[Don’t even start; you know damn well that if we didn’t have a target painted on our backs, you would be doing the same fucking thing, Cynrik.] Shoving his brother lightly in the back, Brance chided Cynrik and ushered Gabby and Benny to stand in front of him so that he could bring up the rear.

[Nuh uh, I so would not; how could you slander me like that.] Offended by Brance’s remark, Cynrik stopped his search and turned to face his brother.

[Oh really, coming from the guy who turned himself into a rocket so he could fly on stage in an attempt to be as flashy as possible. Your words carry absolutely ZERO substance.] Brance scoffed while wearing an “I am right” expression.

[LISTEEENN, that was Crazy Cynrik, not normal Cynrik. I can’t be held liable for the actions of that loose cannon.]

[Shameless little…seriously, you act as if you had no control over yourself at that time.]

[I didn’t; that was all the voices in my head telling me to do it.]

[Voices, VOICES! Do you even realize how you are passing this off as a symptom of schizophrenia?]

[Scemantics, I will not fall into your wordplay Brancie. Just you wait, there will come a day when you too hear the magical voices in your head, and GUESS WHAT? I will point and laugh.]

“Next in line.” A man’s voice spoke up behind Cynrik and Brance as they argued, but neither heard nor responded to him because they were so heated.

[WOW, CYN, SERIOUSLY? You are something else. If it weren’t for you being a loner and so fucking stubborn, I could have at least TRIED to help.]

[Yeah, sure, blame my hardheadedness.]

“Will the next in line please step forward.” Then, slightly agitated by the two boys glaring and inching closer to physical blows, the man again tried to get their attention.

[Heh, hardheadedness, he says, Cynrik, you are full-blown MENTAL!] Unknowingly, Brance was rapidly clenching and releasing his balled-up fists, just waiting for the moment to lash out.

[OI…low blow Brancie, calling me mental is just stooping to my level, I thought you were better than that.] Chuckling internally, Cynrik threw out a verbal backhand making Brance pause his rant.

“HEY, YOU TWO KIDS, ARE YOU GOING TO CHECK-IN OR NOT!” Finally losing his patience, the man raised his voice and shouted angrily at Cynrik and Brance, thinking it would get their attention.
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And the boys’ attention it did grab; it was just he wasn’t ready for the repercussions of breaking up one of their fights. He was unaware of how poorly it would end for him.

“Yare yare, who the fuck does this guy think he’s talking to Björn, cause I know the fuck he didn’t just raise his voice at me of all people.” Cynrik’s eyes gleamed with a sinister light while staring daggers at the man as he spoke.

“Now, now, Ivar, the man is only doing his job; it was us who weren’t paying attention. So there is no need to get aggressive.” Catching on quickly to the fact that Cynrik went from zero to pissed in no time flat, Brance tried to appease his older brother not to cause a scene.

“Haha, I see, Mister; you weren’t just yelling at me, right~.” Finishing his sentence in a sing-song yet intimidating tone, Cynrik stepped up to the turnstile and smiled sadistically at the man, bringing his face mere inches away from the man’s. He didn’t forget to wear a wild and insane look as he did so.

“COUGH…no, young man, It was an oversight on my part; please step forward and scan your Watcet on the screen.” Feeling a trickle of sweat drip down his back, the man straightened up, confused by how a young boy like the one before him could be so scary, and prompted the child to swipe his device.

The man was only Tier-2 and had only been hired to ensure no one tried cheating the system to gain entry to the Selection illegally. So he didn’t expect to encounter a child who seemed to be enshrouded in an eerie and dangerous air.

“Ah, don’t mind, don’t mind, it’s no biggy; you must have been yelling at the people behind me.” Cynrik giggled as he swiftly drew back his sleeve and swiped his Watcet against the turnstile before hiding it back out of sight.


“Applicant authorized for entry, please proceed to group A-1 in the northwestern-most block.” The turnstile transmitted the same female voice as the testing machine Cynrik had previously used, and it was followed by the sound of a gear unlocking, signaling him to step through the wheel quickly.

Smiling calmly, Cynrik pushed forward and stepped through the turnstile, arriving on the opposite side, and turned around to wait for the rest of his party.

As he did so, Cynrik didn’t forget to aggressively pat the man’s shoulder, forcing him to suck in a sharp breath of air as the boy wasn’t in the least bit gentle with his exerting of force, making the Man whimper softly in pain. But, of course, hearing this only caused Cynrik to chuckle and cross his arms.

