The Over-Break System

Chapter 145 - Volume 3 Prologue

The sounds of a finely crafted drinking horn cracking bounced off the walls of Odins Divine Residence within the Hall of Gods. His aged, battle-worn face was tightened with concern as he opened his eye and exhaled shakily. The sharp pain in his palm brought him back to reality as he sadly looked down at the shattered horn he had used for ale for nearly 4000 years.

To his right, The God of Light Yahweh was stunned to silence. The two of them had just witnessed the death of another Deity for the first time since the end of the previous Legacy Strife, and to say it was a horrible way to die was an understatement.

Although they had their suspicions as Cynrik had progressed through his Egress Dive, they now were absolutely sure that he had discovered the existence of the Strife and was actively withholding information.

Yahweh was even more concerned as he had seen the Alignment, a key factor in determining if a Legacy Charge could handle Divinity Fragments of his own Charge, Brance, waiver. Naturally, this radical and sudden shift caused a tremendous amount of concern in the God of Light. Still, Cynrik's actions in standing against The Cobra Goddess Wadjet and bringing about her downfall before taunting The Lord of Death Osiris caused him to feel great unrest.

Yahweh wasn't alone in feeling this way as Odin felt the weight of a heavy burden dropping onto his shoulders. Cynrik had always been unruly and unyielding from the start with his attitude. However, to actually lead to the demise of one Deity before making mocking gestures at a second, this was something only a genuine lunatic would do. Not even Odin himself had the gall to taunt Osiris.

Heaving a tired sigh and standing up, Odin paced back and forth around his Hall, analyzing everything that had gone down in silence.

*Raven God…*

Before Yahweh could speak the contents of his thoughts, Odin raised his hand, signifying he knew what the God of Light was about to say.

=We have lost the trust of our Charges; not only that, but it appears Cynrik is actually actively monitoring everything he says, so much so that we were kept entirely in the dark and blindsided by his insubordination.=

Odin momentarily stopped pacing and stretched out his back while fervently looking around his Hall.

=If that alone were all we had to contend with, things would still be within reason. Instead, however, Cynrik not only defeated another Legacy Charge but also, by an intelligent and cunning plot, used the Authority of Vinestra's Central System Hub to kill Wadjet. If he and Brance didn't have a target on themselves before, they most definitely do now. Osiris will not sit back and allow this to go unpunished.=

*It seems we have made a critical error in giving those two Divine Fragments from other Charges.*

Cupping his left fist with his right hand and placing his chin on top of them, Yahweh added to the conversation with his own thoughts.

=No, I don't believe we have erred in that sense. Cynrik seems to have grown much stronger by interacting with Ragnar's Fragment; the same should be accurate if Brance has to deal with whatever you gave him. My biggest concern is their growth rate. As this is the first generation of Charges to be somewhat familiar with the inner workings of Systems thanks to popular culture on realms such as Earth, I can only assume that there will be other Charges who show exaggerated strength such as them.=

Trying to calm the turbulent storm building in his heart, Odin retook his seat beside Yahweh and brought up the Status profiles for both Brance and Cynrik to study them further.

=At Tier-1, the brothers have reached the absolute limits and are already more robust than the general known populous of Vinestra when it comes to their Tier. Now that they have obtained the second completion of their Prestige Mode, they will increase their Bloodlines further and gain the added benefits that go along with that.=

Odin's good eye narrowed slightly as he scrolled through the inventories of both brothers, and he made a slight sound upon realizing something.

=It appears that neither boy has received an Evolution stone, so for now, they cant reach Tier-2, but that won't last for long. It is curious, though…=

His majestically deep voice trailed off as he viewed the contents of the clear chests nestled within the brother's inventories, and Odin even smirked thoughtfully as he saw one of Cynrik's chests in particular.

Scratching his beard with the palm of his left hand, Odin showed the chest in questions contents to Yahweh, who scoffed loudly.

*Only your charge would receive such a stroke of luck like that.*



Just as Yahweh finished reading the description of the chest, Odin's Hall shook violently as a precursor to a loud explosion that blasted the doorway to the Hall to smithereens.

