As with the calm before the storm, the rumbling was followed by a tremor which steadily grew into the force of a magnitude 4.5 earthquake. This tremble brought the majority of the applicants to their knees, thanks to the unsteady shaking.

Cynrik, Brance, Gabby, and Benny all crouched slightly, absorbing this shaking with their entire bodies instead of staying completely upright. The only member of MyrkLys who needed to be balanced was the new one, Selene, to who Cynrik lent his arm in a very uncharacteristically gentlemanly way that didn’t escape the stunned eyes of the other members.

Gabby even whispered to herself, “who are you, and what have you done with Big Bro?” in confusion at the hell freezing image.

Even though he heard this comment, Cynrik chose to ignore it as he had already activated [Mana Sight] and was watching in amazement as all the surrounding ambient Mana particles congregated into the four corners of each Zone.

The myriad of rainbow colors flowed like a liquid, being sucked into four individual metallic pillars signifying each of the different directions. Cynrik made Brance focus on what he was viewing with a slight flick of his head.

[Holy shit.] Was all the astonished Brance could mutter with his own ocular skill active.

Even though everyone else may be oblivious, the two brothers witnessed something neither of them thought was possible. A mass capture of Mana particles on such a scale was so far beyond the realm of possibility that it had never even crossed Cynrik’s mind when he thought about the massive barriers that would be formed to separate each Zone.

The two watched as these particles merged into a large swirling storm of different elements before being channeled into fine points and fired in thin strips from one pillar to another. Then, like a plasma cannon, these strips of pure fused Mana collided from one pillar to another before circumventing the entirety of Zone A-1.

[See, this is EXACTLY why I wanted to become an Engineer, look at this shit, IT’S LITERALLY A QUARTER STEP FROM BEING A LIGHTSABER! All you’d have to do is…]

[SHUT UP, not the time or place, Cyn.] Knowing his older brother was about to delve into a long rant about the mechanics of making a lightsaber, Brance quickly shut him down and tried to reel in his focus.

As reincarnated beings, Cynrik and Brance thought they would be able to shrug off just about any futuristic tech they would come across in this new world. Instead, Cynrik and Brance were transfixed by the formation of the Mana barrier. So entranced that they failed to notice the appearance of six beings at the group’s center.

They weren’t alone in missing the sudden arrival of the six High-Tier beings; the majority of the crowd were in the same situation as they were.

One beam turned into two, then four, and after a few seconds, a full-on wall made of every kind of element you could imagine was erected entirely, cutting off each Zone from one another. Once complete, the tremors subsided, and a faint electronic hum was in its place.

[Oh shit, Cyn, we’ve got company.] Being the first of the group to snap back to his senses and observe his surroundings, Brance was the one who pointed out the arrival of six beings.

[Tsk, greaaaat. It just haddd to be them. The Board couldn’t stick to standard procedures and felt we were too damn OP for average recruiters.] Clicking his tongue and standing up straight with relaxed shoulders, Cynrik returned to his poker face while examining the six beings standing not far away, of which only five were clearly visible; the sixth seemed to have moved off from the group.
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Standing there, in the center of the group of applicants, were the Academy Headmasters. But at the moment, only one was glaring directly at Cynrik, and that was Viktor Opurn, the Headmaster of Supremacy University.

Noticing this oppressive glare, Cynrik smirked under his hood while snickering softly. The sudden action caused Brance’s heart to skip a beat as it was evident to him that his numbskull and danger-seeking older brother was about to pull some shit once again.

[Cyn…don’t do anything stupid…] In an instant, Brance watched in horror as Cynrik slowly pulled down his hood, struck a pose, placed his right hand under his chin, and wore a shit-eating grin as his fingers wriggled like tentacles. The same greeting he had seen Cynrik do to one of the Deities back in the Egress.

[Sigh, here we go again.] Resigning himself in his heart, Brance prepared for whatever consequences would come, thanks to the childish antics of his older brother.

However, the only response from the Headmaster was him leaning forward and spitting on the ground without breaking eye contact with Cynrik before straightening his back and eventually looking away.

[HA! What a pussy, hehe. Oi Brancie, why were you so nervous? Not only are we on TV, but the other Headmasters are standing right there, not to mention there are at least a hundred people of equal or greater strength to that Opurn bastard hanging out in the wings. There was no fucking way he attacked or even applied pressure on me, especially when he had to uphold the image of his school.]

Not bothering to hide the disdain he felt for the man, Cynrik hit Brance with several calculated facts, leaving Brance speechless for a moment.