The show of force utterly terrified the poor man, who regretted his decision to yell instead of just calmly walking over and tapping the boy on the shoulder or something.


“Applicant authorized for entry, please proceed to group A-1 in the northwestern-most block.”

The man was dragged back to reality as the second boy stepped through the device while flashing a bright and apologetic smile.

“Sorry for my brother’s little stunt; here, take these Skill points and see a doctor as soon as possible. I am sure your shoulder needs to be healed. Brance casually tapped his wrist against the man’s, and a notification popped up on his screen.

-You have transferred Rusty Walen 10 Skill Points.-

Stunned by the sudden interaction, the man stuttered inaudibly for a second. Still, he flinched when the machine beeped twice as two children, a boy, and a girl, wearing similar attire to the previous boys, stepped through the turnstile and were directed to the same area, A-1.

It wasn’t until a few minutes of silence had passed that he came to and realized all four of them had been told to head to A-1, the section of the venue reserved for only the highest-ranked VIPs. This revelation nearly caused him to empty his bowels as he realized how close he had just come to death. Anyone able to make it to that area was either a monster or the best of the best geniuses.
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All this went entirely ignored by MyrkLys as they briskly made their way over to a massive flag hovering in the air with A-1 written on it. Even from the gate, which was hundreds of meters away, they were quickly able to spot it, giving them the proper heading, which was extremely helpful for the directionally challenged Cynrik.

[Jeeze, I honestly believed you were gonna fuck that dude up, Cyn.] Brance said as they walked.

[I almost did, but when I decided to make a move, I felt hundreds of overbearing presences staring at me at that moment, so I swiftly changed my plan.] Cynrik rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked around, going back to trying to find people showing off their Watcets.

[Eh? Were they enemies or strong people watching out for anyone causing trouble?] Reaching back to hold Gabby’s hand, Brance cautiously looked around as well.

[It seemed like a mixture of both. I could feel apparent hostility from a handful of the gazes, but the bulk of them were only curious about what was happening. However, six of them were definitely the Headmasters, that much I can be sure. What is worrying is that two of those six were among the hostile entities watching our every movement.]

Cynrik walked ahead of his party and took up the position of a spearhead, cutting his way through the dense crowd of excited and nervous children, never breaking his stride. If anyone got in his way, Cynrik would simply move the person without them even being aware.

As they got closer to the flag, Cynrik saw a noticeable decline in people as the herd thinned out thanks to the strict ranking requirements and the careful administration of the AI program keeping tabs on everyone.

Things were going smoothly until they reached the flag labeled B-5; that was when the party was stopped by a group of arrogant children who refused to move.

“Hey, you there, hoodie kid, stop right where you are. Only those who are A-Rank or…


Not wanting to bother with pointless banter, Cynrik delivered a speedy right straight to the kid’s nose, flinging him backward and causing a fountain of blood to erupt from the kid’s face. When the boy’s friends stepped up and tried to fight back, Gabby and Benny dismantled the four kids with perfectly placed leg kicks followed by a single blow to the head.

“So much for being low key,” Brance said as he elbowed a boy twice his size in the face, dropping him to the ground, unconscious instantly.

“Bah, we have a time limit; there’s no point in dealing with idiotic arrogant brats like them. It’s better to just walk over their bodies than stop and banter with the fools.” Cynrik said while dusting off the sleeves of his hoodie and continuing forward.

Across the venue, sitting in a VIP box, the Headmaster of Supremacy University crushed his finely crafted wine glass in rage. The roadblock stopping the members of MyrkLys from reaching their zone on time was his doing.

“Useless, fucking useless brats, Yenni, I want you to punish their families; the fucking morons couldn’t even do what I asked adequately.” The man, who appeared to be in his late 20s, had short brown hair and almond-shaped brown eyes. His model-like appearance had stolen the hearts of many women over the years, who were soon met by horrendous fates not long after.

This man, the Headmaster of Supremacy University, was Viktor Opurn, the Ceo of the very company that Cynrik and Cinyah had pissed off a few days earlier.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Opurn, I will deal with the families of those failures with haste.” The young woman named Yenni said in a crystal clear voice before disappearing to handle the task.

“You fucking brats think you can go against me without consequences.” Flicking the shards of glass off his hand and conjuring a ball of wind to clear the fresh wine from his business suit, Viktor Opurn angrily glared at the monitor showing the members of MyrkLys and their data.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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