The Over-Break System

Chapter 144 - TC – 02 : Tobs’ Corner Volume 2

- Initiating Recap Protocol.-

- Setting up Data Log.-

- Compiling available information to date.-

- Acquiring Community questions.-


- Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-

Floating high above a landscaped filled with fire and rocky terrain, a young girl with monochromatic hair and eyes colored white and black, appearing to be about 15 or 16 years old, looks directly at you, the reader. Her expressionless yet cute face overshadows her delicate features.

Hello and welcome to the auxiliary chapter known as Tobs' Corner. (BOW) In this section, I, Tobs, shall be answering a few questions and delving into several bits of information that may need further explanation to allow the plot to continue smoothly. I will again advise anyone reading this data log; if you have not read the contents of the second Volume, please close this and begin at the beginning of Volume Two, which is known as (Chapter 68 – Prologue).

First and foremost, allow me to introduce myself again to you, as it has been several months since our last conversation. I am the 8th Generation Dimensional Deity Power System, The Over-Break System, or as my most current Host, Cynrik Jetlensr has nicknamed me, Tobs. Allow me to remind all the readers that I am not a Sentient Being. I am an artificial intelligence designed by the two Deities, Raven God Odin and God Of Light Yahweh. Upon being installed by the Host, my first task was to assimilate with Cynrik's Soul and use his past experiences to generate a functioning power regulation program based on his memories.

My primary objective is to create missions or Quests that align with the Host's morality to help them grow to endure any future challenges within the capabilities of the planet of Reincarnations residential system of power.

A lot has happened since I last directly spoke to you, and I am pleased to say the story of Cynrik and Brance Jetlensr has surpassed our Author-sans expectations. So allow me to extend our gratitude to each of you in his place.

When Vol 2 kicked off, you were introduced to the overreaching plot of the Legacy Strife and hit with a lot of information. I am sure you all were able to keep up with the rapid influx of data streamed to your minds, so I won't bore you with lame details but will instead take a couple of questions about the Legacy Strife.

Q: To what extent can Deities interfere with the Legacy strife?

A: As was shown when the Cobra Goddess Wadjet messed with the mortal realm and was subsequently…terminated, all beings on Vinestra are effectively off-limits. The only time the Deities are allowed to interact with their LC directly is through short messages, which need to be approved by the Central System HUB and the Blessing Bestowal Ceremony within the Hall of Gods. Any other interference or direct interaction is considered illegal and punishable. Now, this does not mean there aren't sneaky and underhanded ways to mess with another Deities Legacy Charge, but once caught, especially if they try to cause any harm to a mortal…well…SNAP!

Continuing with the recap, the main story arc for Vol 2 was centered around the brother's experiences during the Academy Exam and the emotional changes that one of our two protagonists', Cynrik, struggles with pertaining to his emotional damage and pain. You saw the already damaged psyche of Cynrik broken by his time alone as a baby, traumas from his past life on Earth, and the effects of the Divinity left by Odin overcome these key factors and experience significant character growth.

Tsk, If I am being sincere with you all, if I had to see another such comment from those of you who "Hated" Cynrik in the first Volume or whining about how "unlikable" and "annoyingly angry" he was… Pardon me for my rudeness. Regardless, I assure you, as Author-san did in the comments back in Volume One, this was all part of the main plot.

Moving along, two characters who were teased back in Vol 1, Gabby and Benny Sanford, once again made an appearance, and alongside the brothers, they made a party named MyrkLys (Murk-Lease). Together the group goes through many hardships, the biggest one being the violent and erratic tendencies of Cynrik, as he lost to his inner turmoil and was taken over temporarily by the Divinity Fragment within his Soul. For now, we shall table that bit for a few minutes.

Next, we experienced the brother's Evolution to Tier-1 and the introduction of Bloodlines. These became a heavily debated topic in the discord and comments, as it introduced a few things that may have been a bit confusing at the time. So I will pull up a few questions we received and go ahead with the answer.

Q: Why did their bloodlines negate their extra hp, mp, and stamina? I would assume it would make them more outrageous.

A: They didn't; the additional 20% boosts were applied to their Tier-0 modifiers, so instead of getting 20,10, 10, they received the increase at the standard 10,5,5. This is just how things are when it comes to Evolution, and it will happen again in the future.

