The Over-Break System

Chapter 140 - Round 2 READY…FIGHT!

"HHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! NORSSSEMAN, YOUR TIME HASSSS COME!" The chaotic strange, hissing voice of the newly transformed Osarseph broke the silence and sounded like nails on a chalkboard to Cynrik's ears. The weirdest part about the new voice was that it sounded like a poorly spliced sound byte between a soft, female voice and a vicious beast. 

His senses had picked up on the sudden movements appearing within the cloud, and with the activation of [Cloak of Shadows], Cynrik burst into motion, kicking off the ground and bouncing backward out of harm's way. 

The sound of scales scratching on stone made themselves prevalent as the hulking newly transformed body of Osarseph emerged from the dust and peered at the crater created by his tail. A slight twitch rippled across Osarseph's tightened facial skin as he noticed his attack hadn't hit anything, and he whipped his hooded head around, looking for the annoying child. His frustration grew as he came up empty. It was as if the boy had vanished, solidifying the fact that Osarseph had surmised early on in their battle. 'He has a perfect stealth skill; I can't even taste his sent.'

Several dozen meters away, Cynrik took in the sight of the hulking 8-meter tall half snake half man being. The former frilling flappy skin around his neck, which was a symbol of his lineage, was gone and in its place was a magnificent cobra hood. His pupils constricted as one word came to mind, "Naga." Although a little different from what he expected, the basics were all there. Upper body like a human, lower body of a snake, it was enough for Cynrik to place this classification on Osarseph's new form. 

The subtle differences were noticeable, though, instead of being half-human, its upper body still carried an overwhelming number of Reptilian Kobold characteristics. In addition, the tattered robes were gone, exposing an array of newly grown shiny orange and green scales. At a glance, Cynrik estimated that their defensive properties had increased by double, and even though he had nothing to really base this theory on, his gut was telling him that it would be a pain to break through them. 

He was still sporting the weirdly lizard-like snout, which seemed very out of place considering Osarseph was basically a giant person cobra thing now; however, instead of normal nostrils, the tip of his snout was adorned with two serpent slits. 

Finally, his eyes drifted to Osarseph's impressive shoulders; much like Saiyan armor, he was sporting strange body protrusions that extended out over his arms. However, this shoulder armor was lined with spikes with an unknown purple liquid that Cynrik could only judge as poison, leaking from each spike. 

{Cyn, we are ready on our end; Gabby is charging up her [Confusion], and after reaching Tier-1.5, its strength has increased dramatically. 

On queue, Cynrik moved into action. Sliding his left foot forward, he began going through the steps to execute his attack. Rolling his wrists in a clockwise rotation, he crossed both his arms forming a cross with both blades flat sides resting against each other inches away from his face. He could feel the faint heat radiating from his shorter Kodachi, and a fresh spring breeze emanated from the longer of the two. His eyes caressed the length of his two swords, reading each of the glowing runic inscriptions with a content expression.

{1k MP in each blade, let's make a scene!} Grinning like a psychopath, Cynrik stomped the ground with enough force to create cracks in the stone and rushed at the Naga Shaman; in the process, he dropped his stealth skill revealing himself to the giant Osarseph. 

"FOUNNNNNDDD YOUUUUUSSSS!" Spitting out each word Osarseph too charged at the small boy, but his slit-like pupils constricted a second later as he felt the massive amount of Mana coming from the two swords in Cynrik's hands. 

"Teehe HAHA!"

"NORSSSSSSSMAN!" Two beams of pea soup-colored light fired from Osarsephs eyes as once again the sound of the obnoxious laughter reached his ears. But to his Dismay, Cynrik quickly sidestepped these lasers and continued his charge. 

"Blóðrauðr Banamaðr." Cynrik spun his Kodachi's, leaving a glowing after-effect trail using a calm and collected tone.

"Fyrstr Form" Fire and Wind Mana erupted visibly from his blades, creating a stunning light effect like never before. Previously, the most Cynrik had charged into this attack was only around 500 MP, yet now, he was expending a full 2k MP.

Sensing danger, Osarseph wheeled backward on his tail and tried to get out of the line of fire he predicted was impending. 

