The Over-Break System

Chapter 141 - Subjugation Complete, Race Against The Clock



Chaos, destruction, many words describe what happened when all four of MyrkLys's strongest attacks connected simultaneously with Osarseph. But of all these adjectives, the absolute best one…was Devastation.

Under the effects of Confusion and a strenuous amount of Killing Intent, Osarseph was unable to move an inch, and could only look on in horror as the four beings, blasted him with copious amounts of Mana filled strikes. His hard scales could have negated most of the impact if it was only a singular attack. But unfortunately, skills were raining down from every angle. The first to connect was the Sun Cyclone.

Tearing its way off the ground and swinging the nose of the funnel upward, it slammed violently into Osarseph's abdomen. The searing head instantly melted the first layer of scales on the Naga's body as its rotation and biting winds shredded their way across Osarseph's entire stomach. The pain was so intense that Osarseph wanted to scream in agony, but he could not.

The instant he reared his head back to howl in anger, his left shoulder was blasted to pieces by a powerful combination of [Water Whip] and [Wave]. His right was ripped apart by several [Stone Spike]'s, which jutted up from the ground and brutally skewered him in numerous places ranging from his right hand to his neck.

Lastly, a torrential downpour of Mana-infused arrows rained down from above, and as if by magic, they swiftly found their way through the explosions of Water, Fire, and Earth skills onto his chest. Then, be it their angle of descent or the simple fact that Gabby was in complete control of her arrows, they spun slightly and dug into the tough scales around Osarseph's heart and Reverse Scale and pried their way into the flesh.

MyrkLys watched on as the life left Osarseph's eyes and the hulking Naga collapsed to the ground…dead.

Cynrik was about to exhale when tremors began rumbling throughout the area, knocking him and the other members of MyrkLys to their butts.

The corpse of Osarseph started glowing in divine light, and the scream of a woman could be heard by all four of them as two bright lights rose out of the Naga's chest and flew to Cynrik and Brance before merging with them.

-Subjugation Mission Complete.-

-You have stolen a Fragment of Divinity from Cobra Goddess Wadjet.-

{Tobs suppress notifications.}

Startled by the onslaught of windows popping up in his face, Cynrik chose to deal with the current situation at hand rather than what he was receiving and struggled back to his feet.

"MYRKLYS, EVERYONE ON THE BODY AND START STRIPPING FROM IT WHAT YOU CAN!" With a sense of urgency, Cynrik went airborne, moments later, his feet touched down on the dead Osarseph's chest, and he dug his blades into the cracked scales around his heart.

Something was wrong, with his hands moving as quickly as possible; Cynrik dexterously pried off the plate armor-like scales while scanning his surroundings with [Mana Sight], what he saw horrified him more than anything else he had ever experienced. From the instant Cynrik stepped foot in the boss room, many thoughts had swirled around in his head about what happens after they beat the boss, and the one he dreaded the most was occurring around him as he worked.

The surroundings were disintegrating. Cynrik's keen eyesight picked up on the flow of Mana particles breaking down and vanishing everywhere. The severely damaged buildings were disappearing at a visual pace, but that wasn't all; looking back to the large mound where the lava pool was located, Cynrik spotted an immense cloud of ash and volcanic gas rising from the pool. The Dormant Volcano was erupting.

Hearing the urgency in their leader's voice, Gabby and Benny jumped off their roofs and set about peeling off scales, while Brance flashed away in search of the Bone Staff that Osarseph had seemingly dropped ages ago.

'Tobs, talk to me; what the fuck is going on?' Then, splitting his attention away from the task his hands were working on, Cynrik franticly screamed in his mind.

-The space surrounding the village is falling apart. This has created a chaotic cluster of Mana that is rapidly destroying everything. Time is running thin; you must vacate the area through the door you entered.-

'I need more than that, Tobs; what caused this shit to happen?'

-The divinity you had extracted from Osarseph was what kept this space stable; without it, think of your actions as pulling out an unstable block in a tower; the whole thing is coming down. You have essentially removed the anchor point, which kept the village fixed in place within the confines of the Boss room. As such, the Central Hub of Vinestra is attempting to rectify the anomaly and return everything back to normal. Unfortunately, that process is not going smoothly, as the divine fragments you and Brance received were actually one-half each of the Egress Core, which had been fused with the Cobra Goddess's Mana and Divinity.-

'FUCK, are you telling me that it's not just this place, but the whole fucking Egress is coming apart at the seams.'