Q: Are there any non-Legacy Charges with bloodlines?

A: In short, yes. However, the native bloodlines are thinned out due to time. The ones received by Legacy Charges are the purest forms of their Deities Bloodlines, since $#%*# )_(())_$@&!

-The Readers authority level is not high enough-

Oopsie got ahead of myself there; let's just leave it as a Yes. They are easily found in creatures descended from high Tier Beings, such as Mythical Creatures like Dragons, etc.

Affinity Skills and Skill Points were given a more in-depth explanation, especially during the Evolution process. Both I and Author-san had been providing small bits of info over time about the use of the illusive Skill Points, and as you saw, aside from having a monetary value, the proper use of these points was shown in its full glory. This leads to yet another community question.

Q: Why not have Gabby and Benny spend all their Skill Points?

A:  The short answer is that neither Gabby nor Benny will do anything with their Stats or Points without first consulting Cynrik, who has been guiding the two on the path to becoming OP from day one. For Cynrik, he had kept reasonably passive when having the two spend their SP and chose to take things as they came. Such a thing happened during the Climax Battle with Osarseph, when Cynrik had Gabby burn a bunch of points into her [Confusion] Affinity Skill, raising it high enough to be helpful. He plans to keep things on a case-by-case basis for the foreseeable future since SP doesn't grow on trees and is a FINITE resource.

One of the most significant events to occur in this Volume was the internal Battle Between Cynrik and the Divine Spirit of Ragnar Lodbrok, a former Legacy Charge under Raven God Odin. The battle brought up quite a few alarming conclusions for Cynrik. One was how easy it was to fall into the Insanity (Moving forward will be called Divinity Sickness) induced by the Divinity Fragments implanted by Raven God Odin, bringing us to our next question.

Q: Why can past LCs take over the new ones?

A: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, SO LISTEN UP, READERS! When a Deity chooses a new Legacy Charge, it is common knowledge that they shave off a piece of their own Divinity and basically force it to merge with their new Charges Soul, resulting in Divine Blessings. This process can cause a significant amount of damage to the Deity and wound them so severely that it may be impossible to recover as a Deity's Divinity is akin to their own Soul. As explained in Volume 1, when a being chooses to become a Legacy Charge, they effectively sign away their Soul to the point that if they die, they become part of that Deities Divinity. Thus, when it comes time to split their Divinity and give it away, every Deity chooses to shave off the parts obtained by the death of previous Legacy Charges rather than take a piece of their initial Soul. This opens the door to these beings who have died, allowing them the opportunity to "come back to life" if the current LC loses to the effects of having Divinity forced into their Soul, making them succumb to Divinity Sickness.

This leads into the question of Alignments, a topic that reared its head when Brance's faith was shaken deeply, almost making him fall into the clutches of Yahweh's Divinity Fragments.

Q: What is Cyn's Alignment, and why does it matter?

A: Alignment is essential for Legacy Charges. It is the determining factor for when a being is falling into the Divinity Sickness brought about by Divine Fragments. So long as their Alignment matches the Deity they are under; they will have greater resistance to Divinity Sickness. The instant an LC's Alignment waivers, a snowball effect occurs, eventually ending in a battle with a Divine Spirit to control their Body. As we saw already, Brance falls under the Lawful Good Alignment, and Cynrik is Chaotic Neutral. Throughout Volume one and the first half of Vol2, Cynrik wavers dangerously close to Chaotic Evil; thus, his challenge was initiated. For Reference, Wadjet was considered Neutral Evil while Montu was Chaotic Evil.

Since the final battle is still fresh in everyone's mind, I will not give a recap for that part; there were several significant hints about upcoming events foreshadowed at the end, so think hard and see if you caught them (-.0). But I will jump into the Central System Hub for a moment before wrapping up with the last couple of questions and a Slants Dictionary.

I don't want to get bopped by it again like earlier, so I will only say a few short things. The Central System Hub is a collective of high Tier Consciousness native to Vinestra that works together like a hive mind AI and keeps balance within the world. It is tasked with handling anything about Systems and keeping non-native Deities at bay. Think of it as a highly advanced AI fused with a System Administrator and Law Enforcer. They also represent the Will of Vinestra.