"SUN CYCLONE!" Slashing at downward angles, a massive firey X formed ahead of Cynrik, but this was just the beginning. A small tornado swiftly formed within the center of the flaming X, growing as it took in more oxygen until it became a raging horizontal fire tornado. Sliding to a stop, Cynrik focused on articulating his swords in a rotating fashion, causing the chaotic storm of fire to spin faster and faster as it grew to its peak of 20-meters long by 8-meters wide. 

The Fire Cyclone traveled at breakneck speed, destroying everything in its path as it traveled along the ground. 

In terror, Osarseph slammed against several huts in an attempt to escape, but just as he saw the light ahead, a sweet young voice rang out from beside him as he passed by. 


His eyes widened as he turned his head just enough to see a small girl standing on the roof just behind him as she fired a person-sized orb of pink light at his head. Unable to react in time, all he could do was close his eyes and cross his arms over his head. To his surprise, he felt no pain; instead, he experienced what felt like a splash of warm water on his forearms, but this was the beginning of the end; Osarseph just didn't know it yet. 

"NOW!" Gabby screamed at Brance and Benny, who quickly jumped to separate buildings and began unleashing skill after skill like turrets. However, that wasn't all they did. The three of them also linked up and activated their Killing Intent seamlessly as if they had practiced it for years. Even though the Sanford siblings had limited themselves to exerting 3g, it was plenty as Brance picked up the slack between the two of them, and together the three exerted an impressive 9g of Gravitation force on the 8-meter tall hulking Naga. 

Osarseph felt as if the world was coming down around him; his head was thrown into disarray, as he was instantly afflicted by the Confused status, followed by the bone-crushing pressure of 9g. The instant the force descended on his body, Osarseph felt himself go airborne as he fell and slammed face-first onto the hard rocky ground and slid to a stop. 

"GRAHHHHHHHHHH YOUUUU FILLLTHHYYY ANTSSSSSSS!" With his ears ringing loudly and blood pouring from the slits on his face, which represented his nostrils, Osarseph tore at the scales on his head and began thrashing about violently. To him, it felt as if everything had gone topsyturvy. He wanted to move his left arm, but instead, the tip of his tail twitched, slamming into the ground. When he tried to move his head, he could feel his genitals twitch instead. 

Then came the pain of Benny and Brance's attacks, dozens of spears formed out of water, and spikes made of stone crashed against his body, making loud bangs upon impact and shaking his whole body. But with his senses going haywire thanks to Gabby, who had immediately switched to her bow and started firing as many arrows as she could, Osarseph couldn't differentiate between up and down, left or right. 

In his unbridled fury, he felt the scorching heat of Cynrik's Sun Cyclone approaching, which made him frantic for both escape and revenge. Never in his life had he been backed into such a corner as he was currently. Yet, oddly enough, the parting words of Montu, who he had killed hours earlier, floated to the forefront of his mind. "Be wary of those two; they are cunning and vicious." 

At the time, Osarseph had scoffed and ignored the lower beings' warning, however now, things were different. He completely understood the fear and insanity present in Montu's eyes. Although his Stats, Tier, and racial traits were all leagues above the two other Legacy Charges, they worked together with the other children in an unforeseen harmony the likes Osarseph had never experienced. And now, as dozens of attacks rained down on his body, chipping away at his HP, and a massive fire tornado was swiftly approaching, he understood…he had fucked up in thinking these four beings were mere ants he could simply destroy with a flick of his wrist. 


"OMAE WA MOU!" Osarseph was on the edge of insanity due to pain and the status ailment when he heard Cynrik's chilling voice scream a strange otherworldy phrase. 

Running forward as fast as his legs would carry him, Cynrik slashed at the air in a rhythmic pattern causing the Sun Cyclone to respond by breaking away from the ground and angling up at Osarsephs chest. His eyes met the other members of his party, and they all nodded together. Then, the other three charged their strongest attacks together, and Just before they fired, Cynrik, Benny, Gabby, and Brance finished the line together, as Cynrik had jokingly taught it to the Sanfords ages ago. 




Chaos, destruction, many words describe what happened when all four of MyrkLys's strongest attacks connected simultaneously with Osarseph. But of all these adjectives, the absolute best one…was Devastation.

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Current Power Stones 56

250 Power Stones 1 Bonus Chapter (incomplete) 

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter (Incomplete)

750 Power Stones 3 Bonus Chapters (Incomplete)

1000 Power Stones 4 Bonus Chapters (Incomplete)

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