-It appears so… ¯_(-.-)_/¯…-

Cynrik's mouth twitched as he saw Tobs use a shrugging emoji, and he wanted to beat the AI senselessly for making light of the situation. Instead, in his anger, he slammed his Kodachi deep into the chest of the corpse and cut out its heart, which was the size of a human head, and stored it away. Next, he extracted the Codex before jumping to Osarseph's head.

Using a combination of both Kodachi's and his Fire Affinity, Cynrik expertly separated the impressive Cobra hood from the corpse and stored it away before looking for his party members.

Gabby was on the left shoulder, wearing an expression of pure concentration as she used an arrow to cleanly remove all of the non-damaged scales and store them in her inventory. Benny was doing something similar except with more difficulty. He hadn't removed nearly as many scales but was still working his way around the damage caused by Brance's [Stone Spike].

{Where you at, we've got big fucking problems here?} Not seeing Brance around, Cynrik tossed a message into the mind link and started working to extricate the sharp teeth within the corpse's mouth.

{Doing a final check for anything valuable within the village, also I snagged that fancy Bone Staff the lizard guy was using.} Brance spoke in a solemn tone as he ran frantically around the town, kicking in the door of every hut and ransacking the buildings.

{This place is coming down, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. It's not just the boss room either. Apparently, by killing the boss and stealing the divinity fragments inside him, we have caused irreparable damage to the Egress. As such, the whole fucking thing is breaking apart.} Applying pressure to one of the fangs, Cynrik pulled it out of the corpse's gums and held it up. The tooth was longer than his Kodachi, and it seemed to be just as sharp.

{The body?} Brance felt his heart rate speed up at Cynrik's words, but he still wanted to know how they were doing without his help.

{It's OK, the kids are tearing it to pieces, and I took the good parts, we only need a few minutes to finish up. The only problem is I can't tell how much time we have.} As he spoke, Cynrik's hands never stopped moving. He had to neutralize the pungent stench and poison coating Osarseph's mouth with his BlackFire as he went, which made the process that much more lengthy.


When Cynrik pulled out the final tooth, an intense Cracking sound echoed throughout the area, making everyone flinch and lock up in shock. Everyone except Cynrik, whose face fell as he looked to the sky with concern.

Above, a thin long spatial crack was ripping through the entirety of the sky above the village. Even though it was long, the crack was still thin, but what concerned Cynrik the most was the eery blacklight beaming from within the narrow crevasse.

"TIME TO GO, EVERYONE, PACK YOUR SHIT UP!" Then, taking charge, Cynrik screamed as loud as he could, drawing the attention of his party, who immediately came back to their senses and ran in his direction.

In less than 10 seconds, Gabby, Benny, Brance, and Cynrik took off running at full speed in the direction of the entrance they had first arrived. Cynrik and Brance both activated [Haste] on everyone to increase their speed as the two of them could see what Gabby and Benny couldn't.

Cynrik and Brance made eye contact for a second before Cynrik smiled weakly and kicked off the ground in the opposite direction, back towards the village.



"Big Bro Cyn?"

Each of MyrkLys's members was utterly confused at Cynrik's sudden shift in direction, and if it weren't for Brance placing a hand on their backs, Gabby and Benny would have fallen.

{Get them out of here.}

Cynrik didn't bother turning to face them as he came to a stop and stared at the massive tear in the fabric of space above. Cynrik's pupils contracted as he activated [Mana Sight] and [Inspect]. During the evacuation, he carefully monitored the crack with a sense of dread. Brance hadn't noticed it, but from within that blacklight, Cynrik spotted two massive hands that were attempting to spread the spatial tear and widen it further.

Exhaling slowly, Cynrik drew his Kodachi and smirked cockily at the enormous crack in space.

"OI, YOU DUMB BITCH, HURRY THE FUCK UP, I AINT GOT ALL DAY, YOU KNOW!" Howling his taunt to the sky, Cynrik stood his ground, ready for battle, as his next opponent met his verbal abuse.


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