POV ???

I never thought I would say this, but being born definitely tops the charts as the worst of all the experiences I’ve gone through. Feeling my new mother’s muscles contract to push my new body out was something I can honestly hope to never go through a second time.

I wish I could say everything went well with my birth, but I was already fighting for my life from when I squiggled for the first time in my mother’s womb. The reason being my umbilical cord was tightly wrapped around my neck, and no amount of struggle on my end seemed to be able to free me from its clutches. For weeks I worked at losing its grasp, and in the end, unfortunately, I ended up contorting my body in a strange position, robbing me of what little movement I had.

It wasn’t until I heard the steady beeping of medical machines did I realize how dire the situation had become. Then, finally, when the time came for my new mother to push, I could hear the doctors and some kind of animatronic voice issuing warnings and orders. Thanks to this new world, Vinestra’s technological advancements, I could come into my new life in one piece with minimal adverse effects left on my new mother and myself.

But things weren’t exactly all stickers and sunshine. When I opened my eyes and met my new mother’s cold, far-off gaze, I knew I wasn’t getting a happy and carefree childhood. The way she viewed me left me feeling as if I was being inspected from head to toe, and what she saw, she apparently wasn’t pleased with.

Instead of warm and loving coo’s, the first words my mother uttered to me were, “You fucking slut, why couldn’t you have been a boy. How am I supposed to further my lineage with another whore.”

Disappointed and bitter to my core, I did what my body allowed; I poured urine, shit, and, of course, vomit from every hole on my body, painting her hospital gown seven different shades of ick. Then, giving off my best childish baby giggle, clearly pleased by my own work, I tilted my head to the side and examined the hospital room.

My eyes eventually rested on a large mirror across the room, and I saw my new face for the first time. Carnelian-colored eyes, brighter than any gem, reflected back at me. My hair, short as it was since I had only technically been developing for nine months, looked soft to the touch and was a deep shade of Almandine so dark that if the light weren’t directly reflecting on it, you would assume it was jet black instead of a dark red. Although very different from my previous blond and sapphire, dark red hair and bright orangish eyes, it was still an upgrade, especially when I noticed specks of dark light swirling around in my iris.

Enamored by the wondrous effect, I was suddenly brought back to reality by a sharp pain in my ass.


“YOU LITTLE BITCH, NOT EVEN 10 MINUTES OLD, AND YOU ARE ALREADY MORE WORTHLESS THAN IF YOU WERE A STILLBORN.” My new mother screamed at the top of her lungs while smacking my butt repeatedly.

-Reincarnation Complete-

-Over-Break System (Gamma Γ) full installation complete.-

-Congratulations on your Reincarnation Host, Good Luck-

Appearing in my head with a soft chime and a female monotone voice, several notification windows popped up in front of my eyes. However, they were quickly suppressed by a wave of damage warnings thanks to “Mommy Dearest,” who seemed to like beating her newborn daughter.

-You have taken 1 point of damage. Current HP 9/10.-

-You have taken 1 point of damage. Current HP 8/10.-
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-You have taken 1 point of damage. Current HP 7/10.-

-Warning: Since you currently have a newborn’s body, if your Health Points (HP) fall any lower than five, you will suffer permanent damage.-

‘Fucking hell, woman, give it a rest already; just cause you to hit me a couple of times doesn’t mean the waterworks will start that easy.’ Then, feeling a level of rebellion I hadn’t experienced since I was a teenager, I defiantly turned my little head and glared at Mommy Dearest with shining eyes filled with defiance.

Seeing this, her hand froze in mid-air, and she stared back at me with her mouth hung open in confusion. We sat like that for several minutes in silence before she turned away and yelled for the doctors and nurses to leave the room and bring in a wet nurse.

‘That’s what I thought bitch. Six years of middle and high school rebellion taught me how to deal with a bitchy woman like yourself with ease.’ Then, scoffing internally, since my vocal cords had yet to mature, I tried to make myself comfortable in the small cradle Mommy Dearest deposited me into carelessly before leaving.

‘Well…what now?’ Unable to move correctly due to the constraints of being a newborn, I lay there in the crib blankly, staring into the ceiling in thought, mulling over everything Freya had told me not long ago.