ANYWHO, rapid-fire question time. Forgive me if the answers seem short sometimes; we are hitting that considerable number of words that I have been warned to avoid at all cost.

Q: Shouldn't [Gravity resistance] make a person's Body multiple times stronger than those without it.

A: Nope [Gravity Resistance] basically neutralizes the effect of the pressure on the Body. Think of it as an adaptive state where whatever affects the ambient Mana Particles doesn't work on the person's Body. So it actually doesn't make the being physically stronger, just…well, more resistant to high-level gravity.

Q: Does environment boost or nerf abilities based on type. And does it cost less or more MP to use the same ability depending on the abundance or lack of management? (i.e., Benny's water ability took a while to collect water mana in a volcanic environment vs. cynrik using fire when fire mana is everywhere )

A: Sure does; as Mana is naturally occurring and takes the place of Atoms on Vinestra (will be explained more in VOL 3), it is perfectly reasonable to think that climate and terrain affect the ambient particles to an extent. Mainly in the lack thereof. For example, if the party was in the arctic tundra, it is fair to assume Cynrik would have a tough time gathering Fire Mana, while Benny would shine since Ice is the Evolved form of Water. Bear in mind, Cynrik and Brance are freaks with the [Mana Manipulation] passive, so controlling Mana comes naturally for them. Benny was in a rough situation as he had to rely on the concentration of Water Mana within his Codex vs. Ambient Mana, and he sucks at basic manipulation and relies heavily on his System's help. Using the Mana stored in one's Codex is more costly as nothing comes from nowhere, so if you are in an area with heavy Ambient Mana of your Affinity, it will cost less MP to use skills.

Q: Depending on the abundance of Mana would people be able to manipulate (bend) said elements by manipulating the mana particles(perhaps from a distance). For example, if Benny was in a lake, could he pull directly from the source instead of absorbing the Mana to create the Water.

A: Reference the previous question, if everything is made of Mana like everything is made of Atoms, then in theory, the physical manifestation of Water IE a lake would technically just be a hefty concentration of Mana particles occurring naturally in nature.

Q: Is tobs slowly starting to bully Cynrik because of all his shenanigans (let's not forget the avatar he tried giving tobs lolol)

A: (Cracks knuckles) Listen, I don't bully my Host… it is just sometimes; he needs a solid verbal beating from time to time to keep him on the straight and narrow.

That is all for the Q and A; I will wrap up this conversation with a short dictionary on the Reptilian Language Slants (let's be honest, Author-san is lazy and didn't flesh it out entirely, but this is what we have.) Once again, thank you for your continued support and accompaniment on this journey. Also, a special thank you to those who posted questions for this edition TC. BIG HUGS to the readers who went above and beyond by donating gifts during the duration of Vol 2. (Joe_jo_3480 and shrEk2o3)





It appears my time is up, and Cynrik has gotten himself into deep shit again…sigh…having a Host like him is such a task. BYEEEEE!

Slanst Dictionary


alootsas= glory

Aorla= for

Asys= their


Banosiss= Demise

bentas= Their/there

Benst = Bow

bemast= requests to borrow

Brakksi= Three

Brocadas= Sheilds


clissk = you

clissk'= your

closiat= your strength

Cosstos= bring the wrath

Crainst= Creating


Dragos= Dragon


Goosk= Go

Govs= God

GOV'ss= Goddess

guganosk= points


Hisier alpso= shut up


Konstass= forgiveness

kuulu= spent years

Kwark= Shit



MAAEL'= What's/ what is

matayer= Forsaken

Meytsu= My Beloved

mili= men

mombukts= in your


nalatic= you defile


Onit= Eliminate

Ootum = Why

Otumasus= Wretched


Pu= And

Poisstu= how dare

portials= sent by

Potsas= Charge


Ranis/oom= have we/ have you

rooa= Gathering


Sinboos= This

Sinboosu= These

soi= and


ta'ish= come meet your

Traipp= done


Tryaas = smoke

tryain'= foolish

trayyew= them

twassi= the things


Vetayums= children

veltis= Flanking

vesstas= bathe me

vetassku= I've/ I have


Watas= Quick


yarras= Gather

YOASV= your Lowly

YYeliam= Raise

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