POV ???

There are very few things I can remember from before I entered that never-ending white void. Fragments of memories that seem to be made of misshapen puzzle pieces. Gunshots, the smell of explosives, horrendous screams. Still to this day, 16 years later, I can still hear the cries of sorrow as the sky was painted in a terrible blinding flash of light.

But those aren’t the only memories I have. I can remember the faces of people I once knew. A kind woman who would take me to the park. A brave and seemingly unbeatable man who taught me how to beat up all the neighborhood boys when they tried bullying me for being a girl.

These fragments of memories long passed seem like nothing more than a fleeting dream, all except one. A man who walked with a limp yet wasn’t held back by it. This man fought harder than anyone, and if it weren’t for his partner, someone who looked similar to this man with a limp, he probably wouldn’t have stood out to me in the way he did at the time. I remember one fierce fight; the enemy opposition was closing in on our platoon when the limping man and his partner burst into the enemy’s stronghold, guns ablaze as if reenacting a scene from an action movie.

The two of them, together, single-handedly rescued the remaining survivors and me before escorting us out of harm’s way and back into allied territory. Everything after that is hazy, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, there were definitely some steamy moments between us. I can recall, though, that It was only happening in the heat of the moment, and there were no real feelings on either end, just a means to unwind after combat. But then, one day, the two left our group and moved back to the front lines, where I never saw him again.

Months went by, and eventually, we moved north, leaving Florida behind; sometime later, we learned that the entire state had been bombed with nuclear weapons. Everything after that is in shambles and unrecognizable, with the next thing I remember being my body in ghost form, floating in an endless expanse of white light. I’m not sure how long I was there, alone and disembodied. It could have been minutes, or it could have easily been hundreds of years. At some point, I stopped bothering trying to make sense of what was happening and entered a sort of autopilot mode, simply existing.

That is until, at some point, I noticed something floating just out of reach—a strange glowing purple orb of light. At first, I thought it was just another illusion or figment of my imagination, as it wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. But the more I looked at it, the stronger the glow seemed to get.

Sometimes I would wave at the orb, and it would dance along with my hand, which I found humorous at first. Other times I would get angry and take out my frustrations on it. Eventually, I grew bored of my little companion and settled on ignoring it. Of course, I didn’t expect this little purple light to refuse to be ignored. When I would look away, the strange orb would dash into my eyesight again before bobbing up and down.

When I closed my ghostly eyes, they would get right in my face and tickle my nose until I opened them back up. How I knew it was tickling me when I could feel nothing at all, I have no clue, but I stand by what happened.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” I would scream repeatedly, but all I got in reply was the light bobbing up and down.

The play between me and this orb went on for what felt like an eternity until it started flickering off and on as if losing power one day. I watched as it zipped back and forth franticly before stopping just above my chest. Then, looking on with horror-filled eyes as this orb, which appeared harmless for such a long time, merged with my body, that was when everything happened.

-Suitable Soul has been located.-

-Warning, A cluster of Divine Fragments has been located within the transfer device.-
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-Now playing Audio/Visual message for the located soul.-

My eyes darted across the floating green words in a light blue box resembling a video game display in confusion. As I read through the text, I was suddenly distracted by a soft and gentle voice echoing inside my mind. The motherly voice brought me a sense of warmth that had been absent within this expansive cold wasteland.

^Hello, young one. I know this may be sudden, but I need your help. You may have already noticed that you have perished from the world you once lived in. Sadly, something went wrong upon your death, and your soul was removed from the Cycle of Reincarnation for reasons outside my control.^

“Wait, wait, stop for a minute, please. The cycle of Reincarnation? Does that mean there is no heaven or Hell? Then what are you, a Goddess?” Questions spewed in my head, and when I didn’t receive an immediate response, I started to fear the voice couldn’t hear me.