‘She said the System I was getting was modeled after RPG games on earth, fuck, I knew I should have hung out with more nerds back then. But, GAH, why did I only play those shitty dating sims back then.’ Wanting to headbutt the rungs of my crib in distress, I could only fall back on what little knowledge I had from my school days playing a single MMO.

Although I spent most of my free time in school playing the fantasy-style game about warring guilds, I could only blame myself for my shameful closet nerdiness back then. I had grown up in an age where girls who played too many video games would never be part of the ‘IN’ crowd, so I had to hide it. As such, I never got to play everything I wanted back then.

And now that I was reborn into a fantasy world, where everyone had a game system, I felt at a loss. If it weren’t for Freya giving me a brief summary of how my new System worked, I probably would have spent a lot longer trying to figure it all out.

‘System Ai, open my Status Profile.’ Remembering the commands I had been taught during my short conversation with the Deity Freya, I spoke the words into my head. I was met by several windows flashing into existence, alongside a soft chiming sound.

: Status :

: Selene Nilsson :

: Human Female:

: Age-0:

: Soul Age-22:

: Level: 0 :

: Essence(XP): 0/100 :

: Distribution: DEX, AGI, INT :

‘Selene…Nilsson, I quite like my new name. I never wanted all the dumb bimbo names my old name Nicole brought along when I was younger. But Selene, it’s fierce and fits perfectly.’ So I thought, smiling from ear to ear, which im sure looked absolutely adorable had anyone been around to witness it.

‘From the top, I am still human, CHECK, level 0…gross, whatevs I can raise that in due time, it seems experience points are called Essence, which is strange though since it still shows XP in parenthesis. The last line shows me having a triple Distribution in Dexterity, Agility, and Intelligence. Freya already broke all that down for me, so up next would be to check my Status Panel.’

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: HP 7/10 :

: Mana 5/5 :

: Stamina 3/5 :

: Stat Points- 8 :

: Strength- 1 :

: Dexterity- 1 :

: Agility- 1 :

: Intelligence- 1 :

: Vitality- 1 :

: Mind- 15 :

:Affinity- Dark :

‘Man, this sucks, like; I get everything is at its starting point, but seeing it all in one neat package hurts my heart. Let’s go ahead and put two of those free Stat points into VIT and INT. I will have to use them sparingly until I learn how to earn more XP.’

After assigning the points, I was interrupted by the wetnurse Mommy Dearest had ordered to come into my hospital room, scooping me up and unbuttoning her blouse before bringing me to her breast to feed. Although surprised by suddenly being shifted around, I was soon enamored by the colossal bazoongas being pushed towards my mouth, followed by the kind gaze of the woman trying to frantically feed me as if it was her first time doing so.

Suckling at the woman’s nipple, I eventually became full and drifted off into slumber thanks to the pleasant humming of this woman who fed me as if I was her own. This woman, named Marie, would stay with me up until I turned three and no longer needed to be fed milk from the tap.

Unfortunately, as I would soon come to find out, in the eyes of Mommy Dearest, I was unfit to receive any love or kind sentiments.

One day, as I was scampering around trying to go unnoticed by my evil parental unit, I heard screaming from upstairs in the 12-room mansion that had become my home. Concerned due to recognizing the voice as Marie’s, I hurried off in the direction it came from as fast as my stubby little toddler legs would take me.

After tripping and falling numerous times, I made my way to the source only to find Marie, the young woman who had become somewhat of a mother and nanny to me, ruthlessly assaulted by two teenage boys, my two older brothers, Selo and Sigurd. Standing behind them, my bitch of a Mother cruelly watched over with sick pleasure as her two beloved sons violently had their way with the woman I had come to love as a true parent.

Filled with panic, rage, and sadness, something in me exploded in the form of pitch-black shadows that spewed forth from my extended palms, slamming into the two nude boys, injuring them, and sending them flying.

That day, I learned just how cruel the woman who gave birth to me, Hespa Nilsson, indeed was.

Chapter 0170 – Selene the Third Over-Break Host 1/2

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