“I am the Headmaster of Vesemir School for Affinities, and my name…is Geralt Rivia.”

Temporarily ignoring the glaringly obvious issue of WHY someone was taking on the persona of the infamous Witcher, Cynrik and Brance seemed to be in a world of their own as they listened to the gruff voice.

Done with his introduction, the man calling himself Geralt stepped back behind the other Headmasters, seemingly pleased with himself, and allowed Lithlen to retake charge.

“Hum hum, thank you for that, Headmaster Rivia; with the introductions out of the way, let’s get into why the six of us have gathered here today, breaking the pre-established norm.” Tossing a curt nod towards the large man, Lithlen retook his position at the head of the group and started speaking authoritatively.”

“In total, there are 19 of you who have risen above and beyond during this year’s Exams. For the first time in decades, a handful of applicants have earned the highest honors possible, obtaining the much-coveted position of S-Rank.” Lithlen’s eyes scanned through the crowd of applicants as he spoke.

“For this reason, we, the Headmasters of the Six Great Academies, collectively decided to play the role of recruiters.” Finishing his statement, Lithlen clasped his hands behind his back and allowed the applicants to speak amongst themselves in excitement for a moment.

In the back of the group, standing off to the side, the members of MyrkLys were no exception. Gabby and Benny began chirping in excitement; Selene stood by Cynrik with her arms crossed, wearing a serious expression, and the two brothers had finally come out of their little “moment.”

[It’s as I figured. Instead of handing off the recruitment to their staff this year, they wanted to secure the best of the best themselves. To be honest, it makes sense. Any normal kid would be starstruck if the Headmaster requested them to join their school personally. But, unfortunately, that won’t work for us.] Quickly adapting to the information, Cynrik’s eyes narrowed as he made eye contact under his hood with Lithlen.

[The real question is whether or not Pappy Jetlensr will try forcing us into his stupid school for extremists.]

[Do you really think he will? How sure are we that he knows it’s us, Cyn? Didn’t we use nicknames for a reason? Plus, it’s been five years since the last time he saw us; maybe he didn’t recognize me.] Brance tried to be optimistic as usual, but he was feeling unsettled. The last time they interacted with the older man, Lithlen tried to kidnap Brance, and the whole thing unraveled into a messy familial argument that needed to be stopped by Saylin.

[He knows; I can tell he does just by how he is taking quick looks at the two of us. He may be good, outstanding even, at hiding his expressions and emotions under that professional mask, but he ain’t good enough to hide his confusion, excitement, concern, and greed. So odds are, we will be the first ones he tries to recruit.] Clicking his tongue and snapping his fingers softly to gather the party’s attention, Cynrik started planning for the worst-case scenario.
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One where he would be forced into servitude if things went wrong. There was no way in hell he would allow himself or Brance to fall into the clutches of this man, who had somehow become one of the big six.

Hearing the soft click of Cynrik’s fingers, Gabby and Benny stopped talking and hurried to his side.

“Listen up, no matter what happens, we are a single package deal, got it. So do not speak individually to any of the Headmasters; leave all the talking to me,” Cynrik said before turning toward Selene, who stood off from the group a few steps and exceeded him in anti-social behavior.

“Selene, I assume you got S-Rank, so you, like Brance and I, will probably be one of the main targets for these old guys. I’m sure you’ve already chosen what Academy you plan on going to, so I would like to hear your thoughts.” Keeping his voice to a hushed whisper to not draw attention, Cynrik waited for the older girl to speak up.

“Erm, well, initially, I would be forced into SU (Supreme University) due to my Mother’s…persuasion. But seeing how you were quick to antagonize Headmaster Opurn, I assume SU is off the table for you guys.

“Hehe, well, you see what had happened was….” Cynrik quickly recapped the events days earlier, causing Selene’s pretty face to change into a displeased and dark visage.

“But yeah, we were gonna just hang back and see what they offered us, with Vesemir being our primary pick.”

“The Witcher school? So are we just gonna ignore that one or…” Selene, of course, had at least seen the first season of the popular show online and even knew it was based on a novel series and video game, but to say she was “well informed” would be very untrue.

Hearing her bringing up the fact they had ignored on purpose, Cynrik and Brance stiffened and looked at each other.

“I mean, homies definitely and LC, one from Earth at that, but who cares. Looking at the Mana fluctuations radiating off his body and Codex, I estimate he’s around Mid Tier-5. If he found out our identities and revealed himself as an enemy, it’s not like we could escape.” Wearing a serious expression and shrugging helplessly, Cynrik opened up a bit about his thoughts on the matter.

