With everyone geared up and ready to head out, Cynrik told everyone to stow their equipment, which was met by a chorus of sad noises.

‘Tsk, these kids just wanna play with their new toys.’ Shaking his head, Cynrik ignored the disappointed Sanfords and walked over to the vehicle they would be taking to the venue, an expensive-looking luxury Hovervan.

It took a moment for Benny, Gabby, and Brance to collect themselves and store their gear before saying goodbye to the adults and hopping into the Hovervan. In the front seats were Maeve and Cinyah, who had taken on the delivery job.

Leaning back on the armrest and double-checking everyone had their seatbelts on, the wild pilot Cinyah buried the accelerator into the floorboards forcing the Hovervan to lurch forward instantly, throwing the kids all into the backs of their seats and causing Maeve to cackle loudly.

Jessup shook his head back in the garage while Rikard facepalmed at his wife’s antics.

“Looks like she still hasn’t given up the title of “Race-Queen” after all these years.” Jessup felt sorry for the children as he knew they were probably howling thanks to Cinyah’s poor driving habit.

“Uh…Uncle Jessup…I think you mean “Speed-Demon.” Rikard broke into a cold sweat as he remembered a particularly dangerous event where his wife was laughing like a pirate as she weaved in and out of enemy ships in a rustbucket of a ship.

The two men stood in silence, ignoring the anxious Sanford couple, who had never experienced the hell of riding in a vehicle piloted by Cinyah.

“Uh…Grandpa…Uncle Rikard…are the others gonna be ok?” A worried Aiden asked with his voice quivering, to which the two men only responded by saying a silent prayer for the kids and patting the young boy on his shoulder.

Back in the Hovervan, Cinyah expertly drove it up at a 45-degree angle before eventually leveling it off and engaging the autopilot mode. Looking in the rearview mirror, she could see the pale faces of the four children, which made her giggle slightly.

“Holy, MOM, CMON, ARE YOU TRYINA KILL YOUR BELOVED SONS BEFORE THEIR BIG DAY?” Patting his chest lightly, Cynrik tried to calm his rapidly beating heart and scolded his mother.
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“What? Big Day? Are you getting married? Who’s the lucky lady? Is it that little cutie in the back, Gabby?” Maeve broke the silence with a crude joke making Gabby’s face bright red.

“Che, funny joke Auntie…*FWOOSH*…Maeve, Gabby is Brancie’s girlfriend, not mine; I prefer older women.” Cynrik predicted his words would cause Maeve to lash out, and when she did, he was ready this time and nimbly dodged the open palm slap and continued his sentence without missing a beat.

“Ho ho ho, look at you, Little CynCyn, you actually dodged this time.” Maeve glared and showed a toothy smile that wasn’t actually a smile.

“Heh, let’s make a deal.” Tired of the little pet name he’d received, Cynrik finally decided to address it.

“Oh? What kind of deal?” Intrigued by where the boy was going, Maeve decided to play along.

“Stop with the CynCyn, and I’ll stop with the Auntie.” Crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair, Cynrik laid the terms of their deal on the table.

“Hmmm, on the one hand, I don’t get to call you the adorable nickname I spent so long coming up with.” Then, tapping her chin with her index finger, Maeve thought aloud.

‘Adorable, wait, what the fuck do you mean you spent so long coming up with it? IT’S LITERALLY THE FIRST THREE LETTERS OF MY NAME REPEATED TWICE.’ Cynrik thought, forcing the blood back into his body as it was threatening to erupt from his mouth.

“But if I give it up, you’ll finally call me Big Sister, hmmm, decisions.” Noticing the woman seemed to be in deep thought, Cynrik rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

[Cyn, I am proud of you.] Brance’s eyes twinkled as he looked at his older brother finally being more mature.

[Oh fuck off. Don’t think too deeply about it; I am simply tired of being treated like a fucking dog every time I see her. If I have to change how I call her to make it disappear, so be it.] Clicking his tongue and fighting the urge to backhand Brance, Cynrik closed his eyes and decided to take a nap.

Seeing this, Brance started chatting with the nervous Benny and Gabby, who were still freaked out by Cinyah’s driving.

