“Ok, Cyn, I accept, but only if you’ll call me Big Sister and give me a big hug before you go,” Maeve said while crossing her arms under her ample F-Cup and looking down at him.

Gulping his saliva nervously, Cynrik thanked his lucky stars for the feast for his eyes before extending his hand to seal the agreement.

“No problem, Big Sis, anyway, I gotta get the others prepped to move out.” Even though Cynrik tended to lean hard on the side of being socially awkward, he’d never had a problem with the ladies in his past life, so even though Maeve was clearly trying to fluster him, Cynrik didn’t blush or stutter. Instead, he tried to ignore the bombshell of a woman and divert his attention toward his still puking party members.

Seeing as she failed to tease the boy, Maeve puffed her cheeks in protest and stomped off to Cinyah, who was muttering sweetly to the shivering Gabby.

[What was that about?]The interaction between the woman and his older brother didn’t escape Brance’s keen eyesight, prompting him to comment in the mind link.

[Tsk, that woman, either she is really so bored as to tease me in such a flirtatious manner, or she is just that innocently careless.]

[PPFFT, WHAT!] Brance’s hand stopped making little circles on Benny’s back as he stared incredulously at Cynrik.

[Yeah…I mean, she’s a total MILF, but…] Pausing to glance down at his pre-teen body, Cynrik helplessly shrugged before continuing.

[Im a bit helpless with anything physical, but what can I do? Hehe, it looks like our curse is still in effect.]

The curse Cynrik spoke of was an inside joke with all the men on his father on Earth’s family. From the time they were teenagers until they were old as dirt, the men of his family could pull just about any woman they wanted; thus, all the women called it the “Curse.”

[Oh, shut the hell up, you know that was old lady superstition.] With his face blanking, Brance started up his calming circles once again.

[Was it, though? Because I specifically remember that you were the only one to fight it back then. WOE IS ME; I’M IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP. WHY DO ALL THESE HOT COLLEGE GIRLS KEEP TRYING TO TAKE OFF MY SHIRT AT PARTIES?] Standing beside Brance with his hands resting behind his head, Cynrik teased.

[Coming from the guy who couldn’t keep a girlfriend longer than a month, that’s rich.]

[Come off it, Brancie; it wasn’t that I “COULDN’T”; it was an executive decision to test the waters. Besides, let’s not forget the revolving door of women our Dad had coming and going throughout our childhood.]
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[To be fair, Dad wasn’t the best role model in that aspect, just like our older brother. Was it really wise to take romantic advice from two men who were twice divorced?] Brance shook his head and stood up while poking an angry finger into Cynrik’s chest.

[Meh. I see no problem.]


The vibrations caused by their Watcets suddenly cut off the brother’s banter.

[This conversation isn’t over, Cyn.] Glaring at his older brother, Brance tapped the face of his Watcet twice, causing a hologram map to raise up from the device, indicating it was time to head over to the venue.

“Gabby, Benny, time to go.” Clapping his hands to get the attention of the two kids doubled over and holding their stomachs, Cynrik walked over and gave Cinyah a big hug.

“Gotta go, Mom, don’t worry, I’ll score us an obscenely good contract with all the benefits.” Cynrik smiled brightly to calm his mother’s anxiety.

“Sniffle, I know, baby, I will be watching on television. If you get a chance to hop on stage, wave at me.” Choking back her tears, Cinyah kissed the top of Cynrik’s head before grabbing him and Brance in a tight hug.

Maeve observed the small family was having an emotional moment, so she went over to Gabby and Benny and handed them a couple of bottles of Mana and Health potions she had received from the Sanfords. In addition, she added a few parting words like, “watch over those two” and “make your move when you can, Gabby,” making the girl blush once more.

With that, Maeve stepped aside and waited for Cynrik to complete his end of their bargain.

A couple of minutes later, Cynrik and Brance extricated themselves from Cinyah’s blubbering clutches, and Cynrik stood in front of Mave with his arms extended.

“Like I promised, come here, Big Sis, gimmie a big hug,” Cynrik said while smiling sweetly at the stunned yet beautiful woman.

“OHHH, Little Cynrik, look at you being so sweet. Come here.” Maeve knelt down and opened her arms, allowing him to jump into her embrace. Still, to her surprise, the instant he did so, she felt his hands wander down her back and pinch her ass lightly before sliding into the back pockets of her tight jeans and copping a good feel, making her shiver and glare angrily at him. Unfortunately, the boy dashed away before she could react, leaving her blushing, flustered, and confused.

“Later, my beautiful Big Sister Maeve.” Cynrik cockily smiled and sprinted off without his party.

Seeing their leader rush off in a hurry, Gabby, Benny, and Brance said their final goodbyes and sprinted off while following the maps on their Watcets, leaving the two women standing alone by the Hovercar.