Unpleased with the answer, Brance punched his brother in the shoulder and took over.

“What my idiot of a brother means is, although it appears the man is from Earth and potentially an LC, that doesn’t necessarily mean he is against us. He could just be someone who reincarnated with fragments of his past life’s memories for all we know.”

“Yee, that too; setting aside the evident love for The Witcher series, a few factors are up in the air. First, look at us, I’m only 12, and Brance is 11; you’re what…16ish, not to mention those other two,” pointing at the other two applicants with power close to theirs with his thumb, Cynrik continued.

“While Geralt is clearly much older, somewhere in his late 40’s early 50’s. This kind of age discrepancy opens a lot of questions. The previous LC we encountered was around 20 or so years old. It’s hard to know precisely when the first batch of people showed up on Vinestra, but either we are on the absolute tail end of the group, and Geralt was among the first. Or he isn’t an LC, and Brance’s theory is correct.” Rubbing his chin with the palm of his hand in thought, Cynrik sneakily took another peek at Selene.

Although she wasn’t a MILF, he had to admit that she checked the bulk of his “type” boxes. Dark hair, hot, gloomy personality, hot, killer body, hot, likes to wear black, hot, decently perky boobas…
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**AHEM. SIR, SHE’S ONLY…wait…21+16…continue**

It wasn’t strange for him to be attracted to her. Cynrik and Brance gradually regressed to their actual physical ages as their souls merged with their bodies after experiencing childhood, even though Cynrik was pushing 40 mentally. Cynrik’s childish behavior was partly due to this reason.

Feeling his gaze scanning over her body, Selene fought back the chill creeping up her spine; however, she didn’t say or even acknowledge this as she wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable with the thought. She had, after all, slept with Cynrik back on Earth…more than once. It was just a little strange to have a 12-year-old who looked around 14 giving you the up-down.

[OI, SHAMELESS CYN, GET YOUR HORMONES IN CHECK!] Brance, on the other hand, had to hold back from choking his brother to death.

[Theres a damn time and place, NOW IS NOT THAT TIME AND PLACE!]

Holding his hands up in defeat, Cynrik went back on topic.

“Putting aside all the LC shit, Vesemir may be the youngest of the Six Academies, but it’s also one of the strongest. From my research, I learned they are a hybridization of Combat and Research focus, with the main feature being listed in its name, Affinities.”

“Fighting, we got on lockdown. Brance and I can pretty much body anyone in a physical confrontation. Hell, even Gabby and Benny are getting there, but magic is still kind of an outlier when it comes to Affinities…well. With information on the topic so restricted, I felt it was a better idea to take the chance of coming up against the Headmaster to further our understanding of the topic. After all, there is only so much you can learn through self-study.”

While the three LCs spoke about the complex topics, Gabby and Benny had already tuned out the conversation. Cynrik and Brance had been talking about this LC thing lately, and although they understood what it meant after the battle with Wadjet, they made a silent pact never to ask a single question about it. However, the fact that they would cringe at the sound of fingers snapping was enough to realize how traumatic the incident had been, so they waited patiently for Cynrik to steer the conversation back into a realm they could understand.

“Heh, I wish I had met you guys earlier; things would have been more simple; as it stands, I am in between a rock and a hard place right now.” Selene chewed on her lip, debating on if she should explain herself but was stopped by Cynrik raising his hand.

“It’s OK; you don’t need to tell us your backstory just yet; we can do that later; judging on the expensive brands you’re wearing, it’s a safe bet that your parents are richies, so it makes sense to send you to SU. What do YOU want? Where do YOU want to go? I don’t give a fuck about what your parents want.”

Going wide-eyed and staring at the younger boy, Selene was stunned, silent for a moment; the memory of Freya surfaced in her mind. “The times ahead of you will be challenging, but one day soon, you will find those who will stand by your side. Two brothers…”

Looking from Cynrik to Brance and then to Gabby and Benny behind them, she steeled her resolved and nodded sharply. “I want to be with you guys, fuck what that dumb bitch says.”

-The Three versions of The Over-Break System have Linked; you can now share information and inventory space, there are more features to be unlocked, but you must first enhance the bond between you all.-

“HOLY FUCK!” Selene and Cynrik shouted simultaneously before looking at each other and blushing slightly, with Selene looking away first.

‘Hehe, Tsun, CHECK!’ Cynrik thought to himself.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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