38.5 points to INT, 48.5 points to VIT, and lastly, 58.5 points needed to be added into his MIND stat. Seeing how he currently only had 88 free Stat points, Cynrik made a quick mental note.

Breathing raggedly, he tossed another glance at where he knew Osarseph was and activated [Mana Sight]. Now that he had replenished his MP again, Cynrik was a bit more flexible with his expenditure. Overseeing the swirling cloud, he again dished out some orders for Tobs to execute.

'Tobs, add 8 points into STR, and 26 points each to INT, VIT, and MIND.'

-Allocations complete.-

Inhaling through his nose Cynrik held his breath for a second, enjoying the surge of energy flowing through his body, and exhaled slowly before looking over at his Stat profile. 


: HP 3700/3700 :   

: Mana 2140/2140 :   

: Stamina 1850/1850 : 

: Stat Points- 2 : 

: Skill Points- 131 :

: Strength- 277 :    (Mental Note- 0.5 points left.)

: Dexterity- 300 :   

: Agility- 300 :     

: Intelligence- 265 : (Mental Note- 12.5 points left)

: Vitality-  255 :    (Mental Note-22.5 points left)

: Mind-  245 :        (Mental Note-32.5 points left)

: Will Power- 13 :     

: Killing Intent- 325 - 4.5G :

'YOOSH, looks good, except for STR, of course, but now isn't the time for my Numerical OCD to kick in.' A strange glint passed through Cynrik's eyes as he tried his hardest to ignore the glaringly obvious outlier that was his STR Stat, and he did so by setting about adding another 200 MP into both swords, bringing their total charge to 1k.

'C'mon, you stupid bastard, finish your shit up so I can fry up that tasty-looking tail of yours. I wonder what it will be like; hm, maybe it'll taste like gator jerky. That's just about the only snack from Earth I miss.' Wiping the metaphorical drool from his mouth with the crease of his elbow, Cynrik smirked and activated [Cloak of Shadows]. His reason for doing this was simple. His new Stats and the revelations he had figured out made him realize there was no point in acting like bait. That, and he could see the Gravitational pressure dwindling down rapidly.

Just as his body vanished, a large blast of hot air tore through the dust, followed by a massive green and scaled orange tail that slammed onto the place Cynrik was previously standing.


"HHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! NORSSSEMAN, YOUR TIME HASSSS COME!" The chaotic strange, hissing voice of the newly transformed Osarseph broke the silence.

He had completed his transformation, causing the fight to enter Round 2.

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1000 Power Stones 4 Bonus Chapters (Incomplete)

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