^In short, when a being with a soul dies, their soul is sent to be cleansed of all memories and emotions, giving it a clean slate, before being reincarnated into one of the infinite realms or worlds in existence as a new being.^

^For your second question’s answer, Yes, there are two realms known as Heaven and Hell, but no, they are not what you believe them to be. They are simply the manifestations of two specific Deities’ Domains.^

^And the answer to your final question, some have called me a Goddess, and others have claimed me to be a Deity. Over the Eons, I have gone by many names. However, I am simply a memory for those who once knew me long ago. Only with the last ounce of my own Divinity and Strength, I have searched out a champion, a Legacy Charge.^

The moment this motherly voice spoke those words, I noticed that the void around me became unstable. Cracks and lightning shattered throughout the void, and the voice went silent for a time.

Once the chaos stabilized, the motherly voice began speaking once again.

^ Before I can reincarnate you into a new world with the very few fragments of memories you still possess, I must receive one specific thing from you, an answer. If you choose to accept, I will only ask you to fulfill a single request.^

Once the voice finished its statement, I was left in silence to gather my thoughts. I had already inferred from its previous statement that the longer I stayed here in this state; the more my mind and memories would deteriorate until nothing was left. Leaving me with no other option, I conceded.

“Alright, seeing as my only options are going along with what you ask or fading to nothing, I accept.” No sooner than the words entered my internal monologue did a new game window pop up in front of my eyes.

-You have accepted to become the Legacy Charge of ???-

-Now installing a Sister System to one already in existence.-

-Installation of The Over-Break System (Gamma Γ) Complete.-

-You have obtained the Legacy Tier Skill: Language Proficiency.-

-Your soul has wholly merged with a cluster of Divinity Fragments from ???-
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-You have Received the Darkness Affinity-

-Legacy Distribution Set to DEX, AGI, INT-

-Reincarnation choice pre-selected-

-Status Panel created-

-Stat Panel Created-

-Skill Panel Created-

-Benefits all completed awaiting ??? Blessing to begin-

The flood of new text made my head spin as a surge of new data forced its way into my head. It was so much information that I could feel what was left of my mind shake and fragment further. Then, just when I felt as if I couldn’t contain it any longer and was about to shatter, a warm, calming sensation washed over my mind, calming down the pain.

^Child, I thank you. You may not realize it just yet, but you are helping me with my dying wish. The times ahead of you will be challenging, but one day soon, you will find those who will stand by your side. Two brothers…^ The voice stopped mid-sentence and emitted a soft giggle.

^It appears you have already met them once before, but no matter. I will give you what little information I can, but I know I am severely restricted in what I can and cannot tell you.^

For the next short while, the motherly voice began explaining to me the contents of the Legacy Strife and how it was an epic battle between Deities, where they choose beings to fight in their place. She told me that she had been slain due to a massive betrayal by those she and her Husband believed to be allies. She asked me to find the Legacy Charge of her Husband and their closest friend, two brothers she stated I already knew, and some part of me felt as if I did too; even though I couldn’t picture their faces, I concluded they were the two partners from my previous life.

^Now, child, it is time for you to go. Unfortunately, what I have said is all I can. What you do with that information is your own choice. But I can promise you, no matter what, you will always have allies in the world of Vinestra, only it will be up to you to find them. I have lifted any and all adverse effects my divinity may cause on your soul in the future, so to some extent, you will have a head start. Not only that, but since time works in strange ways, you will actually be arriving in Vinestra a few years before those two do. Use this time to gather up as many resources as possible. You are my last hope at aiding my Husband in finally seeing his dream through to completion.^

As the motherly voice faded into nothingness, I felt a strong pull sucking me forward in no discernable direction.

“WAIT, YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR NAME!!!” Panic gripped my heart as I felt like I was being dragged down a roller coaster at speeds that would strip the paint off the car. Then, just as I felt my consciousness slipping, I heard a cheerful laugh.

^Silly child, the name most remember me by is…Freya, Wife of the Raven God Odin.^

With that, everything went black.

Chapter 0169 – Freya’s Final Hope

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