[And if he threw caution to the wind and came after your ass?] Regaining his thoughts, Brance countered.

[Welp, either we all turned into paste…or I got us all into the shadow realm before his attack landed. Either way, we were gonna be fucked.] Tapping his finger on his chin in thought, Cynrik stated the obvious.


When Brance realized that not only himself but the rest of the party had just flirted with death itself, he burst into an irrational rage in the mind link.

Cynrik stayed quiet for a second, with his bottom lip sucked into his mouth and looking at his feet, before he smugly looked at Brance.

[Credits don’t have a 20-Dollar bill.]


[Fuck you!]

With no one able to hear their conversation, it appeared as if Brance had just backhanded Cynrik upside the head for no reason. Fortunately, as seasoned veterans of the brothers’ wacky antics, Gabby and Benny simply shook their heads, unconcerned, before looking away as if they saw nothing.

Leaving only Selene out of the loop and staring incredulously at the two. But before she could comment on what happened, someone began clapping their hands extremely loud, drawing everyone’s attention.

To the surprise of Cynrik and Brance, they knew this person oh too well, and just like Vikor Opurn had been mere seconds ago, this man was now staring directly at them wearing a pleasant smile. However, his following words were like bombshells going off in the brothers’ heads.

“Good afternoon, everyone, and congratulations on passing the final evaluation for this year’s Academy Exam. As many of you may know, My name is Lithlen Jetlensr, and I am the newly appointed Headmaster of Finwan Academy. Gathered here today with me are…] As their grandfather began introducing each of the Headmasters, after holding for a beat for applause, Lithlen motioned towards each of them in order, starting with Cynrik’s newest enemy.

“To my right is the Headmaster of Supremacy University, Mr. Viktor Opurn.”
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The man nodded arrogantly toward the audience, clearly enjoying the applause.

“To my left is the Headmaster of Quest Combat Academy, Mr. Chester Webb.” When he heard his name, Chester Webb flexed his massive upper body muscles so hard that his shirt practically vaporized, drawing heavy applause, especially from the female applicants gawking at the beefcake, which resembled the famous bodybuilder and actor Arnold.

“Up next is the Headmaster of Banes College, Professor Naylar Kuu.” Cynrik’s eyes followed his grandfather’s hands, and he took notice of a thin, middle-aged Asian man with short white hair. But the thing that instantly caught his attention was the two wolf ears perched atop his skull.


Brance rolled his eyes and asked Tobs to mute Cynrik from using the mind link unless it was necessary.

Professor Kuu calmly nodded and smiled warmly, causing the crowd to go ape shit. The combination of his handsome face, toned body, and of course, the fluffy white-furred doggie ears were enough to win him the popular vote instantly.

“Rounding off the left side, we have Colonel Brenden Hawthorne from Renson Military Academy.”

Unlike the other Headmasters, Col. Hawthorne showed no expression at all and stood still as if at attention, ignoring the applause of the applicants.

“And finally we have….”


“Thank you, Headmaster Jetlensr; I can introduce myself perfectly well. There is no need to continue further.” Then, cutting off Lithlen from his standard introductions rudely, the final Headmaster pushed the Jetlensr Patriarch aside and took center stage, much to the anger and protest of the older man.

Once he stepped forward, Cynrik flashed next to Brance and grabbed his shoulder tightly. Angrily pulling away from his older brother’s grasp, Brance requested for Tobs to remove the mute, so he could hear what the idiotic and overactive Cynrik wanted. But, unfortunately, he hadn’t had the chance to see the final Headmaster, as his attention was stolen by the frantic, wide-eyed, and excited Cynrik.


With the mind link unmuted, Brance was nearly deafened by the sound of Cynrik repeatedly swearing in a weird tone making him wish he hadn’t unmuted the moron.

[BRANCIE, IT’S HIM, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!] Practically vibrating as he spoke, Cynrik grabbed Brance’s face, forcefully turning his head so he could see the now fully emerged man.

Standing at 6ft 6inches (198cm) was a well-built man in a set of full black leather armor, with a wicked-looking longsword strapped to his back. In stunned silence, Brance took in the full view of this behemoth of a man, from his white shoulder-length hair to his well-chiseled jawline, next to the fierce and life-like wolf medallion hung around his neck, and lastly to those striking yellow eyes.

Soon Brance, too, was fangirling like a lunatic in the mind link. If they weren’t in public, the two brothers would hug each other and jump up and down.

The man crossed his arms and grunted as he examined the applicants.

“I am the Headmaster of Vesemir School for Affinities, and my name…is Geralt Rivia.”

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