A heavyset man, who cut a poor image, was flung into the room, slamming hard into the ground and tearing up the marble flooring as he bounced for several feet. This man bore an uncanny likeness to a young Odin and seemed to be on his last breath as bursts of golden lightning flickered around his body.

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Odin burst to his feet and teleported to the man's side, cradling his head in his lap before scanning his body with an observation skill.

The heavily wounded man spat up a mouthful of blood, made eye contact with Odin, and tried to speak but succumbed to a fit of bloodsoaked coughs.

=Son, do not speak, hurry and drink.=

Pulling a bottle of some strange Elixer from his inventory, Odin brought the glass bottle to his son Thor's lips and poured the purple liquid into his mouth.

After a tense few seconds, Thor stopped coughing as the color returned to his face and his wounds healed at a visible pace.

Seeing his favored son in such a state, Odin unconsciously emitted an overbearing amount of Killing Intent that would have instantly ground Cynrik to dust if he had to experience it.

Seeing Thor was stable, Odin helped his son sit up while attempting to reel in the rage boiling within his body.

=Who dare's.=




~Tut, Tut, Tut, Odin, Odin, tell me you didn't believe there wouldn't be consequences for killing one of my own.~

Shaking his head slowly in disappointment, a man wearing flowing red and blue elaborate robes and carrying a Crook in one hand and a Flail in the other stepped over the wood fragments and slowly walked into Odin's Hall. As he moved, the elaborate jewel-studded headdress the being wore flowed back and forth, sometimes lightly tapping against his teal pale skin.

The appearance of this Deity caused Odin to stiffen and Yahwah to stand up while channeling Mana throughout his body, ready to attack. Last but not least, hearing this voice, Thor began trembling as this was the one who effortlessly put him into the sorry state he arrived in.


Odin's words came through clenched teeth as he readied himself for battle.

~ Now now, there is no need to be hasty; this is only the beginning, you Pagan filth, my revenge has only begun.~

Smiling pleasantly as if he didn't have a care in the world, Osiris tapped his shoulders with his Divine Crook and Flail.

=You believe yourself above the laws of the Hall of Gods? What makes you think we won't retaliate.=

As he spoke, Odin caught his son by the shoulders and dragged his body behind his own while never breaking eye contact with the Lord of Death.

~Oh? That just isn't so, for you see, I did not harm the Asgardian God of Thunder whilst inside the confines of the Hall of Gods. In fact, all I did here was deliver him to his loving father. Hoho, arent I kind?~

The words Osiris spoke didn't match his overly pretentious and hateful tone.

~I have broken no laws as I have not initiated combat with another Deity within the Hall of Gods; YOU, however, would if you chose to attack now.~

Grinning ear to ear, Osiris cheerfully said while tapping his Divine tools against his shoulders nonchalantly.

~Tut Tut, two Deities on their last leg, placing all their hopes on two insolent whelps with virtually zero combat experience. Who would have thought you two would sink so low?~

Osiris then addressed Yahweh, turning his gaze away from Odin and Thor.

~You, God of Light, I never would have thought the winner of the previous Legacy Strife would be so down on his luck. But, unfortunately, it appears that back-to-back wars from the Olympians and Lucifer have left you in just as poor a state as these two Æsir Pagans. Quite a shame indeed.~

Scoffing, Osiris used his Flail to smack the bottom of his sandals, clearing off the debris.

~I shall bid you farewell now, as I have more pressing matters to attend.~

Spitting on the ground in front of Odin, Osiris turned his back to the three Deities and casually walked towards the door, stopping just on the edge of the threshold.

~Oh, before I forget. That boy, what was his name…oh yes, Cynrik. He will face the full wrath of all the Egyptian Deities, so do take care and watch with antici…~

Osiris paused and started exerting over 500g of Killing Intent on the Hall.


Stomping his foot heavily on the ground and causing the table Odin and Yahweh frequently sat at to shatter into shards, Osiris waved his head side to side before finishing his statement.


And left the Hall.


All the surrounding Halls within the Hall of Gods trembled as Odin roared The Lord of Death's name in a mighty fury.

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