“I know my Mom’s driving is…peculiar, but just try to bear with it for now. She will get us to the Selection in one piece, so don’t worry.” Wearing his patented ladykiller smile, Brance reached over the seatback and patted Gabby on the head endearingly.

“Un, hey Brancie, this Selection, will it be like we always watched on Tv?” Feeling the warm hand on the crown of her head instantly calmed Gabby down enough to ask the question on her mind.

“Yep, but it will be a little different since there are many more people this time. Like in previous years, the people in charge will have everyone group up and scan their Watcets. After that, we will be placed into groups and allowed to go before the recruiters, recruiters who will hopefully offer us a contract to join their schools. Oh, be sure you don’t accept anything they offer, leave it to Big Brother, and don’t sign anything without his approval. You know how sneaky he can be; there is no way those recruiters will be able to pull a fast one on us so long as he’s there.”
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“So, does that mean we don’t have to do any more tests?” Gabby’s big eyes sparkled at the thought of not needing to do any more frustrating fighting or complex tests.

“We should be good to go; with you two being A-Rank, and me and Big Brother being S-Rank, I don’t see anyone willingly letting us pass without offering up some terms to join their Academy. The biggest thing is people’s reactions. There’s only been a handful of S-Rank Applicants in the past, and the media plays it out to be a big deal. Those reporters even go into a frenzy for A-Ranks, so just be sure you stick close and do what Big Brother told us earlier.” Brance smiled and continued to chat with the little girl.

Meanwhile, Cynrik, who was only half asleep, went over what he remembered from the Selections he saw on Tv. The Academy Selections reminded him of sports drafts on Earth, where various teams would select up-and-coming talent to bolster their roster for the year. The event itself was televised throughout the entire country every year, and since this year had a massive pool of children compared to previous events, he was sure it was going to turn into a shit show rather quickly.

The main reason the Selections were even so popular was the big multi-Academy tournaments held periodically throughout the school year. These events showcased different talents and were no different from the Olympics, so the general public ate it up.

However, the scenario he was worried about was what happens if another LC showed up. Would that being ignore him and Brance, or would a fight break out in the middle of the crowd? He wasn’t too worried about getting separated from the Sanfords, as he had enough faith in the training the two had received from himself and Brance to know they wouldn’t go ballistic for no reason.

Cynrik drifted off into slumber for the remainder of the drive with that last thought.

About an hour later, Cinyah alerted everyone that she would begin their descent and that they should get ready. With that single sentence as a warning, she didn’t wait for the children to brace themselves and pushed the yolk downward, causing the Hovercar to pitch downward at a steep angle and gain speed.

[FUCKKKK WHY MUST SHE ALWAYS BE LIKE THISSSSS!] Brance screamed in the mind link as he gripped tightly onto the handle above the door.

Feeling his stomach drop to his feet, Cynrik stayed silent and clenched his butt cheeks until he felt the Hovercar lightly touch down on the ground safely. Instantly freeing himself from the seatbelt, Cynrik bolted out of the vehicle wanting nothing more than to feel solid ground under his feet. Although Cynrik enjoyed rollercoasters as much as anyone else, he couldn’t help but panic whenever his mother was behind the wheel.

Gabby and Benny faired the worst; after exiting the Hovercar, the two children fell to their knees and were overcome by dry heaves, eventually emptying their stomachs.

“BLARGGG, ahh ahh, Auntie Cinyah BLARGGG, why would you do this? I thought you loved us.” Unfortunately, Gabby’s cute voice was overshadowed by the very unladylike bouts of vomit.

“HAHA, Gabby, I didn’t know you had such a week tummy, although, I will say, both Cynrik and Brancie threw up their first time in a car.” Being a good mother, Cinyah pranced to Gabby’s side and held her hair back, leaving Benny to Brance, who was rubbing the boy’s back in small circles.

Cynrik and Maeve were leaning on the tailgate of the Hovercar and enjoying the show when the woman finally accepted Cynrik’s deal.

“Ok, Cyn, I accept, but only if you’ll call me Big Sister and give me a big hug before you go,” Maeve said while crossing her arms under her ample F-Cup and looking down at him.

Gulping his saliva nervously, Cynrik thanked his lucky stars for the feast for his eyes before extending his hand to seal the agreement.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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