“That little brat, how dare he,” Maeve growled before looking at the gross crying face of her best friend.

“Since when did you become such a big cry baby Cinyah? What happened to our Icy Demon Queen, who would slaughter without blinking an eye?” Then, wrapping her petite arm around her best friend’s shoulders and pulling her in for a hug, Maeve teased Cinyah.

“You know how it is once you have children. I’m sure you’d be a dribbling mess if it were Aiden going to one of the combat Academies. We experienced hell in that blasted place, and here I am, allowing my beloved sons to jump right into the path of danger headfirst.” Sighing in her heart, Cinyah watched her sons get further away until they were finally out of sight.
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“They will be fine; that little rascal Cynrik alone will wreck anyone who even so much as looks at them funny. I can picture it now, and I feel sorry for the poor saps who end up with him in their class.” As someone who had spent the last two weeks continuously bullying Cynrik, Maeve was fully aware of how tough the little boy was. He would take full-on attacks from her like it was nothing, even though she was Tier-3 and he was only Tier-1. This was more than enough for her to be confident in the party’s safety.

Cinyah simply nodded and walked away towards the driver’s seat.

“Hurry up. I want to watch everything back at home. Hopefully, a little spin in the skies will calm my heart.”

Maeve felt an uncontrollable shudder run through her whole body at the thought of Cinyah going wild behind the wheel, and she began wondering if coming along to drop the kids off was a good idea.

Not far away, MyrkLys had covered a lot of ground and were weaving in and out of clusters of crying families and nervous children as they raced towards the registration checkpoint.

“First things first, we have to check in and be ready to hide your Watcet under your sleeve after scanning it instantly. I had everyone wear hoodies for a reason. It may be a bit hot but deal with it for now. Second, use our nicknames moving forward.”

Cynrik tossed a casual glance towards the party and smirked; each of them was wearing a zip-up hoodie matching the color of their new armor and black jeans; however, only Gabby and Cynrik had their hoods up.

“Stick close and don’t lose sight of us; the closer we get to the check-in station, the more densely packed the other applicants will be, so Gabby, hold my sleeve, so you don’t get lost.” Slowing down his pace to match the little girls, Brance extended his arm and let her grip the edge of his sleeve.

“Kay!” Gabby cheerfully replied while beaming brightly under her hood, making Brance chuckle and Cynrik roll his eyes.

“Will you two love birds stop flirting in public? I feel like ima hurl.” Snorting in discontent, Cynrik pumped his legs harder, creating some distance between them.

“Ho ho, is Big Brother Ivar jealllous.” Gabby sang happily while sticking her tongue out.

‘Tch, yeah, right. Why would I be jealous of a little girl who still wears footie pajamas with ears and a tail? Maybe if you were ten years older and looked like Big Sis Maeve, I’d be, but not now.’ Cynrik didn’t say the words out loud because he could already feel the intense glare aimed at the back of his neck by Brance, so he bit his tongue.

It took the party a few minutes to work their way to the line of applicants waiting to check-in and be allowed into the venue, but when they did, everyone, Cynrik included, gasped under their breath.

Even though they had watched the Selections on Tv several times over the years, seeing the massive rows of turnstile gates and a sea of people was more impressive in real life.

[Shit, the reporters weren’t kidding when they said this would be the largest Selection held in the last 50 years. There must be 30 thousand kids here; this will take forever.] Cynrik’s eyes flicked around cautiously as he examined his surroundings for any potential threats, but when he came up empty, he allowed himself to relax a bit.

If there weren’t so many people present, he would have simply activated his [Inspect] and started scanning everyone in sight, looking for any sign of another LC. Still, he tossed that idea out the window with such a large group of people and started focusing on the surrounding children’s wrists.

Slowly moving his eyes from left to right like a radar, Cynrik picked up every color variation indicating the applicant’s rank. After hearing a few people talk about it, he soon realized that the color variants were based on Egresses, with Green being the lowest, F-Rank. Then, it moved up through the individual colors until A-Rank, when the tint went to Gold. Quickly surveying his surroundings, Cynrik picked up on a few higher-ranked applicants, but he hadn’t spotted anyone higher than B, and the only reason he had found that person was that the boy was showing off his Watcet to his friends.

[Look at that idiot. He’s so proud and arrogant because he reached B-Rank.] Shaking his head in disdain, Cynrik informed Brance of his findings and stepped into one of the long lines waiting his turn to scan his Watcet.

[Don’t even start; you know damn well that if we didn’t have a target painted on our backs, you would be doing the same fucking thing, Cynrik.] Shoving his brother lightly in the back, Brance chided Cynrik and ushered Gabby and Benny to stand in front of him so that he could bring up the rear.

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